Adult Anadromous Fish Radiotelemetry Project (1996-2004)

NOAA College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho US Army Corps of Engineers
AAFRP Project Description Data Description Glossary Maps & Publications Contact

Adult Radiotelemetry (1996-2004)
Diel Activity Query

Select Parameter (Species, Dam/Location, Event*, Pooled Hours)

Approach: Detection of a fish near the base of a dam; records are 'coded' for the first and any subsequent approaches to a dam. Efficiencies are not calculated for approaches as they are not associated with a specific route at the dam.

Entrance: a location in a dam structure where there is access to the fish ladder system for migrating adult salmonids. Fish entrances are noted and tallied at entrances with receivers.

Exit: the action of a fish leaving a fishway through a downstream path after it has entered a dam fishway.

AAFRP Project Description Data Description Glossary Maps & Publications Contact

The Adult Anadromous Fish Radiotelemetry Project was originally hosted by the NWFSC, NOAA (1996-2007). It is currently hosted by Columbia River DART (Data Access in Real Time), Columbia Basin Research, School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. All Data Queries presented on this web site are designed and implemented by DART.

Thursday, 07-Jan-2010 10:20:10 PST