Adult Radiotelemetry (1996-2004)
Data Queries
Event Summaries Query
The Event Summaries Query produces a graph and table of the selected Species, Dam and Event Efficiency, defined as the number of unique fish performing an action divided by the number having the chance to perform that action, for all Study Years. Efficiencies are defined separately for each event/action.
A 'coding' system was originally developed to condense the many data recorded from the emission of radio signals (from transmitters in fish) into cogent summaries of fish movements past dams, through reservoirs and into tributaries. The movements/behaviors of tagged fish were summarized into five action events at dams.
Approach: Detection of a fish near the base of
a dam; records are 'coded' for the first and any subsequent approaches
to a dam. Efficiencies are not calculated for approaches as they are
not associated with a specific route at the dam.
Entrance: a location in a dam
structure where there is access to the fish ladder system for migrating
adult salmonids. Fish entrances are noted and tallied at entrances with
Exit: the action of a fish
leaving a fishway through a downstream path after it has entered a dam
Fallback: an event in which a fish is detected
at a location downstream of a dam after having been above that dam.
These are determined either by records showing the fish's actual
passage route back over a dam, or assumed when a fish is recorded
downstream of a dam after it has originally passed. Fallbacks are one
source of delay in a fish's migration, or can occur if a fish overshot
its natal stream.
Passage: the act of traversing a
dam as part of the upstream spawning migration. Passage times are
calculated based on the time of a fish's first approach to a dam and
the last detection of that fish at the top of a fish ladder.
sample graph from Event Summaries Query
Detection Details Query
The Detection Details Query produces a html table and csv file of release details and first/last detection details at dams and tributaries for the selected Species and Study Year based on the 'coding' system. Query options include specifying Release Date range, requiring PIT Tag ID, and including PIT Tag detections for fish tagged with both tags.
Radiotelemetry detections included in the Detection Details Query are based on the follow codes:
F = First record at the 1 Site after an approach at the dam, or First record at a fixed receiver site.
L = Last record at the 1 Site after an approach at the dam, or Last record at a fixed receiver site.
A1** = First Approach at Site + Antenna.
LT = Last record at the top-of-the-ladder site.
FB = record indicating a Fallback event at a dam. The time associated
with a FB record does not indicate the time of a Fallback, just that it
happened sometime between the preceding and subsequent records.
The results table includes Study Year, Species, Tag ID, Radiotelemetry Release Date, Radiotelemetry Release KM, Radiotelemetry Release Site, PIT Tag ID, PIT Tag as
Juv/Adult, PIT Tag SpRRT, PIT Tag Release Date, PIT Tag Release Site, Radiotelemetry Record Date, Radiotelemetry CORR, Radiotelemetry Detection River, Radiotelemetry Detection Dam, Radiotelemetry Detection Site, Radiotelemetry Detection Antenna, Radiotelemetry Detection River KM, and Radiotelemetry Detection Site Description. Refer to Data Description for further information and defintions.
View sample query results (opens in new browser window/tab).
Release Details Query
The Release Details Query produces a html table and csv file of release details for the selected Species and Study Year. Query options include requiring PIT Tag ID for fish tagged with both tags.
The results table includes Study Year, Species, Tag ID, Radiotelemetry Release Date, Radiotelemetry Release KM, Radiotelemetry Release Site, Radiotelemetry Weight, Radiotelemetry Fork Length, Radiotelemetry Sex, Radiotelemetry Flin Clip, Radiotelemetry Descale, PIT Tag Release Year, PIT Tag Species Run Rear Type, PIT Tag as Juv/Adult, PIT Tag ID, PIT Tag Release Date, PIT Tag Release KM, PIT Tag Release Site.
View sample query results (opens in new browser window/tab).
One Tag Details
The One Tag Details Query produces a html table and csv file of Radiotelemetry release and detection details for the selected Tag ID. The report includes all radiotelemetry detections where as the Detection Details Query includes first and last. PIT Tag release and detection details are included if the selected fish is also PIT-tagged.
The results table includes Study Year, Species, Tag ID, Radiotelemetry Release Date, Radiotelemetry Release KM, Radiotelemetry Release Site, PIT Tag ID, PIT Tag as
Juv/Adult, PIT Tag SpRRT, PIT Tag Release Date, PIT Tag Release Site, Radiotelemetry Record Date, Radiotelemetry CORR, Radiotelemetry Detection River, Radiotelemetry Detection Dam, Radiotelemetry Detection Site, Radiotelemetry Detection Antenna, Radiotelemetry Detection River KM, and Radiotelemetry Detection Site Description. Refer to Data Description for further information and defintions.
View sample query results (opens in new browser window/tab).
Diel Activity
The Diel Activity Query produces a graph and table of the selected Species, Dam, Event, and Pooled Hours.
A 'coding' system was originally developed to condense the many data recorded from the emission of radio signals (from transmitters in fish) into cogent summaries of fish movements past dams, through reservoirs and into tributaries. The movements/behaviors of tagged fish were summarized into five action events at dams. The Diel Activity Query includes: approach, entrance, and exit activities.
Approach: Detection of a fish near the base of
a dam; records are 'coded' for the first and any subsequent approaches
to a dam. Efficiencies are not calculated for approaches as they are
not associated with a specific route at the dam.
Entrance: a location in a dam
structure where there is access to the fish ladder system for migrating
adult salmonids. Fish entrances are noted and tallied at entrances with
Exit: the action of a fish
leaving a fishway through a downstream path after it has entered a dam
sample graph from Diel Activity Query
Travel Time Estimates
The Travel Time Estimates are based on the release date for each
radio-tagged fish as recorded in the AAFRP database and the first approach (A1**) and last record at top-of-the-ladder (LT) times at
each upstream detection site. Travel Time estimates for release to upstream site are calculated using the release time and the time of the first approach (A1**) record at the upstream site. Reach travel time is based on the last record at the top-of-ladder site (LT) at the first project and the first approach record (A1**) at the second project.
Arithmetic Mean Travel Time

reach travel time ) / number of unique fish detected at the detection sites
Harmonic Mean Travel Time
number of unique fish detected at the detection sites / (

(1/reach travel time) )
When dealing with travel times, we are primarily interested in the speed
with which fish travel from point A to point B. A good statistic for
describing a particular group's speed is the harmonic mean. A harmonic mean
is used when working with rates of speed, usually the number of days to
travel a set distance. A benefit to using the harmonic mean is that it is
more robust in the presence of outliers (i.e., a very fast or slow fish).
View sample query results (opens in new browser window/tab).
Travel Times All Years with Daily TT
The Travel Times All Years with Daily TT presents a species-specific reach travel time table for all study years and plots of the reach-specific daily mean travel time as it varies throughout the season. Reach travel time is based on the last record at the top-of-ladder site (LT) at the first project and the first approach record (A1**) at the second project. The date of the daily mean travel time is determined by and plotted on the reach entry date, i.e., the date of the last record at the top-of-ladder site (LT) for each Radio Telemetry tagged fish at the first project in the reach. The plots include a 95% confidence interval for each reach entry date on which more than one fish started traversing the reach.
sample daily travel time graph from Travel Times All Years with Daily TT