DART Hatchery Releases Metadata & Glossary
Hatchery Releases Glossary
Agency (Agncy): Agency responsible for the hatchery release.
BATT Battelle NW COLV Colville Tribe FISH Fisheries and Oceans Canada FPC Fish Passage Center HOSE Hose Associates IDFG Idaho Dept. of Fish & Game NEZP Nez Perce Tribe NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service ODFW Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife PP&L Pacific Power & Light SHOB Shoshone-Bannock Tribe UMTR Umatilla Tribe USFW US Fish & Wildlife WASC Wasco PUD WDFW Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife WSTR Warm Springs Tribe YATR Yakima Tribe
Brood Year (BrdY): The calendar year in which the majority of the release were spawned (fertilized).
Hatchery: The hatchery where the fish were raised or released from.
Hatchery Total (HatchTotal): The sum of the number of fish released from a hatchery based on the selection criteria.
Migration Year (MgrY): The calendar year the released fish should migrate.
Number Released (Num Rel): The number of fish released during a specific release period.
Release End Date (End Date): The date a specific release finished.
Release Site: Site where the hatchery fish were released.
Release Start Date (Start Date): The date a specific release started.
Run: Refers to the season when the adults will migrate upstream (Chinook and Steelhead only).
SP Spring SU Summer FA Fall WI Winter UN Unknown
Species (Sp): Designates the species of the hatchery release.
CH0 Chinook-0 / Chinook Age 0 / Subyearling Chinook CH1 Chinook-1 / Chinook Age 1 / Yearling Chinook CM Chum CO Coho CT Sea-run Cutthroat Trout SO Sockeye ST Steelhead