Columbia Basin Annual Trends

These webpages contain interactive displays of status and trends monitoring data with compliance targets for wild and hatchery adult and smolt salmon. The goal of these summaries is to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of compliance pursuant to the Federal Columbia River Power System 2004 Biological Opinion Remand Updated Proposed Action (UPA). Users can assess compliance with decadal means and trends as well as graphs on Adult Escapement, Adult Counts at the major Columbia River dams, Coded Wire Tag (CWT) Smolt to Adult Ratios, Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tag Survival and Travel Time analyses, Harvest Estimates, and hydrosystem conditions (Temperature, Dissolved Gas Percent, Outflow).

To evaluate compliance status, select the desired data by one of the following categories: performance measure, species, project, or "other". Each category will provide further options to specify your desired results.

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Measure Descriptions

Adult Escapement

Adult escapement has been pooled into various spawning aggregations for spring chinook, summer chinook, spring/summer chinook, fall chinook, sockeye, and steelhead based on interim target abundances established by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Biological Review Team (BRT) in their Draft Report of Updated Status of Listed ESUs of Salmon and Steelhead.

Adult Passage

The program sums annual adult passage visual counts by project, species, and run.

Adult Survival by Release Year

Average perceived upriver adult survival from Bonneville Dam to Lower Granite Dam by release (migration) year. Results include data from multiple return years. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.


Adult Survival by Return Year

Average perceived upriver adult survival from Bonneville Dam to Lower Granite Dam by return year. Includes adult data from multiple release (migration) years. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.

D for LGR

Ratio of post-Bonneville Dam survival for fish transported at Lower Granite Dam relative to post-Bonneville survival for non-transported fish. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.

D for LGS

Ratio of post-Bonneville Dam survival for fish transported at Little Goose Dam relative to post-Bonneville Dam survival for non-transported fish. For steelhead\ , "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.



The number of days out of compliance for a given project during a given period (e.g. spring or summer) is the number of days within the time period where the flow is not within the defined range.

Ocean Survival

Bonneville Dam-Bonneville Dam survival for non-transported fish; includes ocean survival. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.



Survival from Lower Granite Dam to Lower Granite Dam, including transported and non-transported fish. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.



This project produces an annual analysis of coded-wire-tag (CWT) returns from a list of hatcheries across the Northwest region (WA, OR and ID) for all available years, prompted by the need to research, monitor, and evaluate smolt-to-adult ratio (SAR) pursuant to the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) 2000 Biological Opinion (BO) Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA). Smolt-to-adult ratios are based on all available historical CWT data collected since mid-70s. The CWT release and recovery data used in this report were obtained from the Regional Mark Processing Center, managed by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC). Smolt-to-adult ratios from throughout the Columbia Basin, Puget Sound, and outer Washington and Oregon coasts are analyzed to provide a wide geographic representation.

Smolt Detection Probability

A reach is defined from the release site or the tailrace of the upper project to the tailrace of the lower project.

For Hatchery releases, a PIT Tag Group is created by pooling PIT Tag releases of the same stock (species, run, and rear type), from the same release location, and released on or near the same day. For Trap releases, a PIT Tag Group is created by pooling PIT Tag releases of the same stock (species, run, and rear type), from the same release location, and released across the whole season due to the sparsity of the release data. Each PIT Tag release (identified by PIT Tag File ID) must meet specific requirements to be included in the group with the intent to obtain a large enough group to estimate survival. Click on a Group ID to view composition details for that group (opens new window).

Smolt Survival

For this survival analysis, a reach is defined from the release site or the tailrace of the upper project to the tailrace of the lower project. The estimates reported in the table and plotted on the graph may be an average of the estimates calculated for each PIT Tag Group that makes up this group. In this case, the survival estimate is the arithmetic mean of the survival estimates for each PIT-Tag group and the 95% CI is calculated using a T statistic with n-1 degrees of freedom and the empirical variance. For more detailed information on these estimates including selection criteria used for this group follow the link below labeled "DART PIT Tag Survival and Travel Time Analysyis".

Smolt Survival (ROSTER)

Juvenile inriver survival from Lower Granite Dam to Bonneville Dam. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.


Smolt Travel Time

Travel Time is the Harmonic Mean Travel Time in Days. A reach is defined from the release site or the tailrace of the upper project to the tailrace of the lower project.

For Hatchery releases, a PIT Tag Group is created by pooling PIT Tag releases of the same stock (species, run, and rear type), from the same release location, and released on or near the same day. For Trap releases, a PIT Tag Group is created by pooling PIT Tag releases of the same stock (species, run, and rear type), from the same release location, and released across the whole season due to the sparsity of the release data. Each PIT Tag release (identified by PIT Tag File ID) must meet specific requirements to be included in the group with the intent to obtain a large enough group to estimate survival. Click on a Group ID to view composition details for that group (opens new window).

Systemwide D

Ratio of post-Bonneville Dam survival for transported fish relative to post-Bonneville Dam survival for non-transported fish. Incorporates all transport sites. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.


Systemwide T/I

Ratio of SAR from Lower Granite Dam to Lower Granite Dam with transportation system, relative to hypothetical SAR without transportation system. Incorporates all transport sites. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.


T/I for LGR

Ratio of SAR from Lower Granite Dam to Lower Granite Dam of smolts transported at Lower Granite Dam, relative to non-transported smolts. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.


T/I for LGS

Ratio of SAR from Little Goose Dam to Lower Granite Dam of smolts transported at Little Goose Dam, relative to non-transported smolts. For steelhead, "jack" means all age-1-ocean fish, including both males and females.



The number of days out of compliance is the number of days in a year for which the average temperature exceeds a given threshold. The average temperature is calculated using the 7 day average of the daily maximums (7DADM). The threshold is based on 2000 FCRPS Biological Opinion, Appendix B.5.

Total Dissolved Gas

The number of days out of compliance is the number of days where the average TDG is either above 115% for forebay locations or above 120% for tailrace locations. The average calculation is based on the twelve highest hourly readings in any one day of TDG. For more information and related results visit