DART PIT Tag Columbia Basin ESU & DPS Smolt-to-Adult Return (SAR) Survival
Data Courtesy of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
PIT Tag Columbia Basin ESU & DPS Queries
- Selecting a population of fish for ESU SAR analysis is done by query selections for Juvenile Detection Site (including specification for include/exclude transportation), Adult Detection Site, ESU/DPS population, Rear Type, Include/Exclude Adult Detection Year.
- These analyses require a juvenile detection at the selected Juvenile Detection Site. These analyses do not include fish tagged at the site.
- For this query-based population, SAR estimates are pooled by juvenile detection year (and subsequently, within a year as weekly, biweekly or monthly):
- pooledSAR = adultCount / juvCount
- varSAR = (pooledSAR*(1-pooledSAR)) / juvCount
- se = sqrt(varSAR)
- upper95CI = pooledSAR + (se * 1.96)
- lower95CI = pooledSAR - (se * 1.96)
- These analyses require a minimum of 7 adults detected within each pooled period for SAR analysis. (Requirement implemented since 2024-03-21 for all queries.)
- For adult detections, n-Year is the difference in calendar years between juvenile detection and adult detection at the locations selected. For example, 0-Year are adult detections within the same calendar year as juvenile detection.
- The web-based analysis tool uses cached input data files for juvenile (fish) detections for all years 2002-present that are updated on a weekly basis. DART executes multiple processes to maintain synchronization with the primary source. The datasets from the primary source (PTAGIS, www.ptagis.org; PSMFC) are dynamic with fish release information for historical years updated at any time.
- The adult detections are updated daily and are up-to-date through yesterday.
- Multiple options are available for Lower Granite (juvenile) to Lower Granite Adult. The groupings of juveniles are defined as follows:
- Lower Granite (All): All juvenile detections at Lower Granite including spillway (GRS) and bypass/transport facilities (GRJ).
- Lower Granite (In-river Only): All juvenile detections at Lower Granite (GRJ + GRS) remaining in-river for downstream migration, i.e., excludes fish transported at Lower Granite or subsequently at a downstream project as determined by the DART Transportation Filter.
- Lower Granite (Transport Only): All juvenile detections at Lower Granite that are transported from Lower Granite as determined by the DART Transportation Filter.
- Lower Granite (Bypass Route): All juvenile detections at Lower Granite bypass/transport facilities (GRJ). Fish may be transported from Lower Granite or subsequently from a downstream project as determined by the DART Transportation Filter.
- Lower Granite (Spillway Route): All juvenile detections at Lower Granite Spillway (GRS). Fish may be transported subsequently at a downstream project.
Note: In-river Only, Transport Only, Bypass Route, and Spillway Route are not mutually exclusive.