

Gosselin, J. L., McCarthy, K., & Sanderson, B. L. (2024). Predicting juvenile-to-adult survival in Chinook salmon using non-lethal scale-derived growth and regeneration indices. Écoscience, 1–15.


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Anderson JJ, Beer WN, Israel JA and Greene S. Targeting river operations to the critical thermal window of fish incubation: Model and case study on Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon. River Research and Applications 2022 Vol. 38 Issue 5 Pages 895-905.

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Buchanan RA, Whitlock SL. Diagnosing predated tags in telemetry survival studies of migratory fishes in river systems. [Internet]. 2022 ;10(1):13. Available from:

Gosselin JL, Anderson JJ, Sanderson BL, Middleton MA, Sandford BP, Weitkamp LA. Assessing seasonal and biological indices of juvenile Chinook Salmon for freshwater decision triggers that increase ocean survival. Freshwater Science [Internet]. 2022. Available from:


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Buchanan RA, Buttermore E, Israel J. Outmigration Survival of a Threatened Steelhead Population through a Tidal Estuary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences [Internet]. 2021. Available from:

Buchanan RA. Rare migration strategy key during climate change. Nature Climate Change [Internet]. 2021 ;11(11):906 - 907. Available from:

Gosselin JL, Buhle ER, VanHolmes C, Beer WN, Iltis S, Anderson JJ. Role of carryover effects in conservation of wild Pacific salmon migrating regulated rivers. Ecosphere [Internet]. 2021 ;12(7). Available from:

Gosselin JL. Shifting signals: Correlations Among Freshwater, Marine and Climatic Indices Important for Migratory Animal Studies Crozier LG, Burke BJ. Ecological Indicators. 2021 ;121.

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Townsend RL, Skalski J, Buchanan RA, Lady J. Evaluation of the 2021 predictions of the run-timing of wild and hatchery-reared salmon and steelhead smolts to Rock Island, Lower Granite, McNary, John Day, and Bonneville Dams Using Program RealTime. Monitoring and evaluation of smolt migration in the Columbia Basin Volume XXXIII; 2021.


Buchanan RA, Skalski JR. Relating survival of fall-run Chinook Salmon through the San Joaquin delta to river flow. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2020 ;103:389-410.

Gosselin JL, Anderson JJ. Step-patterned survivorship curves: Mortality and loss of equilibrium responses to high temperature and food restriction in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). PLoS ONE. 2020 ;15(5).

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Litzow MA. Quantifying a Novel Climate Through Changes in PDO-Climate and PDO-Salmon Relationships Gosselin JL. Geophysical Research Letters. 2020 ;47.

Litzow MA. The changing physical and ecological meanings of North Pacific Ocean climate indices Gosselin JL. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 ;117:7665-7671.

Munsch SH. Potential for ecological nonlinearities and thresholds to inform Pacific salmon management Gosselin JL. Ecosphere. 2020 ;11(12).

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Whitlock SL, Lewis TM, Peterson JT. Using a Bayesian Multistate Occupancy Model to Assess Seabird and Shorebird Status in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Wildlife Society Bulletin [Internet]. 2020 ;44(3):451 - 467. Available from:

Whitlock SL, Womble JN, Peterson JT. Modelling pinniped abundance and distribution by combining counts at terrestrial sites and in-water sightings. Ecological Modelling [Internet]. 2020 ;420:108965. Available from:

VanHolmes C, Gosselin JL. Development of a Mean Annual Temperature Value for the Continued Calculation of the Pacific Northwest Climate Index. Seattle: Columbia Basin Research, University of Washington; 2020. Available from: sites/default/files/papers/Olga_Surrogate_DFA_FINAL.pdf


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Satterthwaite WH. Ecological thresholds in forecast performance for key United States West Coast Chinook salmon stocks Gosselin JL. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2019 ;77:1503-1515.


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Buchanan RA. 2014 Six-Year Acoustic Telemetry Steelhead Study: Statistical Methods and Results. Seattle: Columbia Basin Research, School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington; 2018. Available from: sites/default/files/papers/UW 6yr steelhead report 2014 FINAL.PDF

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Buchanan RA, Brandes PL, Ingram J, Marshall M, Nichols K, LaPlante D, Barnard D, Towne K, Israel J. 2014 South Delta Chinook Salmon Survival Study. Lodi: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Lodi Fish & Wildlife Office; 2018 p. 228. Available from:

Buchanan RA, Brandes PL, Marshall M, Nichols K, Ingram J, LaPlante D, Israel J. 2013 South Delta Chinook Salmon Survival Study. Lodi: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Lodi Fish & Wildlife Office; 2018 p. 139. Available from:

Buchanan RA, Brandes PL, Skalski JR. Survival of Juvenile Fall‐Run Chinook Salmon through the San Joaquin River Delta, California, 2010–2015. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2018 ;38(3):663-679.

Gosselin JL. Conservation planning for freshwater-marine carryover effects on Chinook salmon survival Zabel RW, Anderson JJ, Faulkner JR, Baptista AM, Sandford BP. Ecology and Evolution. 2018 ;3:319-332.

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Whitlock SL, Campbell MR, Quist MC, Dux AM. Using Genetic and Phenotypic Comparisons to Evaluate Apparent Segregation among Kokanee Spawning Groups. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society [Internet]. 2018 ;147(1):43 - 60. Available from:

Whitlock SL, Quist MC, Dux AM. Effects of Water-Level Management and Hatchery Supplementation on Kokanee Recruitment in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. Northwest Science [Internet]. 2018 ;92(2):136 - 148. Available from:


Gosselin JL, Anderson JJ. Combining Migration History, River Conditions, and Fish Condition to Examine Cross-Life-Stage Effects on Marine Survival in Chinook Salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2017 ;146(3):408-421.

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Dietrich J, Eder K, Thompson D, Buchanan RA, Skalski J, McMichael G, Fryer D, Loge F. Survival and transit of in-river and transported yearling Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia River and estuary. [Internet]. 2016 ;183:435 - 446. Available from:

Perry RW, Buchanan RA, Brandes PL, Burau J, Israel JA. Anadromous salmonids in the delta: new science 2006–2016. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science [Internet]. 2016 ;14(2). Available from:

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Schultz LD, Mayfield MP, Sheoships GT, Wyss LA, Clemens BJ, Whitlock SL, Schreck CB. Role of large- and fine-scale variables in predicting catch rates of larval Pacific lamprey in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish [Internet]. 2016 ;25(2):261 - 271. Available from:

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Beer WN, Iltis S, Anderson JJ. Evaluation of the 2014 Predictions of Run-Timing and Survival of Wild Migrant Yearling Chinook and Steelhead on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. [Internet]. 2015. Available from:

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Buchanan RA, Mackey G, Snow C, Murdoch AR. Estimating Cohort Survival through Tributaries for Salmonid Populations with Variable Ages at Migration. North American Journal of Fisheries ManagementNorth American Journal of Fisheries Management [Internet]. 2015 ;35(5):958 - 973. Available from:

Whitlock SL, Quist MC, Dux AM. Incubation success and habitat selection of shore-spawning kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka : effects of water-level regulation and habitat characteristics. Ecology of Freshwater Fish [Internet]. 2015 ;24(3):412 - 423. Available from:


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Whitlock SL, Quist MC, Dux AM. Influence of Habitat Characteristics on Shore-Spawning Kokanee. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society [Internet]. 2014 ;143(6):1404 - 1418. Available from:


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Beer WN, Iltis S, Anderson JJ. Evaluation of the 2012 Predictions of Run-Timing and Survival of Wild Migrant Yearling Chinook and Steelhead on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. [Internet]. 2013. Available from:

Buchanan RA, Skalski J, Brandes PL, Fuller A. Route Use and Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon through the San Joaquin River Delta. North American Journal of Fisheries ManagementNorth American Journal of Fisheries Management [Internet]. 2013 ;33(1):216 - 229. Available from:

Gosselin JL, Anderson JJ. Resource competition induces heterogeneity and can increase cohort survivorship: selection-event duration matters. Oecologia. 2013 ;173(4):1321-1331.

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Beer WN, Iltis S, Anderson JJ. Evaluation of the 2005 Predictions of the Run-Timing of Wild Migrant Yearling Chinook, Subyearling Chinook and Steelhead and Water Quality at Multiple Locations on the Snake and Columbia Rivers using CRiSP/RealTime. [Internet]. 2006. Available from: sites/default/files/papers/PO.2005.pdf

Beer WN, Iltis S, VanHolmes C, Anderson JJ. Evaluation of the 2004 Predictions of the Run-Timing of Wild Migrant Yearling Chinook, Subyearling Chinook and Steelhead and Water Quality at Multiple Locations on the Snake and Columbia Rivers using CRiSP/RealTime. [Internet]. 2006. Available from:

Beer WN, Salinger DH, Iltis S, Anderson JJ. Evaluation of the 2004 Predictions of Run-size and Passage Distributions of Adult Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) returning to the Columbia and Snake Rivers. [Internet]. 2006. Available from:

Buchanan RA, Skalski JR, Smith SG. Estimating the Effects of Smolt Transportation from Different Vantage Points and Management Perspectives. North American Journal of Fisheries Management [Internet]. 2006 ;26:460-472. Available from:

Goodwin RA, Nestler JM, Anderson JJ, Weber LJ, Loucks DP. Forecasting 3-D fish movement behavior using a Eulerian-Lagrangian-agent method (ELAM). Ecological Modelling [Internet]. 2006 ;192:197-223. Available from:

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Salinger DH, Anderson JJ. Effects of Water Temperature and Flow on Adult Salmon Migration Swim Speed and Delay. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society [Internet]. 2006 ;135:188-199. Available from:

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Skalski JR, Griswold J. A Summary of Methods for Conducting Salmonid Fry Mark-Recapture Studies for Estimating Survival in Tributaries. Design and Analysis of Salmonid Tagging Studies in the Columbia Basin [Internet]. 2006 ;XXI. Available from:

Steele-Feldman AM. Learning and animal behavior: exploring the dynamics of simple models. [Internet]. 2006. Available from: sites/default/files/papers/steele-feldman_thesis.pdf

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Anderson JJ, Gurarie E, Zabel RW. Mean free-path length theory of predator-prey interactions: Application to juvenile salmon migration. Ecological Modelling [Internet]. 2005 ;186:196-211. Available from:

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Buchanan RA. Release-recapture models for migrating juvenile and adult salmon in the Columbia and Snake Rivers using PIT tag and radiotelemetry data. Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management. 2005 ;Ph.D.

Buchanan RA, Conquest LL, Courbois J-P. A cost analysis of ranked set sampling to estimate a population mean. Environmetrics. 2005 ;16.

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Miller TJ. Estimation of catch parameters from a fishery observer program with multiple objectives. Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management. 2005 ;Ph.D.

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Beer WN, Iltis S, VanHolmes C, Anderson JJ. Evaluation of the 2003 Predictions of the Run-Timing of Wild Migrant Yearling Chinook, Subyearling Chinook and Steelhead and Water Quality at Multiple Locations on the Snake and Columbia Rivers using CRiSP/RealTime. [Internet]. 2004. Available from: sites/default/files/papers/PO.2003.pdf

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