DART PIT Tag Adult Reach Distribution and Delay
Data Courtesy of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Query Notes
- Fish detected as Juveniles or Minijacks are excluded from analysis. Jacks are included in both PIT Tag and Adult Visual Count datasets.
- DART PIT Tag Adult Reach Distribution and Delay Overview, including methods, glossary, and historical reach statistics.
- Historical Statistics: PIT Tagged Adult Reach Distribution End of Season Summary Results table, including reach specific travel times and conversion rates. Updated during season, but incomplete for the current year.
- Updates
- 2025-Feb-24: Multiple updates and features implemented.
- Single Departure Event per TagID set as default for "Departure Event Calculations".
- Option for 2-day Prediction Range feature added. Default selection is to include prediction range in results.
- Special application of the DART Fallback Analysis included in results, limited to Lower Snake adult fishways at Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose, and Lower Granite for "Spring/Summer Chinook" during spring spill period. Links for both lower and upper projects are included in the results where applicable.
- All Years Fallback plots added to Overview webpage. Updated during season, but incomplete for the current year.
- New columns added to results "Detection & Release" download CSV.
- 2024-May-18: Added option for Single Departure Event per TagID for Departure Event Calculations. On reascent and departure, the TagID is removed from previous departure date cohort and daily calculations are adjusted. That is, each TagID has only one departure event per season.
- 2019-May-02: Glossary and plot descriptions added to results. More detailed documentation and methods are in progress. Removed full flow bypass detections from Ice Harbor analysis for consistency with other adult ladders processing and handling.
- 2019-April-05: Implemented analysis for spring spill period in mainstem reaches. The detection system went live at John Day fishway ladders in 2018, as a result, there is only 1 year of detection data to date. In 2018, harmonic mean travel times were slower than average for all reaches except LGS-LWG.
- 2019-March-29: Results may now be printed. Issue blocking the ability to print has been addressed.
- 2018-June-18: Implemented new plot for Daily YTD Conversion Rate for Adult PIT Tags and Adult Visual Counts.
- 2018-May-17: Implemented updates for handling of running 3 day cumulative arrival percent.
- Some dates and populations restricted due to detection issues at Little Goose (GOA) adult ladder, 6/18-6/20, 2015. PTAGIS site metadata and event log: GOA.
- 2025-Feb-24: Multiple updates and features implemented.
- DART PIT Tag and ESU Metadata & Glossary