Smolt ESU Passage Predictions based on PIT Tag Detections for Upper Columbia and Snake River
- Current Predictions: 2025-03-23
- Inseason Forecasts Methods and Information
- Overview of Smolt ESU Passage (PIT Tag) Predictions products
Columbia Basin ESU (Evolutionarily Significant Unit) & DPS (Distinct Population Segment) are the distinct populations listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). See ESA Listing Pages, Northwest Regional Office, NMFS, NOAA, for detailed information on ESA listings and status and descriptions of specific stocks. Definitions updated and implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.
- Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU (Wild Only) includes all naturally spawned populations of spring/summer-run Chinook salmon in the mainstem Snake River and the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, and Salmon River subbasins.
- Snake River Fall Chinook ESU (Wild Only) includes all naturally spawned populations of fall-run Chinook salmon in the mainstem Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam, and in the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, Salmon River, and Clearwater River.
- Snake River Sockeye ESU includes all anadromous and residual sockeye salmon from the Snake River Basin, Idaho, as well as artificially propagated sockeye salmon from the Redfish Lake captive propagation program.
- Snake River Steelhead DPS (Wild Only) includes all naturally spawned populations of Summer run steelhead (and their progeny) in the Snake River Basin.
- Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS (Wild Only) includes all naturally spawned populations of steelhead (and their progeny) upstream from the Yakima River, Washington (above river kilometer 539), to the United States-Canada border.
Chinook Fall, Upper Columbia River stock is composed of PIT tagged chinook where the run is designated as Unknown or Fall, the rearing type is designated as Unknown or Wild, the release site is on the Columbia River above the Snake Confluence, and the McNary detection date occurs after June 20th of the same year the fish was released.