DART Hourly Adult Fishway Counts with River Environment
Data Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD and Fish Passage Center
Hourly Adult Passage Counts Queries
Query Notes
- Date period is restricted to daytime counting at ladders, April 1 - October 31.
- Fish counting hour is reported according to shift, not clock time. Fish counting hour 1 stars at 0500 hrs (0500-0600 hrs) in the morning, daylight savings time. All dams report daytime counts for 16 hours per day, 0500-2100 hrs (hours 1-16). Daytime counts are typically recorded 1 April to 31 October with year-round counts at Bonneville and Lower Granite dams. Once every five years, counts are collected through the winter at each of the remaining dams on a rotating basis. At five of the eight dams (Bonneville, The Dalles, John Day, McNary and Lower Granite), counts are collected for 8 hours at night for a portion of the year; 2100 to 0500 hrs the following morning (Hours 16-24).
- For April 1 - October 31 (all daylight savings time dates), DART associates the fish counts from hour 1 (0500-0600 hrs) with river environment data reported at the start of the hour, i.e., 0500.
- Data available through this query is the most recent publicly available data.
- To generate the Data Link for querying results directly from scripts and automated processes: make all selections, check "Generate Query Result Link Only" next to the "Submit Query" button, and click "Submit Query".