DART Hourly Adult Fishway Counts with River Environment

Data Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD and Fish Passage Center

Hourly Adult Passage Counts Queries

Select Output Format

Select Adult Fishway Project, Species, River Environment

Set Date and Range

Available date period is restricted to daytime counting at ladders, April 1 - October 31.

Set Ladder Count

For projects with a single ladder, this setting is silently ignored.
Query Notes
  • Date period is restricted to daytime counting at ladders, April 1 - October 31.
  • Fish counting hour is reported according to shift, not clock time. Fish counting hour 1 stars at 0500 hrs (0500-0600 hrs) in the morning, daylight savings time. All dams report daytime counts for 16 hours per day, 0500-2100 hrs (hours 1-16). Daytime counts are typically recorded 1 April to 31 October with year-round counts at Bonneville and Lower Granite dams. Once every five years, counts are collected through the winter at each of the remaining dams on a rotating basis. At five of the eight dams (Bonneville, The Dalles, John Day, McNary and Lower Granite), counts are collected for 8 hours at night for a portion of the year; 2100 to 0500 hrs the following morning (Hours 16-24).
  • For April 1 - October 31 (all daylight savings time dates), DART associates the fish counts from hour 1 (0500-0600 hrs) with river environment data reported at the start of the hour, i.e., 0500.
  • Data available through this query is the most recent publicly available data.
  • To generate the Data Link for querying results directly from scripts and automated processes: make all selections, check "Generate Query Result Link Only" next to the "Submit Query" button, and click "Submit Query".