
Inseason Forecasts Snake and Columbia Rivers

Inseason Forecasts use "real time" information about the current status of various Columbia Basin juvenile and adult salmon runs along with current hydrographic information to predict the future progress of the migrating fish.

Smolt Passage

Arrival distributions, historical timing, transport, and survival for various Snake River yearling chinook, steelhead, subyearling chinook and sockeye stocks. Forecasts are based on PIT Tag detections at Lower Granite Dam.
Current Predictions: 2025-03-23
Arrival distributions and historical timing for combined stocks of yearling chinook, steelhead, subyearling chinook, sockeye, and coho. Forecasts are based on Passage Index data at each dam, individually. Historically, forecast locations included John Day and Rock Island dams. Please see Chelan Passage Counts forecasts for current Rock Island Dam forecasts.
Current Predictions: 2025-03-23
Arrival distributions and historical timing for yearling chinook, steelhead, subyearling chinook, sockeye, and coho (Rock Island Dam only). Forecasts are based on Chelan PUD passage counts at Rocky Reach and Rock Island dams.
Current Predictions: 2025-03-23
Arrival distributions, historical timing, and survival for specific Snake River and Upper Columbia River ESU stocks. Forecasts are based on selected PIT Tag detections at McNary Dam.
Current Predictions: 2025-03-23

Adult Passage

Arrival distributions and total run size for spring and fall adult chinook at Bonneville Dam. Arrival distributions are forecasted to upstream dams for four stocks: Snake River, Upper Columbia River, Lower Columbia River, and Hanford Reach/Yakima. Forecasts are based on visual adult passage counts at Bonneville Dam.
Current Predictions: 2024-06-14

Water Quality

Water temperature and total dissolved gas percent at various dams in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Forecasts are based on observed temperature and total dissolved gas percent data at each location.
Current Predictions: 2025-03-20