W. Nicholas Beer
I bring data visualizations and scientific modeling to life. Online data repositories have been growing over recent decades and online modeling is close on its heals. More and more ecological questions that are asked by researchers, fisheries managers, and the public can be answered by publicly available tools. Columbia Basin Research is at the forefront of this important process.
MS in Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management from the University of Washington. BS from the University of Vermont.
Research Interests
Although I work with many types of ecological models, my research focus is on the thermal ecology of juvenile salmonids: mortality, development, growth, critical periods, thermal regimes, thermal variability, and climate change impacts.
Selected Publications
Beer WN, Steel EA (2017) Impacts and implications of temperature variability on Chinook Salmon egg development and emergence phenology. T Am Fish Soc. 147(1)
Beer WN, Anderson JJ (2013) Sensitivity of salmonid freshwater life history in western US streams to future climate conditions. Global Change Biology 19:2547-2556
Beer WN, Anderson JJ (2011) Sensitivity of juvenile salmonid growth to future climate trends. River Res Appl 27:663-669