DART PIT Tag and ESU Metadata & Glossary

Please refer to the PIT Tag Specifications, PTAGIS, for more information on the PIT Tag dataset.

Jump to: PIT Tag Interrogation Sites PIT Tag Glossary PIT Tag "Standard" Species, Run, and Rearing Type codes DART-specific file_id (.DART[N]) ESU (Evolutionarily Significant Unit) and DPS (Distinct Population Segment) Glossary DART Life Stage Filter DART Transportation Filter Calculating 10 Year Averages River Environment Glossary

PIT Tag Interrogation Sites

Location Name River KM Hydrounit PTAGIS Interrogation Site Codes with Map Link
[DART Year Range]
Survival & Travel Time Estimates
Site Type Abbrev.
0HR Henrys Instream Array 522.303.416.047 17060204 0HR [2022-2025] instream 0hr
158 Fifteenmile Ck at Eightmile Ck 309.004 17070105 158 [2011-2024] instream 158
15D Fifteenmile Ck at Dry Ck 309.038 17070105 15D [2012-2018] instream 15d
15R Fifteenmile Ck at Ramsey Ck 309.056 17070105 15R [2011-2018] instream 15r
18M Eighteenmile Creek 522.303.416.092.001 17060204 18M [2017-2025] instream 18m
18N 1890s Channel Methow River 843.067.000 17020008 18N [2015-2024] instream 18n
1BC Upper Big Creek, Yakima Basin 539.315.002 17030001 1BC [2020-2024] instream 1bc
1LC Upper Little Creek, Yakima 539.313.002 17030001 1LC [2020-2024] instream 1lc
1TC Upper Tucker Creek 539.321.001 17030001 1TC [2023-2024] instream 1tc
2BC Lower Big Creek, Yakima Basin 539.315.001 17030001 2BC [2020-2024] instream 2bc
2LC Lower Little Creek, Yakima 539.313.000 17030001 2LC [2020-2024] instream 2lc
30M Thirtymile Crk John Day Basin 351.134.001 17070204 30M [2016-2024] instream 30m
3D1 Top of 3D Side Channel 778.043 17020010 3D1 [2013-2016] instream 3d1
3D2 Middle-1 of 3D Side Channel 778.043 17020010 3D2 [2013-2017] instream 3d2
3D3 Middle-2 of 3D Side Channel 778.043 17020010 3D3 [2013-2016] instream 3d3
3D4 Bottom of 3D Side Channel 778.043 17020010 3D4 [2013-2016] instream 3d4
4JC Fourth of July Creek Mouth 522.303.630.000 17060201 4JC [NA] instream 4jc
85M Eightmile Ck at Fivemile Ck 309.004.002 17070105 85M [2011-2018] instream 85m
AB3 Lower Abernathy Creek 087.001 17080003 AB3 [2009-2025] instream ab3
AB5 Abernathy Creek Concrete Weir 087.005 17080003 AB5 [2024-2025] instream ab5
ABC Abernathy Creek Hatch Channel 087.005 17080003 AB1 [2001-2017]
AB2 [2001-2006]
AB4 [2005-2018]
instream ab1 ab2 ab4ab4
ACB Asotin Cr. at Cloverland Brdg. 522.234.005 17060103 ACB [2009-2025] instream acb
ACM Asotin Creek near mouth 522.234.001 17060103 ACM [2011-2025] instream acm
AEN Aeneas Creek Temporary Array 858.086.001 17020006 AEN [2014-2025] instream aen
AFC No./So. Fk Asotin Cr. Jct. ISA 522.234.025 17060103 AFC [2009-2025] instream afc
AGC Agency Creek, Lemhi R. Basin 522.303.416.039.001 17060204 AGC [2014-2016] instream agc
AH1 Ahtanum at Lasalle HS 539.172.004 17030003 AH1 [2018-2025] instream ah1
ANR Antoine Creek at AV Ranch 858.099.005 17020006 ANR [2021-2024] instream anr
ANT Antoine Creek Instream Array 858.099.000 17020006 ANT [2010-2025] instream ant
B2A Bonneville Adult Fishways 234 17080001 B2A [1998-2002]
BO1 [1995-2025]
BO2 [1998-2024]
BO3 [2003-2024]
BO4 [2005-2024]
BWL [2001-2002]
dam bv
BBA Big Bear Creek Array 522. 17060306 BBA [2018-2023] instream bba
BBP Blackbird Pond Accl. Site 754.040 17020011 BBP [2012-2017] instream bbp
BBT Touchet River at Bolles Bridge 509.035.065 17070102 BBT [2011-2025] instream bbt
BC1 Birch Creek Taylor Lane 465.077.000 17070103 BC1 [2019-2020] instream bc1
BCA Blue Creek Instream Array 1020.023.001 17010307 BCA [NA] instream bca
BCP Butcher Creek Acclimation Pond 754.089.013 17020011 BCP [2004-2024] instream bc
BDP Biddle Acclimation Pond 843.085.002 17020008 BDP [2010-2018] instream bdp
BED Bedrock Creek Seasonal IPTDS 522.224.042.001 17060306 BED [2024-2025] instream bed
BGM Burlingame Dam and Canal 509.059 17070102 BGM [2007-2025] dam bg
BHC Bohannon Creek Lemhi R Basin 522.303.416.017.001 17060204 BHC [2012-2024] instream bhc
BHL Bonneville Hatchery Adult Fishway 232.001 17080001 BHL [2012-2014] dam bhl
BMT Big Meadow Temporary Array 754.077.014.001 17020011 BMT [2012-2014] instream bmt
BON Bonneville Juvenile 234 17080001 B1J [2003]
B2J [1996-2025]
BCC [2006-2025]
BVJ [1992-1999]
BVX [1996-2002]
dam bv
BOX Box Canyon Creek 539.330.014.001 17030001 BOX [2020-2024]
BPC Bonaparte Creek Instream Array 858.092.001 17020006 BPC [2013-2025] instream bpc
BR0 Bridge Creek Gauge 351.218.002 17070204 BR0 [2012-2022] instream br0
BR1 Bridge Creek Kiosk 351.218.014 17070204 BR1 [2012-2021] instream br1
BR2 Bridge Creek Gable 351.218.022 17070204 BR2 [2012-2018] instream br2
BR3 Bridge Creek Ranch 351.218.027 17070204 BR3 [2012-2018] instream br3
BRC Bear Valley Adult Video Weir 522.303.319.170.006 17060205 BRC [2015-2024] instream brc
BSC Big Sheep Creek ISA at km 6 522.308.032.006 17060102 BSC [2010-2025] instream bsc
BSH Big Sheep Crk. Upper Columbia 1180.001 17020001 BSH [2015-2025] instream bsh
BTC Big Timber Creek 522.303.416.089.001 17060204 BTC [2010-2013] instream btc
BTL Lower Big Timber, Lemhi Basin 522.303.416.089.001 17060204 BTL [2013-2025] instream btl
BTM Big Timber Creek - Middle 522.303.416.089.005 17060204 BTM [2015-2017] instream btm
BTU Big Timber Creek - Upper 522.303.416.089.011 17060204 BTU [2015-2018] instream btu
BVC Beaver Creek, Methow River 843.057.003 17020008 BVC [2009-2024]
BVC [2009-2024]
instream bm
BVP Beaver Creek Acclimation Pond 754.075.001 17020011 BVP [2006-2024] instream bp
BVT Beaver Creek Temporary Array 754.075.001 17020011 BVT [2011-2014] instream bvt
CAC Canyon Creek ISA @ km 1 522.303.416.090.001 17060204 CAC [2010-2025] instream cac
CAL Carson NFH Adult Return Ladder 251.028.000 17070105 CAL [2010-2022] instream cal
CAP Carlton Acc. Pond 843.058 17020008 CAP [1995] instream ca
CBD Clear Branch Dam spillway 17070105 CBL [2016-2019]
CBS [2017-2020]
instream cbl cbs
CC4 Catherine Creek-Southern Cross 522.271.232.035 17060104 CC4 [2024-2025] instream cc4
CC5 Catherine Creek - State Park 522.271.232.043 17060104 CC5 [NA] instream cc5
CCA Lower Charley Creek ISA 522.234.022.001 17060103 CCA [2009-2024] instream cca
CCC Carrolls Channel, Lwr Col Riv 115 17080003 CCC [2010] instream ccc
CCM Chumstick Creek at Merry 754.037.015 17020011 CCM [2013] instream ccm
CCP Catherine Creek Acc. Pond 522.271.232.048 17060104 CCP [2000-2014] instream cc
CCS Chumstick Creek at Sunitsch 754.037.008 17020011 CCS [2013] instream ccs
CCT Chikamin Creek Temporary Array 754.077.023.001 17020011 CCT [2011-2013] instream cct
CCU Catherine Creek at Union 522.271.232.025 17060104 CCU [2018-2024] instream ccu
CCW Catherine Creek Ladder/Weir 522.271.232.032 17060104 CCW [2015-2025] instream ccw
CDP Cushman Dam Project *** 17110017 CDP [2015-2025] cdp
CEY Cearley Creek Side Channel 522.303.591.009 17060201 CEY [2016-2018] instream cey
CFD Cowlitz Falls Dam 111.133 17080005 CFD [2013-2024] dam cfd
CFF Castile Falls Fishway 290.103 17070106 CFF [2012-2024] instream cff
CFJ Clark Flat Acc. Pond 539.270 17030001 CFJ [1999-2025] instream cf
CGJ Cougar Dam PFFC 17090004 CGJ [2014-2016] dam cgj
CHC Champion Creek Instream Array 522.303.631.002 17060201 CHC [NA] instream chc
CHL Lower Chiwawa River 754.077.001 17020011 CHL [2008-2025] instream chl
CHM Chumstick Creek 754.037.000 17020011 CHM [2011-2025] instream chm
CHP Chiwawa Acc. Pond 754.077.002 17020011 CHP [1995-2024] instream ci
CHU Upper Chiwawa River 754.077.012 17020011 CHU [2008-2025] instream chu
CHW Chiwaukum Creek 754.057.000 17020011 CHW [2011-2024] instream chw
CIC Cottonwood Island, Lwr Col Rvr 112 17080003 CIC [2010] instream cic
CJH Chief Joseph Hatchery Ladder 868 17020005 CJH [2024] hatchery cjh
CJP CJH Juvenile Release Pond 868 17020005 CJP [2015-2025] instream cjp
CLC Clear Creek near Kooskia NFH 522. 17060304 CLC [2015-2025] instream clc
CLE Cle Elum Dam Interim Bypass 539.299.013 17030001 CLE [2007-2024] dam ce
CLJ Clearwater River Trap 522.224.010 17060306 CLJ [1989-2013] instream cl
CLP Coulter Creek Acclimation Pond 754.089.014.001 17020011 CLP [2006-2023] instream cp
CML Chewuch River Middle Lower 843.080.007 17020008 CML [2021-2025] instream cml
CMP Camp Creek at rkm 2 - Imnaha 522.308.032.002.002 17060102 CMP [2013-2024]
CMP [2013-2024]
instream cmp
CMU Chewuch River Middle Upper 843.080.008 17020008 CMU [2021-2024] instream cmu
COC Cow Creek ISA @ stream mouth 522.308.006.001 17060102 COC [2011-2024] instream coc
COP Lower Coppei Instream Array 509.035.082.001 17070102 COP [2015-2024] instream cop
COU Couse Creek Near Mouth 522.250.001 17060103 COU [2024] instream cou
CR1 Chinook River Sea Resources CF 006.005 17080006 CR1 [2002-2006] instream c1
CR2 Chinook River HWY 101 Bridge 17080006 CR2 [2002-2006] instream c2
CR3 Chinook River at Culvert 17080006 CR3 [2004-2006] instream c3
CRA Crooked River Array 522. 17060305 CRA [2022-2024] instream cra
CRC Carmen Creek, Salmon R. Basin 522.303.408.001 17060203 CRC [2013-2017] instream crc
CRT Crooked River Satellite Fac. 522. 17060305 CRT [2012-2015] instream crt
CRU Upper Chewuch Instream Array 843.080.028 17020008 CRU [2014-2025] instream cru
CRW Chewuch River above Winthrop 843.080.001 17020008 CRW [2010-2025] instream crw
CSH Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery Ladder 111.080 17080005 CSH [2022-2024] hatchery csh
CWP Chewuch Acclimation Pond 843.080.010 17020008 CWP [2015-2024] instream cwp
CWT Chiwawa River Weir Trap Array 754.077.002 17020011 CWT [2024-2025] instream cwt
CZY Crazyman Creek at 0.6 km 522.308.080.001 17060102 CZY [2014-2024] instream czy
DBH Buck Hollow Ck Deschutes Trib 328.069.001 17070306 DBH [2012-2020] instream dbh
DBO Bakeoven Ck Deschutes Trib 328.083.001 17070306 DBO [2012-2022] instream dbo
DRM Deschutes River mouth 328.001 17070306 DRM [2013-2025] instream drm
DRP Dryden Acc. Pond 754.026 17020011 DRP [1994-2023] instream dp
DSF Deschutes Sherars Falls 328.071 17070306 DSF [2016-2025] instream dsf
DWL Dworshak NFH adult trap 522.224.065 17060308 DWL [2010-2025] instream dwl
DXP Dexter Ponds Fish Ladder 163.301.027 17090001 DXP [2017-2018] dxp
EBO East Bank Hatchery Outfall 764 17020010 EBO [2016-2025] instream ebo
ECH Eagle Creek Hatchery Ladder 17090011 ECH [2012-2015] instream ech
ECL Eagle Creek Lower Fish Ladder 17090011 ECL [2012-2015] instream ecl
EFD East Fork Diversion Fishway 273.023.011 17070105 EFD [2016-2024] instream efd
EHL Entiat NFH Adult Ladder 778.011 17020010 EHL [2013-2025] instream ehl
EMC Eightmile Creek, Methow River 843.080.018.001 17020008 EMC [2009-2011] instream em
ENA Upper Entiat River at rkm 17.1 778.017 17020010 ENA [2011-2025] instream ena
ENF Upper Entiat River at rkm 40.6 778.041 17020010 ENF [2010-2021] instream enf
ENL Lower Entiat River 778.002 17020010 ENL [2007-2025] instream enl
ENM Middle Entiat River 778.026 17020010 ENM [2008-2018] instream enm
ENS Upper Entiat River at rkm 35.7 778.036 17020010 ENS [2011-2019] instream ens
EPR East Fork Potlatch Array 522. 17060306 EPR [2019-2024] instream epr
ESD Easton Diversion Dam 539.328 17030001 ESD [2023-2024] dam esd
ESJ Easton Acc. Pond 539.325 17030001 ESJ [1999-2025] instream es
ESS EFSF Salmon River at Parks Cr. 522.303.215.060.021 17060208 ESS [2009-2025] instream ep
ESX Estuary Saltwater Experiment 17080006 ESX [2004-2005] instream ex
EVL Eagle Valley Ranch - Lower 522.303.416.016 17060204 EVL [2019-2025] instream evl
EVU Eagle Valley Ranch - Upper 522.303.416.020 17060204 EVU [2019-2025] instream evu
EWC Early Winters Creek rkm 0.36 843.113.001 17020008 EWC [2013-2017] instream ewc
FDC Feed Canal, Umatilla River 465.047 17070103 FDC [2006-2025] instream fc
FDD Feed Diversion Dam, Umatilla River 465.045 17070103 FDD [2008-2018] dam fd
FID Farmer's Diversion, Hood River 273.017 17070105 FID [2022-2024] instream fid
FOL Foster Dam Ladder S Santiam R 17090006 FOL [2016-2019] instream fol
FOS Foster Dam Weir 17090006 FOS [2014-2017] dam fos
FST Foster Creek 868.001 17020005 FST [2014-2024] instream fst
GCM Grouse Creek Mouth 522.308.066.000 17060102 GCM [2020-2024] instream gcm
GL2 SF Gold Creek, Methow River 843.035.002.004 17020008 GL2 [2009-2010] instream gs
GLC Gold Creek, Methow River 843.035.001 17020008 GLC [2009-2024] instream gl
GM1 Lower Germany Creek 090.001 17080003 GM1 [2023-2025] instream gm1
GOA Little Goose Fish Ladder 522.113 17060107 GOA [2014-2025] dam go
GRA Lower Granite Adult Fishway 522.173 17060107 GRA [1988-2025] dam gr
GRP Grande Ronde Acc. Pond 522.271.320 17060104 GRP [2002-2013] instream gd
GWP Goat Wall Acclimation Pond 843.116 17020008 GWP [2017-2024] instream gwp
HA1 Stormy B ELJ 110.111 778.034 17020010 HA1 [2024-2025] instream ha1
HA2 Stormy B ELJ 101 778.034 17020010 HA2 [2024-2025] instream ha2
HA3 Upper Nason Oxbow 754.089.006 17020011 HA3 [2024-2025] instream ha3
HAS Stormy B ELJ 104 778.033 17020010 HAS [2024-2025] instream has
HEC Hawley Cr/18 Mile Cr Array 522.303.416.092.004.001 17060204 HEC [2013-2015] instream hec
HLD Hemlock Dam Fish Ladder Exp. 251.017.002 17070105 HLX [2004-2009] dam hla
HLM Potlatch River near Helmer 522.224.024.066 17060306 HLM [2009-2015] instream hel
HN1 Top of Harrison side channel 778.006 17020010 HN1 [2013-2016] instream hn1
HN2 Middle Harrison Side Channel 778.006 17020010 HN2 [2013-2017] instream hn2
HN3 Bottom Harrison Side Channel 778.006 17020010 HN3 [2013-2017] instream hn3
HRM Hood River Mouth 273.000 17070105 HRM [2012-2025] instream hrm
HSA Bottom side channel near ENFH 778.011 17020010 HS1 [2015-2016]
HS2 [2015-2016]
instream hs1 hs2
HSL Hancock Springs Lower 843.097.001 17020008 HSL [2013-2015] instream hsl
HSM Hancock Springs Middle 843.097.001 17020008 HSM [2013-2016] instream hsm
HST Touchet River at Harvey Shaw 509.035.050 17070102 HST [2015-2025] instream hst
HSU Hancock Springs Upper 843.097.001 17020008 HSU [2013-2016] instream hsu
HYC Hayden Creek In-stream Array 522.303.416.049.001 17060204 HYC [2009-2025] instream hyc
IC5 Icicle Creek Historic Channel 754.041.005 17020011 IC5 [2024-2025] instream ic5
ICL Lower Icicle Instream Array 754.041.000 17020011 ICL [2011-2025] instream icl
ICM Middle Icicle Instream Array 754.041.007 17020011 ICM [2015-2025] instream icm
ICU Upper Icicle Instream Array 754.041.010 17020011 ICU [2015-2024] instream icu
IHA Ice Harbor Combined 522.016 17060110 ICH [2005-2025]
IHA [2003-2005]
dam ih
IMJ Imnaha River Trap 522.308.007 17060102 IMJ [1994-1999] instream im
IML Imnaha Weir Upstream Array 522.308.084 17060102 IML [2015-2024]
IR4 [2016-2024]
IR5 [2016-2025]
instream iml ir4 ir5ir5
IR1 Lower Imnaha River ISA @ km 7 522.308.007 17060102 IR1 [2010-2025] instream ir1
IR2 Lower Imnaha River ISA @ km 10 522.308.010 17060102 IR2 [2010-2025] instream ir2
IR3 Upper Imnaha River ISA @ km 41 522.308.041 17060102 IR3 [2011-2025] instream ir3
JA1 Jacks Creek Seasonal IPTDS 522.224.047.001 17060306 JA1 [2021-2022] instream ja1
JCJ Jack Creek Acc. Pond 539.284.017.009 17030001 JCJ [2000-2024] instream jc
JDA John Day Dam Juvenile 347 17070105 JDJ [1992-2024] dam jd
JDC Cottonwood Creek, NF John Day 351.298.025.001 17070202 JDC [2018-2022] instream jdc
JDL John Day North Fish Ladder 347 17070105 JO1 [2018-2025]
JO2 [2018-2025]
dam jd
JDM Upper John Day River Array 351.347 17070201 JDM [2015-2023] instream jdm
JDR John Day River, McDonald Ferry 351.032 17070204 JD1 [2007-2025] instream jm
JOC Joseph Creek ISA @ km 3 522.271.007.003 17060106 JOC [2010-2025] instream joc
JOH Johnson Creek 858.066.001 17020006 JOH [2014-2024] instream joh
JPT Juvenile Pond Touchet 509.035.087 17070102 JPT [2016-2025] instream jpt
JUL Potlatch River near Juliaetta 522.224.024.014 17060306 JUL [2008-2013] instream ju
KAL Kalama River Instream Array 118.018 17080003 KAL [2024-2025] instream kal
KCB Kiwanis Camp Bridge, Mill C 509.054.035 17070102 KCB [2005-2010] instream kb
KCH Keechelus Dam Outflow 539.346 17030001 KCH [2023-2025]
KEN Kenney Creek In-stream Arrays 522.303.416.029.000 17060204 KEN [2010-2025] instream ken
KHS Big Bear Cr. @ Kendrick HS 522. 17060306 KHS [2007-2020] instream kh
KLR Klickitat Riv. Floating Array 290.005 17070106 KLR [2017-2024] instream klr
KRS SF Salmon River at Krassel Cr. 522.303.215.065 17060208 KRS [2008-2025] instream kr
LAP Lapwai Creek, near its mouth 522.224.019.001 17060306 LAP [2009-2025] instream lp
LAW Lawyer Creek Seasonal IPTDS 522.224.109.001 17060306 LAW [2023-2024] instream law
LB8 Big Eightmile Creek 522.303.416.073.001 17060204 LB8 [2015-2018] instream lb8
LBC Libby Creek, Methow River 843.042.001 17020008 LBC [2009-2024] instream lb
LBS Big Springs Creek 522.303.416.077.001 17060204 LBS [2014-2025] instream lbs
LBT Little Bridge Creek (Twisp R.) 843.066.014.001 17020008 LBT [2012-2015] instream lbt
LC1 Lower Lolo Creek at rkm 21 522.224.087.021 17060306 LC1 [2011-2025] instream lc1
LC2 Upper Lolo Creek at rkm 25 522.224.087.025 17060306 LC2 [2011-2024] instream lc2
LCL Lee Creek, Lemhi R. Basin 522.303.416.079.001 17060204 LCL [2014-2018] instream lcl
LDA Lebanon Dam Spillway 17090006 LD1 [2015-2024]
LD2 [2015-2025]
LD3 [2015-2025]
LD4 [2015-2025]
dam ldd
LEA Leaburg Dam Fish Ladders 163.282.056 17090004 LEA [2005-2018]
LEL [2018-2019]
dam lea lel
LFF Lyle Falls Fishway 290.004 17070106 LFF [2011-2025] instream lff
LGS Little Goose Dam Juvenile 522.113 17060107 GO2 [NA]
GOJ [1987-2024]
dam go
LGW Lookingglass Creek Weir 522.271.137.004 17060104 LGW [2022-2025] hatchery lgw
LHC Leavenworth NFH Coho Releases 754.041.005 17020011 LHC [2011-2024] instream lhc
LKR Little Klickitat River Array 290.033.001 17070106 LKR [2017-2025] instream lkr
LLC Loup Loup Creek Instream Array 858.028.001 17020006 LLC [2013-2025] instream llc
LLR Lower Lemhi River 522.303.416.001 17060204 LLR [2009-2025] instream llr
LLS Lemhi Little Springs Instream 522.303.416.066.000 17060204 LLS [2011-2025] instream lls
LMA Lower Monumental Adult Ladders 522.067 17060110 LMA [2014-2025] dam lm
LMB Lower Methow River Barge 843.001 17020008 LMB [NA] instream lmb
LMC Lower Manastash Creek 539.253.002 17030001 LMC [2014-2024] instream lmc
LMN Lower Monumental Dam Juvenile 522.067 17060110 LM2 [NA]
LMJ [1993-2024]
dam lm
LMR Lower Methow River at Pateros 843.008 17020008 LMR [2009-2025]
LMR [2009-2025]
instream lmr
LMT Lower Mainstem Teanaway River 539.284.000 17030001 LMT [2010-2025] instream lmt
LNF Leavenworth NFH Adult Ladder 754.041.005 17020011 LNF [2012-2024] instream lnf
LNR Lower Naches River 539.187.005 17030002 LNR [2016-2020] instream lnr
LOP Lostine River Acc. Pond 522. 17060105 LOP [2002-2023] instream lo
LOR Lost River at rkm 0.81 843.122.001 17020008 LOR [2013-2017] instream lor
LRH Lewis River Hatchery Returns 140.025 17080002 LRH [2020-2024] instream lrh
LRL Lower Lochsa River Array Site 522. 17060303 LRL [2016-2025] instream lrl
LRU Lochsa River Upper Site 522. 17060303 LRU [2017-2025] instream lru
LRW Lemhi River Weir 522.303.416.050 17060204 LRW [2009-2025] instream LRW
LSC Little Sheep Cr Seasonal IPTDS 522.308.032.005.001 17060102 LSC [2023-2024] instream lsc
LTP Lower Twisp Acclimation Pond 843.066.002 17020008 LTP [2011-2018] instream ltp
LTR Lower Tucannon River 522.100.003 17060107 LTR [2005-2025] instream lt
LWB Lower Wenatchee Barge 754.001 17020011 LWB [2022-2025]
LWB [2022-2025]
instream lwb
LWC Lower Wenas Creek 539.197.002 17030001 LWC [2018-2024] instream lwc
LWD Lowden Diversion Dam 509.051 17070102 LWD [2007-2013] dam ld
LWE Lower Wenatchee River 754.003 17020011 LWE [2010-2025]
LWE [2010-2025]
instream lwe
LWG Lower Granite Juvenile 522.173 17060107 GRJ [1988-2024]
GRS [2019-2025]
dam gr
LWL Ltl. White Salmon NFH returns 261.003 17070105 LWL [2009-2024] instream lwl
LWN Little Wenatchee River 754.090.008.004 17020011 LWN [2009-2024] instream lwn
M3R 3R side channel Methow River 843.075 17020008 M3R [2014-2018] instream m3r
MAD Mad River, Entiat River Basin 778.017.001 17020010 MAD [2008-2024] instream mad
MAR Marsh Cr at Lola Cr Campground 522.303.319.170.008 17060205 MAR [2019-2025] instream mar
MBD Mill Crk Bennington Diversion 509.054.019 17070102 MBD [2021-2025] instream mbd
MCA McNary Adult Fishways 470 17070101 MC1 [2002-2025]
MC2 [2002-2025]
dam mc
MCC Mill Creek Confluence 509.054.000 17070102 MCC [2024-2025] instream mcc
MCD Mill Creek Diversion Project 509.054.019 17070102 MCD [2005-2021] dam mcd
MCI Mill Creek Intake Dam 509.054.041 17070102 MCI [2011-2016] dam mci
MCK Mouth McKay Creek 465.082.000 17070103 MCK [2024] instream mck
MCL Lower Mission Creek Instream 754.017.001 17020011 MCL [2011-2025] instream mcl
MCN McNary Juvenile 470 17070101 MCJ [1988-2024] dam mc
MDC Meadow Creek mouth 522.271.290.000 17060104 MDC [2025] instream mdc
MDR McDonald Road Bridge 509.041 17070102 MDR [2013-2018] instream mdr
MDW Mill Creek Division Works 509.054.017 17070102 MDW [2021-2025] instream mdw
MEG Megler Cr.-Col. R. Estuary 013.000 17080006 MEG [2018-2019] instream meg
MEM Eightmile Acclimation Pond 843.080.017 17020008 MEM [2019-2024] instream mem
MEW Early Winters Acclimation Pond 843.113.001 17020008 MEW [2019-2024] instream mew
MHB Habermehl side channel Methow 843.070 17020008 MHB [2015-2016] instream mhb
MHP Merwin Hydroeletric Project 140.031 17080002 MHP [2015-2025] instream mhp
MIN Mine Reach of Wind River, WA 251.036 17070105 MIN [2019-2025] instream min
MIS Mission Creek 522. 17060306 MIS [2011-2019] instream mis
MJ1 Middle Fork John Day Array 351.298.052.068 17070203 MJ1 [2013-2024] instream mj1
MJ2 Middle Fork John Day Ritter 351.298.052.024 17070203 MJ2 [2020-2024] instream mj2
ML1 Lower Mill Creek (MILL4C) 087.001 17080003 ML1 [2023-2025] instream ml1
MR1 Minam River at river km 0.5 522. 17060105 MR1 [2020-2025] instream mr1
MRB Methow River Basin 17020008 MRB [2004-2008] instream mr
MRC Methow River at Carlton 843.045 17020008 MRC [2015-2025] instream mrc
MRT Methow River at Twisp 843.067 17020008 MRT [2009-2016] instream mrt
MRW Methow River at Winthrop 843.085 17020008 MRW [2009-2025] instream mrw
MSB Stansberry side channel Methow 843.098 17020008 MSB [2015-2017] instream msb
MSC Methow River Side Channels 843.071 17020008 MSC [2009-2010] instream ms
MSH Methow Fish Hatchery Outfall 843.085 17020008 MSH [2011-2025] instream msh
MTD Mill Creek at The Dalles 304.003 17070105 MTD [2015-2025] instream mtd
MTP Twisp Acclimation Pond 843.066.013 17020008 MTP [2019-2024] instream mtp
MTR Middle Tucannon River 522.100.019 17060107 MTR [2011-2025] instream mtr
MVF Moving Falls Fish Ladder 273.020.004 17070105 MVF [2015-2023] instream mvf
MVP Mid-Valley Acclimation Pond 843.088 17020008 MVP [2012-2024] instream mvp
MWC Maxwell Canal 465.024 17070103 MWC [2007-2024] instream mx
MWE Middle Wenatchee River 754.050 17020011 MWE [2008-2013] instream mwe
MWF Whitefish SC in Methow River 843.076 17020008 MWF [2013-2018] instream mwf
NAL Lower Nason Creek 754.089.001 17020011 NAL [2008-2025] instream nal
NAS Nason Creek Releases 754.089.013 17020011 NAS [NA] instream nas
NAU Upper Nason Creek 754.089.019 17020011 NAU [2008-2025] instream nau
NBA Nursery Bridge Adult 509.072 17070102 NBA [2003-2025] instream nba
NES Nespelem River Instream Array 928.001 17020005 NES [2018-2023] instream nes
NFS North Fork Salmon River 522.303.381.002 17060203 NFS [2016-2025]
NFS [2016-2025]
instream nfs
NFT North Fork Teanaway River 539.284.017.001 17030001 NFT [2012-2024] instream nft
NFW North Fork Walla Walla River 509.081.001 17070102 NFW [2012-2013] instream nfw
NMC Ninemile Creek Instream Array 858.134.001 17020006 NMC [2011-2024] instream nmc
NSB N Santiam at Upper Bennett Dam 17090005 NSB [2014-2019] instream nsb
NSM Minto Dam Ladder N Santiam R 17090005 NSM [2016-2019] instream nsm
NSS North Santiam at Stayton Canal 17090005 NSS [2014-2019] instream nss
OBF Omak Creek below Mission Falls 858.052.011 17020006 OBF [2016-2024] instream obf
OKC Okanagan River at VDS-3 858.149 17020006 OKC [2009-2024] instream okc
OKD Penticton (Okanagan Lake) Dam 858.196 17020006 OKD [2023-2024] dam okd
OKI Inkaneep Creek 858.139.001 17020006 OKI [2015-2024] instream oki
OKL Lower Okanogan Instream Array 858.025 17020006 OKL [2013-2025] instream okl
OKM McIntyre Dam 858.166 17020006 OKM [2019-2024] instream okm
OKP Penticton Channel PIT Array 858.196 17020006 OKP [2018-2024] instream okp
OKS Shingle Creek 858.195.001 17020006 OKS [2016-2024] instream oks
OKV Vaseux Creek, BC, Canada 858.163.001 17020006 OKV [2018-2024] instream okv
OKW Shuttleworth Creek 858.175.001 17020006 OKW [2016-2024] instream okw
OMF Omak Creek above Mission Falls 858.052.012 17020006 OMF [2015-2024] instream omf
OMH Omak Creek Haley Creek Road 858.052.020 17020006 OMH [2021-2024] instream omh
OMK Omak Creek Instream Array 858.052.000 17020006 OMK [2006-2025] instream ok
OMP Omak Acclimation Pond 858.052 17020006 OMP [2015-2024] instream omp
ONC Onion Creek Upper Columbia 1171.001 17020001 ONC [2015-2025] instream onc
ORB Oasis Road Bridge 509.010 17070102 ORB [2005-2015] instream orb
PAT Pattit Creek Instream Site 509.035.101.001 17070102 PAT [2017-2025] instream pat
PCA Panther Creek Array 522.303.338.005 17060203 PCA [2017-2024] instream pca
PCM Pine Creek Mouth, Potlatch R. 522. 17060306 PCM [2015-2017] instream pcm
PD1 Top of Chelan PUD side channel 778.005 17020010 PD1 [2012-2013] instream pd1
PD2 Bot of Chelan PUD side channel 778.005 17020010 PD2 [2012-2013] instream pd2
PD5 Columbia River Estuary rkm 62 062 17080003 PD5 [2023-2024] instream pd5
PD6 Columbia River Estuary rkm 68 068 17080003 PD6 [2022-2024] instream pd6
PD7 Columbia River Estuary rkm 70 070 17080003 PD7 [2011-2025] instream pd7
PD8 Columbia River Estuary rkm 82 082 17080003 PD8 [2023-2024]
PD8 [2023-2024]
instream pd8
PEL Pelton Dam Ladder - Deschutes 328.161 17070306 PEL [2016-2025] instream pel
PES Peshastin Creek 754.029.003 17020011 PES [2007-2025] instream pes
PEU Upper Peshastin Creek 754.029.017 17020011 PEU [2016-2024] instream peu
PRA Priest Rapids Adult 639 17020016 PRA [2003-2025] dam pra
PRH Priest Rapids Hatchery Outfall 635 17020016 PRH [2012-2025] instream prh
PRJ Prosser Dam (Chandler Dvrsn.) 539.076 17030003 PR2 [NA]
PRJ [1989-2004]
dam pd
PRO Prosser Diversion Dam Combined 539.076 17030003 PRO [2004-2025] dam pd
PRV Walla Walla R at Pierce RV Prk 509.009 17070102 PRV [2012-2019] instream prv
PWA Penawawa Creek 522.145.001 17060107 PWA [2022-2024] instream pwa
RBF Round Butte Fish Xfer Facility 328.177 17070301 RBF [2010-2025] dam rbf
RCJ Rock Creek John Day Basin 351.034.002 17070204 RCJ [2014-2021] instream rcj
RCL Rock Creek (WA) at rkm 5 368.005 17070101 RCL [2010-2024] instream rcl
RCS Rock Creek (WA) at rkm 14 368.014 17070101 RCS [2009-2022] instream rcs
RCT Roaring Creek Temporary Array 778.010.001 17020010 RCT [2011-2024] instream rct
RCX Rattlesnake Creek Flat Plates 271.012.000 17070105 RCX [2001-2007] instream rc
RFA RFA [NA] instream rf
RFB RFB [NA] instream rf
RFL Redfish Lake Creek 522.303.615.001 17060201 RFL [2018-2024] instream rfl
RFP Rolfing Acclimation Pond 754.089.021 17020011 RFP [2004-2024] instream rfp
RIA Rock Island Adult 730 17020010 RIA [2003-2025] dam ria
ROZ Roza Dam Fishway 539.206 17030001 ROZ [1992-2025]
RZF [2007-2011]
dam ro rz
RPJ Rapid River Hatchery Pond 522.303.140.007.006 17060210 RPJ [1999-2024] instream rp
RRF Rocky Reach Fishway 763 17020010 RRF [2006-2024] dam rr
RRH Rocky Reach Dam Juvenile 763 17020010 RRJ [1996-2024] dam rr
RRT Red River Satellite Facility 522. 17060305 RRT [2012-2015] instream rrt
RSB Roosevelt Street Bridge 509.054.015 17070102 RSB [2010] instream rsb
RSH Ringold Springs Hatch. Outfall 567 17020016 RSH [2016-2025] instream rsh
RVP Riverside Acclimation Pond 858.064 17020006 RVP [2015-2024] instream rvp
S2I Lemhi Sub-reach 2 SC Inlet 522.303.416.018 17060204 S2I [2017-2019] instream s2i
S2O Lemhi Sub-reach 2 SC Outlet 522.303.416.017 17060204 S2O [2017-2019] instream s2o
S3A Eagle Valley Ranch S3A 522.303.416.016 17060204 S3A [2019-2025] instream s3a
S3B Eagle Valley Ranch S3B 522.303.416.017 17060204 S3B [2019-2021] instream s3b
SA0 Salmon Creek below OID Div. 858.041.006 17020006 SA0 [2016-2023] instream sa0
SA1 Salmon Creek Instream Array 858.041.003 17020006 SA1 [2011-2025]
SA1 [2011-2025]
instream sa1
SAD Salmon Creek Above OID Div. 858.041.009 17020006 SAD [2022-2025] instream sad
SAJ Salmon River Trap 522.303.103 17060209 SAJ [1993-2024] instream sa
SAT Lower Satus Creek 539.112.005 17030003 SAT [2012-2025] instream sat
SC1 Lower SF Clearwater R at rkm 1 522.224.120.001 17060305 SC1 [2011-2025] instream sc1
SC2 Lower SF Clearwater R at rkm 2 522.224.120.002 17060305 SC2 [2011-2025] instream sc2
SC3 South Fork Clearwater Site 3 522.224.120.060 17060305 SC3 [2021-2025] instream sc3
SC4 South Fork Clearwater Site 4 522.224.120.081 17060305 SC4 [2021-2025] instream sc4
SCL Spring Creek NFH Adult Ladder 269 17070105 SCL [2010-2024] instream scl
SCP Spring Creek Acclimation Pond 843.081 17020008 SCP [2008-2025] instream sc
SFG SF Salmon at Guard Station Br. 522.303.215.030 17060208 SFG [2009-2025] instream sfg
SFL Shipherd Falls Ladder 251.002 17070105 SFL [2009-2010] instream sfl
SFM South Fork McKenzie River 17090004 SFM [2024-2025] instream sfm
SGP SF Gold Creek Pond Complex 843.035.002.003 17020008 SGP [2013-2018] instream sgp
SHK Shitike Creek PIT Array 328.155.001 17070306 SHK [2014-2024] instream shk
SHP Swift Hydroelectric Project 140.070 17080002 SHP [2013-2025] instream shp
SID Sauvie Island Dairy Creek 156.000 17090012 SID [2020-2025] instream sid
SIX Sixmile Creek Seasonal IPTDS 522.224.096.001 17060306 SIX [2023-2024] instream six
SJ1 SF John Day (Mid) 351.341.010 17070201 SJ1 [2012-2025] instream sj1
SJ2 SF John Day (Murderer's) 351.341.027 17070201 SJ2 [2012-2023] instream sj2
SKA Skaha Dam Fish Ladder 858.177 17020006 SKA [2015-2024] instream ska
SM1 Simcoe Creek at Stephensen Rd 539.130.053.009 17030003 SM1 [2018-2024] instream sm1
SND Sandtrap Acclimation Site 273.023.033 17070105 SND [2018-2020] instream snd
SNJ Snake River Trap 522.225 17060103 SNJ [1989-2024] instream sn
SPR Sanpoil River Instream Array 981.014 17020004 SPR [2016-2025] instream spr
SR1 Top of Entiat R side channel 778.007 17020010 SR1 [2011-2017] instream sr1
SR2 Bot of Entiat R side channel 778.007 17020010 SR2 [2011-2017] instream sr2
SSC Silver Side Channel (Methow) 843.051 17020008 SSC [2014-2019] instream ssc
SSJ SUNNYSIDE JUVENILE 539.167 17030003 SSJ [1991-2024] dam ss
STL Sawtooth Hatchery Adult Trap 522.303.617.000 17060201 STL [2010-2018] instream stl
STR SF Salmon Satellite Facility 522.303.215.115 17060208 STR [2010-2019] instream str
SUC Summit Creek, Klickitat 290.060.001 17070106 SUC [2014-2025] instream suc
SUJ Sullivan Dam Juvenile 163.043 17090007 SUJ [1999-2018] dam su
SUN Sunnyside Instream Array 539.166 17030003 SUN [2015-2024] instream sun
SW1 Lower Selway River Array 522. 17060302 SW1 [2017-2025] instream sw1
SW2 Upper Selway River Array 522. 17060302 SW2 [2017-2024] instream sw2
SWC Swale Creek Array 290.028.001 17070106 SWC [2014-2025] instream swc
SWK Lower Swauk Creek 539.274.001 17030001 SWK [2011-2024] instream swk
SWT Sweetwater Cr. near its mouth 522. 17060306 SWT [2010-2022] instream swt
SYC Snyder Creek PIT Tag Array 290.023.001 17070106 SYC [2014-2025] instream syc
TAN Taneum Creek Instream 539.271.003 17030001 TAN [2010-2024]
TAN [2010-2024]
instream tan
TAY Big Creek at Taylor Ranch 522.303.319.029.011 17060206 TAY [2006-2025] instream ta
TC4 Trout Creek at 43 Road Bridge 251.017.011 17070105 TC4 [2014-2025] instream tc4
TCM Tryon Creek Mouth 163.032.001 17090012 TCM [2014-2019] instream tcm
TCT Tronsen Creek Temporary Array 754.029.023.001 17020011 TCT [2011-2014] instream tct
TDA The Dalles Adult Fishways 308 17070105 TD1 [2013-2025]
TD2 [2013-2025]
dam tda
TFH Tucannon Fish Hatchery 522.100.059 17060107 TFH [2012-2025] instream tfh
TKC Tucker Creek, Yakima Basin 539.321.000 17030001 TKC [2020-2024] instream tkc
TLC Tillman Creek, Yakima Basin 539.295.000 17030001 TLC [2021-2022] instream tlc
TLT Tillicum Creek Temporary Array 778.017.003.001 17020010 TLT [2011-2014] instream tlt
TMF Three Mile Falls 465.005 17070103 TMA [2002-2006]
TMF [1999-2025]
TMJ [1999-2006]
dam tm
TNK Tunk Creek Instream Array 858.073.001 17020006 TNK [2014-2024] instream tnk
TON Tonasket Creek 858.133.001 17020006 TON [2014-2024] instream ton
TOP Lower Toppenish Creek 539.130.002 17030003 TOP [2012-2024] instream top
TP2 Toppenish Creek at Simcoe Ck 539.130.054 17030003 TP2 [2019-2025] instream tp2
TPC Toppenish Creek at Lateral C 539.130.039 17030003 TPC [2023-2025]
TPJ Tucannon at Panjab Creek 522.100.078 17060107 TPJ [2019-2024] instream tpj
TR1 Lower Trout Cr - Deschutes 328.140.001 17070307 TR1 [2012-2025] instream tr1
TR2 Trout/Antelope Cr - Deschutes 328.140.021 17070307 TR2 [2013-2023] instream tr2
TRA Trout Creek Auxillary Site 251.017.002 17070105 TRA [2020-2025] instream tra
TRB TRB [NA] instream tr
TRC Trout Creek, Wind River 251.017.002 17070105 TRC [2007-2025] instream tc
TU2 Toppenish Unit 2 539.130.044 17030003 TU2 [2023-2025] instream tu2
TUF Tumwater Dam Adult Fishway 754.044 17020011 TUF [2008-2024] dam tuf
TWR Lwr Twisp Rvr near MSRF Ponds 843.066.002 17020008 TWR [2008-2025] instream twr
TWX Estuary Towed Array (Exp.) 075 17080003 TWX [1996-2024] instream tw
TY1 Low Flow Top of Tyee Channel 778.038 17020010 TY1 [2014-2015] instream ty1
TY2 High Flow Top of Tyee Channel 778.038 17020010 TY2 [NA] instream ty2
TY3 Middle of Tyee Channel 778.038 17020010 TY3 [2013-2016] instream ty3
TY4 Bottom of Tyee Channel 778.038 17020010 TY4 [2013-2016] instream ty4
UCT Upper Chiwawa Temporary Array 754.077.029 17020011 UCT [2011-2013] instream uct
UG3 Grande Ronde - Guard Station 522.271.308 17060104 UG3 [2024] instream ug3
UG4 Grande Ronde-Acclimation Site 522.271.319 17060104 UG4 [2024] instream ug4
UGR Upper Grande Ronde at rkm 155 522.271.155 17060104 UGR [2012-2025] instream ugr
UGS Upper Grande Ronde Starkey 522.271.291 17060104 UGS [2017-2025] instream ugs
UM1 Umatilla River USFWS 465.145.000 17070103 UM1 [2005-2010] instream ur
UM2 Umatilla River Instream Array 465.124 17070103 UM2 [2007-2010] instream ui
UMC Upper Manastash Creek 539.253.010 17030001 UMC [2017-2025] instream umc
UMF Umatilla R below Feed Dam 465.045 17070103 UMF [2018-2019] instream umf
UMR Upper Mad Rv. Temporary Array 778.017.011 17020010 UMR [2012] instream umr
UMT Upper main stem Teanaway River 539.284.020 17030001 UMT [2012-2015] instream umt
UMW Umatilla R Recycled Water Fac 465.009 17070103 UMW [2018-2025] instream umw
UNT Upper Nason Temporary Array 754.089.025 17020011 UNT [2011-2012] instream unt
UPT Upper Peshastin Temporary Arr. 754.029.022 17020011 UPT [2011-2014] instream upt
URT Upper Roaring Temporary Array 778.010.002 17020010 URT [2012] instream urt
USE Upper Salmon River at rkm 437 522.303.437 17060203 USE [2012-2025] instream use
USI Upper Salmon River at rkm 460 522.303.460 17060203 USI [2012-2022] instream usi
UTR Upper Tucannon River 522.100.053 17060107 UTR [2011-2025] instream utr
UWE Upper Wenatchee River 754.081 17020011 UWE [2012-2024] instream uwe
VC1 Valley Creek, Upstream Site 522.303.609.002 17060201 VC1 [2002-2020] instream vc1
VC2 Valley Creek, Downstream Site 522.303.609.001 17060201 VC2 [2002-2025] instream vc2
WAJ WANAPUM DAM JUVENILE (G-DIP) 669 17020010 WAJ [1994] dam wa
WAN Wanacut Creek 858.057.001 17020006 WAN [2016-2024] instream wan
WB1 White Bird Cr Seasonal IPTDS 522.303.086.002 17060209 WB1 [2021-2022] instream wb1
WCC Wilson and Cherry creeks 539.237.001 17030001 WCC [2023-2024] instream wcc
WEA Wells Dam, DCPUD Adult Ladders 830 17020005 WE1 [NA]
WE2 [NA]
WEA [2002-2025]
dam wea
WEB Webb Creek 522. 17060306 WEB [2010-2022] instream web
WEH Wells Dam Hatchery 830 17020005 WEH [2018-2025] hatchery weh
WEJ Wells Dam Bypass Bay Sample 830 17020005 WEJ [2016-2025] dam wea
WEN Wenaha River Mouth 522.271.073.001 17060106 WEN [2018-2025] instream wen
WFC Wolf Creek, Methow River 843.085.001 17020008 WFC [2008-2024] instream wf
WFF Willamette Falls Fishway 163.043 17090007 WFF [2006-2019] instream wff
WFS West Fork Sanpoil River 981.076.000 17020004 WFS [2018-2024] instream wfs
WHC Lwr White Creek, Klickitat Bsn 290.063.000 17070106 WHC [2010-2025] instream whc
WHS Wildhorse Spring Creek 858.114.001 17020006 WHS [2016-2024] instream whs
WIC Williams Creek 539.274.018.001 17030001 WIC [2021-2024]
WL1 Top of Wilson Creek channel 778.011 17020010 WL1 [2011-2016] instream wl1
WL2 Bottom of Wilson Creek channel 778.011 17020010 WL2 [2011-2016] instream wl2
WLT Walterville Fish Bypass Exit 163.282.039 17090004 WLT [2011-2018] instream wlt
WPC Wimpey Creek, Lemhi R. Basin 522.303.416.020.001 17060204 WPC [2013-2018] instream wpc
WPT White Pine Temporary Array 754.025.001 17020011 WPT [2011-2013] instream wpt
WR1 Wallowa River at river km 14 522.271.131.014 17060105 WR1 [2013-2025] instream wr1
WR2 Wallowa River at rkm 32 522.271.131.032 17060105 WR2 [2018-2025]
WR2 [2018-2025]
instream wr2
WRA Upper Wind River Auxillary 251.027 17070105 WRA [2020-2025] instream wra
WRP Woodland Release Ponds 140.014 17080002 WRP [2018-2025] instream wrp
WRU Upper Wind River (WA) rkm 30 251.030 17070105 WRU [2012-2025]
WRU [2012-2025]
instream wru
WSH Warm Springs Hatchery 328.135.016 17070306 WSH [2008-2025] instream ws
WSR Warm Springs River PIT Array 328.135.001 17070306 WSR [2014-2025] instream wsr
WTL White River, Wenatchee Basin 754.090.004 17020011 WTL [2009-2024]
WTL [2009-2024]
instream wtl
WW1 Harris Bridge S F Walla Walla 509.081.013 17070102 WW1 [2002-2019] instream ww1
WW2 SF Walla Walla at Bear Creek 509.081.021 17070102 WW2 [2003-2017] instream ww2
WWB Walla Walla River Barge Array 509.005 17070102 WWB [2019-2025] instream wwb
YFK Yankee Fork Salmon River 522.303.591.003 17060201 YFK [2012-2025] instream yfk
YHC Yellowhawk Creek 509.070.014 17070102 YHC [2007-2025] instream yc
YHL Lower Yellowhawk Creek Array 509.070.001 17070102 YHL [2023-2025] instream yhl
YPP Yellow Pine Pit Lake 522.303.215.060.042 17060208 YPP [2018-2024] instream ypp
ZEN Secesh River at Zena Cr. Ranch 522.303.215.059.003 17060208 ZEN [2009-2025] instream zn
ZSL Zosel Dam Combined 858.132 17020006 ZSL [2010-2025] dam zsl
Cougar DamTailrace SF McKenzie 17090004 MCR [NA]
instream dam mcr sfc

Reach and observation site abbreviations are used in the output for the PIT Release and Observation Summary report and the Survival Estimates and the Mean Travel Time Estimates.

* Trap locations may change.

PIT Tag Glossary

Brood Year
This field contains the last two digits of the calendar year when eggs were deposited or collected, if known.
Forklength (Lgth): The length from snout tip to the tail fork, recorded to the nearest millimeter.
When fish are tagged at a hatchery, this field contains the four-character abbreviation from the domain of hatchery codes.
Migration Year
A field in a Tagging File used to record the last two digits of the earliest calendar year when fish are expected to smolt and out-migrate to the ocean. In the case of adults and/or recaptured fish, this value will generally reference the current year.
Observation Date (Obs_DateTime)
The date and time the fish are detected at the observation site.
Observation Site (Obs)
The three character site code where the fish are observed.
PIT (Passive Integrated Transponder) Tag
A computer chip attached to a wire antenna and encapsulated in a biologically inert glass capsule. The tag is excited when it is passed through the electromagnetic field of a detector and the information on the computer chip is transmitted to the detector. See Introduction, PTAGIS, for more information.
Release Date (RelDate)
The date the fish was released to a stream to rear or out-migrate naturally.
Release River KM
The release location expressed in river kilometers from the mouth of the Columbia River. This is a hierarchical coding scheme from the mouth of the Columbia River to the release site (up to 7th order streams for point release sites) with each tributary delimited with a period. For example, the Release River KM for Lower Granite Dam of 522.173 reflects a distance of 522 km from the mouth of the Columbia River to the mouth of the Snake River, and 173 km from the mouth of the Snake River to Lower Granite Dam.
Release Site (RelSite)
The six character site code where the fish are released.

Intra-Dam Release Site Codes: These codes are appended as a suffix to the three-character dam site code and provide a specific location for release at, above, or below hydroelectric facilities. For example, a release into the gatewells at Lower Granite Dam would be coded as LGRGWL. Use of Intra-Dam Release Site Codes will be required after 12/31/99.
Intra-Dam Release Site Codes
Code Location
BPS Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System between the Diversion Gate and the furthest downstream PIT-Tag Detector
BYP Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe
COL Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility
DTG Release into the Collection Flume/Pipe between the Dewatering Facility and the Collection/Bypass Gate
DWT Release into the Dewatering Facility
FBY Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam
GAT Release into Flume between Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate
GWL Release into Gatewell(s)
ICE Release into the Ice/Trash Sluiceway
MRT Mortality Recovery
OFL Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System downstream of the Last PIT-Tag Detector
ORI Release into Orifice(s)
RBR Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Barge Transportation from the Facility
RRR Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility
RTR Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Truck Transportation from the Facility
RXR Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Transportation from the Facility
SEP Release into the Flume downstream of the Collection/Bypass Gate or into the Separator
SPF Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Spillway
SPL Release directly into Spill Bay(s)
SPT Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Spillway
SRR Release into the Separator Return Flume/Pipe with Direct Return to the River
STS Release onto the Submerged Traveling Screen
TAL Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam
TRB Release into Turbine(s)
Release Water Temperature
A field containing the water temperature (ºC) in the stream that fish are released into to rear naturally or migrate downstream.
Sequence Number (Seq)
A field in a Tagging File detail record containing a sequential number, from 1 to 9999, that individually identifies each Tag Detail record within a Tagging File.
Species, Run, Rear Type (SpRRT)
The three character code represents the species, run (the season the adult fish return from saltwater) and rearing type, respectively. If the fish is reared in an environment where both wild and hatchery fish existed then it is unknown unless the fish is clipped.
PIT Tag "Standard" Species, Run, and Rearing Type codes (as determined by PSMFC)
00UUnknown (fish not observed)
11HHat. Spring Chinook
11USpring Chinook (unknown r/t)
11WWild Spring Chinook
12HHat. Summer Chinook
12USummer Chinook (unknown r/t)
12WWild Summer Chinook
13HHat. Fall Chinook
13UFall Chinook (unknown r/t)
13WWild Fall Chinook
15HHat. Chinook (unknown run)
15UChinook (unknown run & r/t)
15WWild Chinook (unknown run)
25HHat. Coho
25UCoho (unknown r/t)
25WWild Coho
30HHat. O. mykiss (unknown migratory status)
30UO. mykiss (unknown migratory/rearing status)
30WWild O. mykiss (unknown migratory status)
32HHat. Summer Steelhead
32USummer Steelhead (unknown r/t)
32WWild Summer Steelhead
34HHat. Winter Steelhead
34WWild Winter Steelhead
35HHat. Steelhead (unknown run)
35USteelhead (unknown run & r/t)
35WWild Steelhead (unknown run)
3RHHat. Rainbow Trout
3RURainbow Trout (unknown r/t)
3RWWild Rainbow Trout
42HHat. Summer Sockeye
42USummer Sockeye (unknown r/t)
42WWild Summer Sockeye
45HHat. Sockeye (unknown run)
45USockeye (unknown run & r/t)
45WWild Sockeye (unknown run)
4RHHatchery Resident Sockeye (Kokanee)
4RWWild Resident Sockeye (Kokanee)
52HHat. Summer Chum
52USummer Chum (unknown r/t)
52WWild Summer Chum
53HHat. Fall Chum
53UFall Chum (unknown r/t)
53WWild Fall Chum
55HHat. Chum (unknown run)
55UChum (unknown run & r/t)
55WWild Chum (unknown run)
65WWild Pink
7RWBull Trout
85HHat. Coastal Cutthroat
85UCoastal Cutthroat (unknown r/t)
85WWild Coastal Cutthroat
8RWWild Resident Cutthroat
A0HHatchery Pacific Lamprey
A0WPacific Lamprey
B0HHat. White Sturgeon
B0WWhite Sturgeon
C0WGreen Sturgeon
D0WNorthern Pikeminnow
ERUBrook Trout
F0WAmerican Shad
G0WMountain Whitefish
I0WChannel Catfish
J0WSmallmouth Bass
K0WWestern Brook Lamprey
L0WWild Lamprey (species unknown)
Tag Coordinator
The Coordinator ID code is the initials (two or three) of the project leader responsible for the PIT Tag data (not necessarily the person conducting the tagging or creating the Tagging File).
Tag Count
The total number of fish tagged during that particular release; it can range from single digits to thousands of fish.
Tag ID (Tag_ID)
A unique 10- or 14-character hexadecimal code recorded on the computer chip in the PIT tag.
Tag Site
This field contains a code (between three and six characters) denoting the site where the fish were marked (see Tag and Release Site Codes). During a recapture event, this code designates the recapture site.
Tagging File (Tag_File)
A file containing information from a PIT tagging session during which PIT tags are implanted in fish. A data file containing information pertaining to the original marking, release, recapture, or mortality of PIT-tagged fish.
Tagging Temperature
The temperature (ºC) of the tagging bath during the marking operation.
Travel (Days)
The difference between the release date and the observation date. Note, this may include time spent in rearing and is therefore not a good estimate of actual migration time.
USGS Hydrologic Unit
An eight-digit code representing the primary through quaternary classifications of geographic mapping in the United States. The US Geological Service assigns code designations to watersheds; this eight-digit code defines the location of the release site. This information can be useful in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) applications. See USGS Hydrologic Units Maps for more information.
A field in a Tagging File used to report the weight of the fish, recorded in tenths of grams.

DART-specific file_id (.DART[N])

We established a DART-specific file_id convention to streamline our processes related to PIT-tagged fishes and PTAGIS tagging files. The DART-specific identifiers were needed because multiple release events can be included in a PTAGIS P4 tagging file, while DART analytical processes require unique release events.

DART provides a number of analysis tools that group fish by PTAGIS tagging file (file_id), expecting data from a single release event. The advent of PTAGIS P4 software in 2018, allows taggers to combine multiple release events in a single file. To maintain and improve the functionality of the DART tools, we have created unique release events from PTAGIS tagging files containing multiple release events. These unique release events are identified in DART using the original file_id with an additional extension of the format ".DART[N]" where N is an incremental integer representing each sorted unique event within the file. Uniqueness is determined using the sorted data columns of original file_id, coordinator, organization, marking method, release date, release site, release hydro-unit, release river kilometer, hatchery, capture method, stock, brood year, migration year, and session message.

E.g., WJB-2022-180-001.xml becomes 5 unique tagging "files" based on 5 release dates.

        (new) file_id       	 coord 	 org  	 mark_meth 	  rel_date*  	 rel_site 
WJB-2022-180-001.xml.DART1  	 WJB   	 YINN 	 HAND      	 2022-06-29* 	 PRDFBY   
WJB-2022-180-001.xml.DART2  	 WJB   	 YINN 	 HAND      	 2022-06-30* 	 PRDFBY   
WJB-2022-180-001.xml.DART3  	 WJB   	 YINN 	 HAND      	 2022-07-05* 	 PRDFBY   
WJB-2022-180-001.xml.DART4  	 WJB   	 YINN 	 HAND      	 2022-07-07* 	 PRDFBY   
WJB-2022-180-001.xml.DART5  	 WJB   	 YINN 	 HAND      	 2022-07-11* 	 PRDFBY 

*Non-unique entry in original tagging file

Tagging files that contain a single release event retain their original identifier in DART reporting.

N.B. The integers used to identify a unique event are not static and may change if a new file_id version uploaded to PTAGIS results in a changed sort order of the identified columns.

-- implemented 1 September 2022

ESU (Evolutionarily Significant Unit) and DPS (Distinct Population Segment) Filter and Glossary

ESU (Evolutionarily Significant Unit) is a distinct population listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). DPS (Distinct Population Segment) is a distinct steelhead population listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The DART ESU/DPS Filter identifies PIT-tagged Columbia Basin Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU) and Distinct Population Segment (DPS) -- distinct populations listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) -- based on PIT Tag specifications including: species, run, rear type, release location (river kilometer, release site, and hydrounit), and hatchery origin.

DART develops and maintains database processes for correspondence between PTAGIS tagging and release metadata on individually tagged fish to potentially assign individuals to ESU and DPS populations. In addition to species, run, rear-type, and release location, DART uses hydrounit, river kilometer, tagging coordinator, hatchery, and stock where applicable. We restrict ESU / DPS assignments to fish tagged as juveniles to avoid mislabeling adult migrants and strays.

With each PTAGIS update (daily, monthly, annually) into DART, we maintain database and report definitions of all the Columbia Basin ESU and DPS populations to match NOAA's stock definitions, including hatchery propagation efforts.

We present the NOAA descriptions of the ESA listed Columbia Basin salmonids runs and provide the conditional PSQL statements applied by DART to PTAGIS tagging and release data for selecting the ESU/DPS subsets on Monitoring Resources Method: Columbia Basin ESU and DPS populations.

Based on aggregation and filtering of PIT Tag data, DART reports on the status and trends of 10 Snake, Columbia, and Willamette River Chinook and sockeye ESU and steelhead DPS populations.


The Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU includes naturally spawned spring/summer-run Chinook salmon originating from the mainstem Snake River and the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, and Salmon River subbasins. It also includes spring/summer-run Chinook salmon from 11 artificial propagation programs: Tucannon River Program, Lostine River Program, Catherine Creek Program, Lookingglass Hatchery Program, Upper Grande Ronde Program, Imnaha River Program, Big Sheep Creek Program, McCall Hatchery Program, Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement Program, Pahsimeroi Hatchery Program, and Sawtooth Hatchery Program. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned spring/summer-run Chinook salmon originating from the mainstem Snake River and the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, and Salmon River subbasins. The ESU Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 11 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU includes naturally spawned spring-run Chinook salmon originating from Columbia River tributaries upstream of the Rock Island Dam and downstream of Chief Joseph Dam (excluding the Okanogan River subbasin). Also, spring-run Chinook salmon from six artificial propagation programs: Twisp River Program, Chewuch River Program, Methow Program, Winthrop National Fish Hatchery Program, Chiwawa River Program, and White River Program. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned spring-run Chinook salmon originating from Columbia River tributaries upstream of the Rock Island Dam and downstream of Chief Joseph Dam (excluding the Okanogan River subbasin). The ESU Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the six artificial propagation programs that are part of the Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Lower Columbia River Chinook ESU includes naturally spawned Chinook salmon originating from the Columbia River and its tributaries downstream of a transitional point east of the Hood and White Salmon Rivers, and any such fish originating from the Willamette River and its tributaries below Willamette Falls. Not included in this ESU are: (1) spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Clackamas River; (2) fall-run Chinook salmon originating from Upper Columbia River bright hatchery stocks, that spawn in the mainstem Columbia River below Bonneville Dam, and in other tributaries upstream from the Sandy River to the Hood and White Salmon Rivers; (3) spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Round Butte Hatchery (Deschutes River, Oregon) and spawning in the Hood River; (4) spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Carson National Fish Hatchery and spawning in the Wind River; and (5) naturally spawning Chinook salmon originating from the Rogue River Fall Chinook Program. This ESU does include Chinook salmon from 15 artificial propagation programs: Big Creek Tule Chinook Program, Astoria High School Salmon-Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) Tule Chinook Program, Warrenton High School STEP Tule Chinook Program, Cowlitz Tule Chinook Program, North Fork Toutle Tule Chinook Program, Kalama Tule Chinook Program, Washougal River Tule Chinook Program, Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery (NFH) Tule Chinook Program, Cowlitz Spring Chinook Program in the Upper Cowlitz River and the Cispus River, Friends of the Cowlitz Spring Chinook Program, Kalama River Spring Chinook Program, Lewis River Spring Chinook Program, Fish First Spring Chinook Program, and Sandy River Hatchery (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Stock #11). Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Lower Columbia River Chinook ESU Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned Chinook salmon originating from the Columbia River and its tributaries downstream of a transitional point east of the Hood and White Salmon Rivers, and any such fish originating from the Willamette River and its tributaries below Willamette Falls. Not included in this ESU are: (1) spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Clackamas River; (2) fall-run Chinook salmon originating from Upper Columbia River bright hatchery stocks, that spawn in the mainstem Columbia River below Bonneville Dam, and in other tributaries upstream from the Sandy River to the Hood and White Salmon Rivers; (3) spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Round Butte Hatchery (Deschutes River, Oregon) and spawning in the Hood River; (4) spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Carson National Fish Hatchery and spawning in the Wind River; and (5) naturally spawning Chinook salmon originating from the Rogue River Fall Chinook Program. The ESU Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 15 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Lower Columbia River Chinook ESU. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Upper Willamette River Chinook ESU includes naturally spawned spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Clackamas River and from the Willamette River and its tributaries above Willamette Falls. Also, spring-run Chinook salmon from six artificial propagation programs: McKenzie River Hatchery Program (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Stock #23), Marion Forks Hatchery/North Fork Santiam River Program (ODFW Stock #21), South Santiam Hatchery Program (ODFW Stock #24) in the South Fork Santiam River and Mollala River, Willamette Hatchery Program (ODFW Stock #22), and Clackamas Hatchery Program (ODFW Stock #19). Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Upper Willamette River Chinook ESU Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned spring-run Chinook salmon originating from the Clackamas River and from the Willamette River and its tributaries above Willamette Falls. The ESU Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 6 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Upper Willamette River Chinook ESU. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Snake River Fall Chinook ESU includes naturally spawned fall-run Chinook salmon originating from the mainstem Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam and from the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, Salmon River, and Clearwater River subbasins. Also, fall-run Chinook salmon from four artificial propagation programs: Lyons Ferry Hatchery Program, Fall Chinook Acclimation Ponds Program, Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Program, and Oxbow Hatchery Program. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: June 2007.

Definition used by Columbia River DART through May 2007. Snake River Fall Chinook ESU consists of the production from spawning populations of fall chinook in the Snake, Tucannon, Clearwater, Salmon, Imnaha and Grande Ronde Rivers.

The Snake River Fall Chinook ESU Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned fall-run Chinook salmon originating from the mainstem Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam and from the Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, Salmon River, and Clearwater River subbasins. The ESU Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 4 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Snake River Fall Chinook ESU. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: June 2007.


The Snake River Sockeye ESU includes naturally spawned anadromous and residual sockeye salmon originating from the Snake River Basin, and also sockeye salmon from one artificial propagation program: Redfish Lake Captive Broodstock Program. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Snake River Sockeye ESU Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned anadromous and residual sockeye salmon originating from the Snake River Basin. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.


The Snake River Steelhead DPS includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Snake River basin, and also steelhead from six artificial propagation programs: Tucannon River Program, Dworshak National Fish Hatchery Program, Lolo Creek Program, North Fork Clearwater Program, East Fork Salmon River Program, and Little Sheep Creek/Imnaha River Hatchery Program (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Stock #29). Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Snake River Steelhead DPS Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Snake River basin. The ESU Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 6 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Snake River Steelhead DPS. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Columbia River and its tributaries upstream of the Yakima River to the U.S.-Canada border. Also, steelhead from six artificial propagation programs: Wenatchee River Program, Wells Hatchery Program (in the Methow and Okanogan Rivers), Winthrop National Fish Hatchery Program, Omak Creek Program, and Ringold Hatchery Program. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Columbia River and its tributaries upstream of the Yakima River to the U.S.-Canada border. The DPS Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 6 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Middle Columbia River Steelhead DPS includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Columbia River and its tributaries upstream of the Wind and Hood Rivers (exclusive) to and including the Yakima River; excludes such fish originating from the Snake River Basin. This DPS does include steelhead from seven artificial propagation programs: Touchet River Endemic Program, Yakima River Kelt Reconditioning Program (in Satus Creek, Toppenish Creek, Naches River, and Upper Yakima River), Umatilla River Program (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Stock #91), and Deschutes River Program (ODFW Stock #66). This DPS does not include steelhead that are designated as part of an experimental population. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Middle Columbia River Steelhead DPS Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Columbia River and its tributaries upstream of the Wind and Hood Rivers (exclusive) to and including the Yakima River; excludes such fish originating from the Snake River Basin. The DPS Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 7 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Middle Columbia River Steelhead DPS. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2010.

The Lower Columbia River Steelhead DPS includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from rivers between the Cowlitz and Wind Rivers (inclusive) and the Willamette and Hood Rivers (inclusive); excludes such fish originating from the upper Willamette River basin above Willamette Falls. This DPS does include steelhead from seven artificial propagation programs: Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Late Winter-run Program (Lower Cowlitz), Kalama River Wild Winter-run and Summer-run Programs, Clackamas Hatchery Late Winter-run Program (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Stock #122), Sandy Hatchery Late Winter-run Program (ODFW Stock #11), Hood River Winter-run Program (ODFW Stock #50), and Lewis River Wild Late-run Winter Steelhead Program. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

The Lower Columbia River Steelhead DPS Wild Only Subpopulation includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from rivers between the Cowlitz and Wind Rivers (inclusive) and the Willamette and Hood Rivers (inclusive); excludes such fish originating from the upper Willamette River basin above Willamette Falls. The DPS Wild Only Subpopulation does not include the 7 artificial propagation programs that are part of the Lower Columbia River Steelhead DPS. Definition implemented by Columbia River DART: March 2015.

Note on Migration Year 2000:
There was an release of unmarked subyearling chinook upstream of Snake River Trap which occurred in May 2000. As the result, there was some problem in proper identification of juvenile chinook at the trap (SNKTRP) beginning with May 22, 2000. Some subyearling fall chinook were tagged as 15Ws (Chinook, Unknown, Wild) and included in the wild yearling spring/summer chinook ESU totals via detections from the SNKTRP. Detections at SNKTRP after May 22, 2000 of wild yearling spring/summer chinook have been excluded from the "Chinook, Wild Spring/Summer Yearling" category.

DART Life Stage Filter

The DART Life Stage Filter is currently under review; we expect to update and implement version 2.0 by end of 2023.

DART categorizes PIT Tag observations into three stages: Adult, Juvenile, and Unknown. A life-stage of Adult, Juvenile, or Unknown is assigned to each salmonid PIT Tag detection using PTAGIS data specifications of migration year, release year, release length, observation year, release site, capture method, tagging comments, detection sequences, travel time, detection location and other criteria to determine the stage of the PIT-tagged fish at the time of the detection. The PTAGIS observation data set is an extremely useful resource for monitoring and analyzing the life history and migration patterns of Columbia Basin salmonids. Attaching a life-stage designation (Adult, Juvenile, Unknown) to a PIT tag detection increases the utility of the dataset and allows additional analyses including conversion rates and stray patterns. The DART life stage filter combines the tagging, interrogation, and recapture datasets to determine the life stage at tagging and each subsequent observation. The DART definition of adult is a sexually mature, upstream migrant including precocious, mini-jack, and jack fish.

DART Transportation Filter

DART transport analysis of PTAGIS dataset is conducted annually after the end of the transportation season. DART analyzed 2000 to the present for transportation at Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and McNary (until operations stopped).

The DART transport filter of the PTAGIS dataset examines fish seen at transport locations and assigns a probable transport outcome to individuals. It is designed to create a list of fish that are expected to be transported based on coil detections but may have extenuating circumstances.

The psql file "Transport_Filter_NEW.psql" is the vehicle for this. Tables involved include transport_proj_list, transport_rel_list, transport_dates, trans_min_max, cbr_transport_exceptions, and trans_dates_dodo.

The first step is to examine the transport schedule as reported by FPC. The results are placed in the table transport_dates. Chinook are added separately because they have multiple run-types. A key statistic is bypass percent.

The table is improved by determining days where fish are collected but the action (bypassed, transported) is recorded on the following day. trans_dates_dodo is the table for this. Its refinements go into transport_dates.

transport_dates is then examined for the min and max transport dates for each species and project. The results are placed in trans_min_max. trans_dates_dodo is examined to extend the dates here as well, if needed.

We then create two lists: transport_proj_list table are fish seen at the transport sites with their max(obs_date) and associated coil_ids. transport_rel_list are fish identified in transportation releases. There is a little overlap here so fish listed as transport releases that are detected at the transport sites are deleted from the transport_proj_list. Project and obs_site names are forced into alignment in these two lists.

Based on PTAGIS site configuration information, fish with absolute non-transport final coils_ids are deleted from the table. The remaining fish are assigned a trans_status codes of 'T' (TRANSPORTED) or 'S' (SAMPLED) depending on the date and location of their last detection at a project. All transportation release fish are assigned an initial code of 'T'.

Any fish not receiving a status code is deleted from the tables.

Then the trans_status codes are examined relative to transport_dates. Fish that are detected on days when bypass exceed 93% have a 'B' (BYPASS) appended to their trans_status. Fish seen at projects outside the transportation date window are also appended with a 'B'. Fish that are held extra days before an action is recorded (trans_dates_dodo) are examined manually after the filter is completed to determine if the fish need an added bypass designation. These additional bypass dates are added programmatically to the filter.

There is significant meta-data regarding project/date combinations where transport operations were compromised. We have two methods of determining these events:

  1. Specific expert information regarding specific releases, projects, and dates.
  2. Careful retrospective analysis of the transportation filter results to identify project/date combinations where a significant percentage of expected transport fish were returned to the river. Subsequent downstream detections are used in this analysis. If 25% of temporally grouped 'T' or 'S' status fish are detected downstream we consider the time period to have a bypass pattern (P).

This intelligence is contained into the table cbr_transport_exceptions. Fish matching the appropriate criteria in the table are assigned the trans_status of TBP (TRANSPORT BYPASS PATTERN) or SBP (SAMPLE BYPASS PATTERN) as listed in the table.

The transport_rel_list is appended to transport_proj_list at this juncture.

There are a number of barge releases that are identified as not satisfying a 'transported' criteria. These 'bad barge trip' fish are assigned a trans_status code of '99'.

Once fish have these designations, they are examined for unexpected downstream PTAGIS detections. Fish seen at a transport site that have received a trans_status designation of 'S', 'T', 'SB', or 'TB' but are seen at a downstream location as a juvenile have a 'D' (DOWNSTREAM) appended to their trans_status.

The transport_proj_list table contains the following transport designations:

Table 1 DART Transport Status Codes
Transport Status Counts (2000-2022) Transportation Status Description
T 4053368 Transport
TB 350655 Transport, Probable Bypass
TBD 158003 Transport, Probable Bypass, Detected Downstream
TBP 18797 Transport, Probable Bypass, Pattern Shows Bypass
TD 23842 Transport, Detected Downstream
S 172796 Sample
SB 12718 Sample, Probable Bypass
SBD 7166 Sample, Probable Bypass, Detected Downstream
SBP 1190 Sample, Probable Bypass, Pattern Shows Bypass
SD 2269 Sample, Detected Downstream
99 3298 Bad Barge Trip
Table 2 DART Transport Exceptions
Project Year Source Monitor Start Time End Time Transport Status
Project Year Source Monitor Start Time End Time Transport Status
LWG2000CBR Sites ConfigRACEWAY EAST2000-05-04 11:16:592000-05-04 19:36:55TBP
LWG2000CBR Sites ConfigRACEWAY EAST2000-05-05 18:00:002000-05-05 23:38:00TBP
LWG2000CBR Sites ConfigRACEWAY EAST2000-05-06 06:55:002000-05-06 07:55:00TBP
LWG2000CBR Sites ConfigRACEWAY EAST2000-05-07 02:57:002000-05-07 06:57:00TBP
LWG2001BADBARGESAMPLE TANK2001-05-15 07:45:002001-05-18 02:08:0099
LWG2001IHR DUMPSAMPLE TANK2001-05-15 07:45:462001-05-18 02:07:09SBP
LWG2001BADBARGERACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2001-05-15 08:57:002001-05-15 13:58:0099
LWG2001BADBARGERACEWAY EAST2001-05-16 18:54:002001-05-16 20:57:0099
LWG2001BADBARGERACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2001-05-17 01:59:002001-05-18 05:10:0099
MCN2001PatternB-RACEWAY2001-05-18 07:48:192001-05-18 20:14:53TBP
MCN2001PatternB-RACEWAY2001-05-23 06:48:042001-05-23 10:12:54TBP
MCN2001PatternB-RACEWAY2001-05-25 06:02:442001-05-25 10:45:49TBP
MCN2001PatternB-RACEWAY2001-05-27 00:38:162001-05-27 10:03:45TBP
MCN2001PatternB-RACEWAY2001-05-31 02:43:352001-05-31 10:17:57TBP
MCN2001PatternB-RACEWAY2001-06-02 04:22:542001-06-02 09:43:30TBP
MCN2001PatternSAMPLE ROOM2001-06-19 06:12:342001-06-19 14:37:17SBP
LWG2003CBR Sites ConfigRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2003-04-23 21:05:002003-04-24 05:20:00TBP
LMN2003CBR Sites ConfigB-RACEWAY2003-05-26 22:48:002003-05-27 03:12:00TBP
LGS2003PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2003-06-06 06:20:002003-06-06 06:49:49TBP
LGS2003PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2003-06-11 07:25:462003-06-11 07:41:40TBP
LGS2003PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2003-06-11 07:44:422003-06-11 08:19:23TBP
LWG2003PatternRACEWAY EAST2003-07-01 06:00:002003-07-01 12:34:22TBP
LGS2003PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2003-07-08 02:20:232003-07-08 22:38:58TBP
LWG2003PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2003-07-08 04:02:292003-07-08 13:48:12TBP
LWG2003PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2003-07-08 17:00:002003-07-08 23:59:59TBP
LGS2003PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2003-07-09 00:00:002003-07-09 11:59:59TBP
MCN2003PatternA-RACEWAY2003-07-09 01:53:212003-07-09 23:24:02TBP
LWG2003PatternRACEWAY EAST2003-07-15 06:10:002003-07-15 08:30:00TBP
LWG2004PatternRACEWAY EAST2004-05-04 23:12:152004-05-05 00:35:59TBP
LWG2004PatternRACEWAY EAST2004-05-05 21:32:562004-05-06 07:12:58TBP
LWG2004PatternRACEWAY EAST2004-05-09 00:07:232004-05-09 07:00:08TBP
LWG2004PatternRACEWAY EAST2004-05-22 21:04:002004-05-23 03:39:59TBP
LWG2004PatternRACEWAY EAST2004-05-23 20:30:002004-05-24 07:59:59TBP
LWG2004PatternRACEWAY EAST2004-06-24 23:00:002004-06-24 23:59:59TBP
LMN2004PatternA-RACEWAY2004-06-28 04:59:082004-06-29 13:53:04TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY EAST2005-04-06 03:05:502005-04-06 05:24:29TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY EAST2005-04-30 03:00:002005-04-30 08:57:00TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2005-05-01 00:35:002005-05-01 00:49:59TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2005-05-01 01:14:002005-05-01 01:22:59TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY EAST2005-05-02 05:00:002005-05-02 13:59:59TBP
LMN2005PatternB-RACEWAY2005-05-08 20:00:002005-05-08 23:59:59TBP
LMN2005PatternA-RACEWAY2005-05-08 20:00:002005-05-08 23:59:59TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY EAST2005-05-09 08:49:202005-05-09 22:04:40TBP
LGS2005PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-10 08:59:002005-05-10 23:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-10 13:55:002005-05-10 23:59:59TBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY EAST2005-05-10 14:30:002005-05-10 17:32:00TBP
LGS2005PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-11 00:00:002005-05-11 05:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-11 00:00:002005-05-11 05:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-11 19:00:012005-05-11 23:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-11 20:19:002005-05-11 23:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-12 00:00:002005-05-12 06:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-12 00:00:002005-05-12 11:05:58TBP
LGS2005PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-12 13:30:002005-05-12 15:59:59TBP
LGS2005PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2005-05-13 03:00:002005-05-13 11:03:30TBP
LMN2005PatternSAMPLE ROOM2005-05-13 12:53:552005-05-13 14:17:45SBP
LWG2005PatternRACEWAY EAST2005-10-31 07:05:552005-10-31 08:05:42TBP
LMN2006PatternB-RACEWAY2006-04-30 06:43:462006-04-30 12:47:47TBP
LWG2006PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2006-05-20 08:00:002006-05-20 18:50:00TBP
LWG2006PatternRACEWAY EAST / RIVER EXIT2006-05-20 19:00:002006-05-20 23:59:59TBP
LWG2006PatternRACEWAY EAST / RIVER EXIT2006-05-22 01:00:002006-05-22 09:59:59TBP
LWG2007PatternSAMPLE TANK2007-04-19 00:00:002007-05-01 06:59:59SBP
LGS2007PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2007-05-12 04:04:592007-05-12 05:36:09TBP
LGS2007PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2007-05-21 11:55:002007-05-21 23:59:59TBP
LGS2007PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2007-05-21 12:00:002007-05-21 23:59:59TBP
LGS2007PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2007-05-22 00:00:002007-05-22 11:59:59TBP
LGS2007PatternB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2007-05-22 00:00:002007-05-22 11:59:59TBP
LGS2007PatternSAMPLE ROOM2007-05-22 06:12:432007-05-22 08:53:09SBP
LWG2008PatternSAMPLE TANK2008-04-10 04:02:062008-05-01 06:59:59SBP
LMN2008PatternB-RACEWAY2008-05-18 18:30:302008-05-18 23:59:59TBP
LMN2008PatternA-RACEWAY2008-05-18 18:30:302008-05-18 23:59:59TBP
LMN2008PatternA-RACEWAY2008-06-08 16:45:302008-06-10 04:43:44TBP
LWG2009PatternSAMPLE TANK2009-04-09 02:30:232009-05-01 06:59:59SBP
LWG2009PatternRACEWAY EAST2009-04-23 18:00:002009-04-23 19:50:00TBP
LMN2009PatternSAMPLE ROOM2009-05-13 13:31:542009-05-13 14:10:43SBP
LMN2009PatternSAMPLE ROOM2009-05-24 12:47:252009-05-24 13:04:57SBP
LMN2009PatternB-RACEWAY2009-06-05 18:25:162009-06-07 05:56:40TBP
LWG2010PatternSAMPLE TANK2010-04-23 00:29:132010-04-23 04:58:06SBP
LGS2010PatternA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2010-06-07 14:30:142010-06-07 15:19:59TBP
LWG2011PatternSAMPLE TANK2011-04-12 01:27:062011-04-27 20:38:10SBP
LWG2011PatternRACEWAY EAST2011-05-15 07:29:002011-05-15 23:59:59TBP
LWG2011PatternSAMPLE TANK2011-05-15 10:57:572011-05-18 04:58:44SBP
LMN2011PatternB-RACEWAY2011-05-15 17:52:002011-05-15 23:59:59TBP
LMN2011PatternA-RACEWAY2011-05-15 18:49:012011-05-15 23:59:59TBP
LWG2011PatternEAST RACEWAY 102011-05-15 19:09:032011-05-15 20:00:45TBP
LWG2011PatternSAMPLE TANK2011-05-22 06:02:002011-05-22 23:59:59SBP
LWG2011PatternRACEWAY EAST2011-05-22 16:29:002011-05-22 23:59:59TBP
LMN2011PatternB-RACEWAY2011-06-08 18:30:002011-06-08 23:59:59TBP
LMN2011PatternA-RACEWAY2011-06-08 20:13:002011-06-08 23:59:59TBP
LMN2011PatternB-RACEWAY2011-06-26 20:50:002011-06-26 23:59:59TBP
LWG2012PatternSAMPLE TANK2012-04-12 01:06:232012-05-01 00:30:11SBP
LWG2012PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2012-05-07 22:16:382012-05-07 22:59:59TBP
LWG2012PatternRACEWAY WEST / RIVER EXIT2012-05-15 22:26:122012-05-15 22:50:15TBP
MCN2013CBR Sites ConfigB-RACEWAY2013-01-01 00:00:00|TBP
MCN2013CBR Sites ConfigA-RACEWAY2013-01-01 00:00:00|TBP
LWG2013PatternSAMPLE TANK2013-04-26 01:33:582013-04-27 03:12:30SBP
LWG2014PatternSAMPLE TANK2014-04-25 06:15:182014-05-01 02:15:15SBP
LWG2014BADBARGESAMPLE TANK2014-05-08 06:00:002014-05-08 19:59:0099
LWG2014EXTRA TRIPSAMPLE TANK2014-05-08 06:27:362014-05-09 03:59:5999
LWG2014BADBARGERACEWAY EAST2014-05-08 07:00:002014-05-08 12:59:0099
LWG2014BADBARGEEAST RACEWAY 102014-05-08 18:00:002014-05-08 20:59:0099
LWG2014BADBARGERACEWAY EAST2014-05-08 18:00:002014-05-08 20:59:0099
LMN2016high fish numbers for bargeA-RACEWAY2016-05-02 11:30:002016-05-03 15:00:00TB
LGS2019MFR 19 LGS 04 raceway capacityB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2019-04-24 02:15:002019-04-24 13:00:00TB
LGS2019MFR 19 LGS 04 raceway capacityA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2019-04-24 04:15:002019-04-24 13:00:00TB
LGS2019MFR 19 LGS 04 bypass errorA-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2019-04-24 23:00:002019-04-25 03:00:00TB
LGS2019MFR 19 LGS 04 bypass errorB-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2019-04-24 23:00:002019-04-25 03:00:00TB
LGS2020MFR 20 LGS 09B-RACEWAY / RIVER EXIT2020-06-17 11:00:002020-06-18 08:00:00TB

Calculating 10 Year Averages

The 10 Year Averages are calculated by DART for each calendar day of data at each project. For the current year and any given project/month/day, the data from the previous 10 years on that calendar day is summed and divided by the number of non-null data points available. Calendar day averaging was chosen because, historically, data observations begin on a specific calendar day. Calendar day averaging gives different results than day of year averaging.

River Environment Glossary

Please refer to the River Environment Glossary