Pacific Northwest Index (PNI) Methods

The PNI is a mean of three environmental parameters: annual total precipitation, snowpack depth on March 15th, and annual mean air temperature (Ebbesmeyer and Strickland 1995), with each of the three environmental parameters scaled to a mean of 0 and 1 standard deviation.

Slightly different methods of the PNI have been applied on DART through the years because of data gaps and discontinued stations. We describe three different flavors of the methods that have been applied on DART: 1) Original PNI [v1.0 and v1.1]; 2) Alternative PNI [aPNI; Beta v2.0] that uses dynamic factor analysis to help predict missing air temperature at Olga, WA; and 3) Updated PNI [v3.0], which replaces air temperature at Olga, WA with that at Everett, WA.

The current record of PNI that is reported on the PNI webpage is PNI v3.0. The previous records of PNI that have been published on DART are archived below. We include some comparisons and interpretations of the different versions of PNI.

Methods for calculating PNI on DART through the years

Original PNI (v1.0 and v1.1)

The original PNI was calculated following the method in Ebbesmeyer and Strickland (1995) for the annual index in years 1891-2015 (and the 5-year average PNI in years 1893-2013). We applied PNI v1.0 from mid-2000s to 2016 for reporting on DART. An updated version of the PNI with QCed data conducted in 2025 is also available and is referred to as PNI v1.1.

The PNI v1.0 and v1.1 uses three parameters: 1) annual total precipitation at Cedar Lake, WA in the Cascade Mountains [USC00451233, NCEI]; 2) snowpack depth at Paradise, WA on Mount Rainier on March 15 of each year [USC00456898, NCEI]; and 3) annual mean air temperature at Olga, WA in the San Juan Islands [USC00456096, NCEI].

The annual PNI for year y is calculated as follows:

PNIy = ( TempDevy + PrecipDevy + SnowDevy ) / 3
(Eq. 1)
TempDevy = - ( MeanTemp - Tempy ) / StDevTemp
PrecipDevy = ( MeanPrecip - Precipy ) / StDevPrecip
SnowDevy = ( MeanSnow - Snowy ) / StDevSnow

Please note that the sign of the normalized air temperature data is reversed to align with precipitation and snowpack in their positive or negative effects on organisms. We report the equations above as documented on DART since the mid-2000s. For further breakdown of steps to the calculations, see the section on Updated PNI v3.0.

For PNI v1.0 and v1.1, when there were any missing data, the PNI was still calculated using only two out of the three values of precipitation (P), snowpack (S), and air temperature (T), or even just one out of the three environmental parameters. For data quality purposes, we note whether all three environmental parameters are used (i.e., PST), two of the three environmental parameters are used (i.e., PS, PT, or ST), or one out of the three are used (i.e., P, S, or T).

Alternative PNI (aPNI; Beta v2.0)

The annual aPNI was calculated for years 1891-2021 (and 5-year average aPNI for years 1893-2019). We applied this method on DART because air temperature stopped being observed at station Olga 2 SE, WA (USC00456096, NCEI) after 2016-04-30. We applied a dynamic factor analysis (DFA) to predict temperatures at Olga, WA (Van Holmes and Gosselin 2020) starting in 2020. However, additional data gaps at the stations used in the DFA prevented the continuation of this method starting in 2022. Please note that this method is in development and a new selection of stations to replace discontinued stations is pending for the DFA analysis to predict temperatures at Olga, WA.

For PNI Beta v2.0, when there were any missing data, the PNI was still calculated using the data available (e.g., PS, PT, ST, P, S, or T).

Updated PNI (v3.0)

The PNI v3.0 was calculated starting in 2025 with a similar method to that of PNI v1.0, but using air temperature at Everett, WA (USC00452675, NCEI) instead of at Olga, WA (USC00456096, NCEI). The PNI v3.0 record begins in 1915 and is the current method updated annually on DART.

The PNI v3.0 is calculated as follows:
(Please note that these equations are equivalent to the simplified calculations in Eq.1.)

(Eq. 2)

where Pz,y, Sz,y, Tz,y are respectively the normalized data (i.e., scaled to a mean of 0 and 1 standard deviation; also known as z-scored data). The z-scored data are calculated as follows:

(Eq. 3.1)
(Eq. 3.2)
(Eq. 3.3)

where py, sy, ty are respectively the annual total precipitation at Cedar Lake, the snowpack depth at Paradise, Mount Rainier on March 15, and the annual mean air temperature at Everett, WA in year y. The time series mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ) for each of the three environmental parameters are calculated from the most complete time series possible. Thus, the means ( μP, μS, and μT) and standard deviations ( σP, σS, and σT) are recalculated with new data each year (see Table 3). Please note that the data for total precipitation and snowpack depth are reversed (negative sign in Eq. 3.1 and 3.2) to align with the direction of effects of temperature on organisms. For clarity, the means are calculated as follows:

(Eq. 4.1)
(Eq. 4.2)
(Eq. 4.3)

where NP, NS, NT are respectively the sample sizes (i.e, number of years of data) available for annual precipitation, snowpack depth, and air temperature.

For PNI v3.0, if two environmental parameters are available, we still calculate it using the data available (e.g., PS, PT, or ST). If only one of the environmental parameters is available, then we do not calculate the PNI and note which one environmental parameter was available (i.e., P, S, or T).

Updates to the data

As part of developing PNI v3.0, a new quality control process was established and the historical data were re-examined. The updates applied to the historical data sets, as of February 2025, are summarized below.

  • Annual Total Precipitation at Cedar Lake station, WA:
    • For years 1900, 1903, 1904, and 1913, there is not enough data from the Cedar Lake site to obtain an accurate estimate of the annual total precipitation. These years are left as null.
    • For years 1929 and 1930, historical data is slightly different than the data used to calculate PNI v1.0 and aPNI (Beta v2.0); after further investigation, the current data reported for station USC00451233 from NCEI appears more accurate and is thus used in the updated data set.
    • For the year 2017, data used to previously calculate the annual total precipitation was incomplete and has been corrected.
    • For the year 2021, data used to calculate the annual total precipitation was from Mount Rainier station. The data for 2021 has been corrected to precipitation data from Cedar Lake, WA.
  • Snowpack Depth on March 15th at Paradise station, Mount Rainier, WA:
    • For years 1916 and 1919, there is not enough data from the Paradise station to obtain an accurate estimate of the snowpack depth on March 15th. These years are left as null.
    • For years 1925 and 1937, the data for snowpack depth on March 15th that was previously obtained and used to calculate PNI v1.0 and aPNI (Beta v2.0) does not match the historical data currently reported by NCEI at station USC00456898. After investigation, current data appears to be more accurate and are used in the updated data set.
    • For years 1927, 1953, 1954, 2007, 2012, 2015, and 2023, there is no snowpack depth measurement on the date of March 15th, however, there are measurements within a week before and after that. We used these data for linear interpolation to estimate the daily snowpack depth and the value on March 15th. These calculations were checked and match the estimates used for calculating PNI v1.0 in all of these years, except for 1953, which has now been updated.
    • For the year 1948, no data on snowpack depth was recorded from March 1 until June 1. Given the large data gap, a linear interpolation was not applied. Instead, we used the maximum snowpack depth in February as a surrogate estimate for the March 15th in the calculations of PNI v1.0 and aPNI (Beta v2.0) and we maintain this rule for PNI v3.0.

Comparisons of versions of PNI and yearly recalculations

Yearly recalculations of the PNI time series using updated means and standard deviations change the historical values of the PNI, but are relatively small and likely negligible (Figures 1, 2 and 3).

The means and standard deviations for the three environmental parameters are listed for each archived record of recalculated PNI time series (Table 1 for v1.0, Table 2 for Beta v2.0, and Table 3 for v3.0).

A comparison of the values of the PNI of different versions (v1.0, v1.1, Beta v2.0 and v3.0) can be viewed in Figure 4. The difference between PNI v3.0 and earlier versions of the PNI can be viewed in Figure 5 and Figure 6.

Figure 1. Yearly recalculations of PNI v1.0 time series records. See Table 1 for associated means and standard deviations.
Table 1. PNI v1.0 means and standard deviations (SD) of the three environmental parameters for each yearly recalculated time series record of PNI.
PNI Archival Year Data Year Range Annual Total Precipitation at Cedar Lake Snowpack Depth on March 15 at Paradise Annual Mean Air temperature at Olga
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
1996 1891-1995 102.224 17.107 172.156 51.460 49.999 1.239
1997 1891-1996 102.343 17.057 171.410 51.547 49.995 1.234
1998 1891-1997 102.464 17.009 172.506 52.134 50.006 1.234
1999 1891-1998 102.488 16.923 172.425 51.808 50.018 1.235
2000 1891-1999 102.514 16.838 173.642 52.635 50.023 1.230
2001 1891-2000 102.265 16.937 173.805 52.330 50.027 1.225
2002 1891-2001 102.089 16.944 172.940 52.604 50.030 1.220
2003 1891-2002 101.943 16.924 173.548 52.582 50.036 1.216
2004 1891-2003 101.931 16.841 173.071 52.453 50.044 1.214
2005 1891-2004 101.773 16.837 173.012 52.146 50.065 1.228
2006 1891-2005 101.585 16.866 171.414 53.942 50.081 1.235
2007 1891-2006 101.734 16.856 171.750 53.723 50.084 1.230
2008 1891-2007 101.657 16.795 171.416 53.510 50.076 1.228
2009 1891-2008 101.689 16.720 171.856 53.372 50.054 1.245
2010 1891-2009 101.590 16.674 171.659 53.108 50.038 1.253
2011 1891-2010 101.606 16.599 171.326 52.912 50.051 1.256
2012 1891-2011 101.654 16.531 171.656 52.720 50.043 1.254
2013 1891-2012 101.678 16.458 172.000 52.542 50.033 1.254
2014 1891-2013 101.575 16.421 171.895 52.271 50.028 1.250
2015 1891-2014 101.748 16.452 171.677 52.039 50.054 1.278
2016 1891-2015 101.750 16.379 170.505 53.039 50.090 1.337
Figure 2. Yearly recalculations of PNI Beta v2.0 time series records. See Table 2 for associated means and standard deviations.
Table 2. PNI Beta v2.0 means and standard deviations (SD) of the three environmental parameters for each yearly recalculated time series record of PNI. The air temperature at Olga WA was predicted from a dynamic factor analysis using several other nearby stations of air temperature.
PNI Archival Year Data Year Range Annual Total Precipitation at Cedar Lake Snowpack Depth on March 15 at Paradise Predicted Annual Mean Air Temperature at Olga
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
NA 1891-1995 102.224 17.107 172.156 51.460 49.672 1.273
NA 1891-1996 102.343 17.057 171.410 51.547 49.667 1.268
NA 1891-1997 102.464 17.009 172.506 52.134 49.678 1.267
NA 1891-1998 102.488 16.923 172.425 51.808 49.692 1.269
NA 1891-1999 102.514 16.838 173.642 52.635 49.690 1.264
NA 1891-2000 102.265 16.937 173.805 52.330 49.686 1.258
NA 1891-2001 102.089 16.944 172.940 52.604 49.681 1.254
NA 1891-2002 101.943 16.924 173.548 52.582 49.677 1.249
NA 1891-2003 101.931 16.841 173.071 52.453 49.686 1.247
NA 1891-2004 101.773 16.837 173.012 52.146 49.704 1.256
NA 1891-2005 101.585 16.866 171.414 53.942 49.716 1.257
NA 1891-2006 101.734 16.856 171.750 53.723 49.725 1.255
NA 1891-2007 101.657 16.795 171.416 53.510 49.728 1.250
NA 1891-2008 101.689 16.720 171.856 53.372 49.721 1.248
NA 1891-2009 101.590 16.674 171.659 53.108 49.717 1.243
NA 1891-2010 101.606 16.599 171.326 52.912 49.733 1.249
NA 1891-2011 101.654 16.531 171.656 52.720 49.733 1.244
NA 1891-2012 101.678 16.458 172.000 52.542 49.739 1.241
NA 1891-2013 101.575 16.421 171.895 52.271 49.752 1.245
NA 1891-2014 101.748 16.452 171.677 52.039 49.783 1.287
NA 1891-2015 101.750 16.379 170.505 53.039 49.821 1.348
2017 1891-2016 101.790 16.314 170.816 52.854 49.854 1.393
2018 1891-2017 101.703 16.270 170.576 52.639 49.868 1.396
2019 1891-2018 101.751 16.209 170.540 52.373 49.888 1.410
2020 1891-2019 101.584 16.244 170.416 52.126 49.907 1.420
2021 1891-2020 101.767 16.300 170.647 51.920 49.922 1.425
2022 1891-2021 101.744 16.234 171.049 51.825 49.929 1.422
Figure 3. Yearly recalculations of PNI v3.0 time series records. See Table 3 for associated means and standard deviations.
Table 3. PNI v3.0 means and standard deviations (SD) of the three environmental parameters for each yearly recalculated time series record of PNI.
PNI Archival Year Data Year Range Annual Total Precipitation at Cedar Lake WA Snowpack Depth on March 15 at Paradise Annual Mean Air temperature at Everett WA
Figure 4. Comparison of PNI v1.0 or v1.1 (which uses air temperatures at Olga, WA) and aPNI (Beta v2.0 DFA-modeled air temperature) to PNI v3.0 (which uses air temperature at Everett, WA).
Figure 5. Annual values of PNI (v1.0, v1.1, or Beta v2.0) and the current PNI (v3.0) reported on DART.
Figure 6. Difference between earlier versions of the PNI (v1.0, v1.1, or Beta v2.0) and the current PNI (v3.0) reported on DART.


Ebbesmeyer, C.C. and R.M. Strickland. 1995. Oyster Condition and Climate: Evidence from Willapa Bay. Publication WSG-MR 95-02, Washington Sea Grant Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 11p.

Van Holmes, C. & Gosselin J. (2020). Development of a Mean Annual Temperature Value for the Continued Calculation of the Pacific Northwest Climate Index. Available from:

Williams, J.G., S.G. Smith, J.K. Fryer, M. D. Scheuerell, W.D. Muir, T.A. Flagg, R.W. Zabel, J.W. Ferguson, and E. Casillas. 2014. Influence of ocean and freshwater conditions on Columbia River sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka adult return rates. Fish. Oceanogr. 23(3):210-224. doi:10.1111/fog.12056

Prior Versions Data Files