DART PIT Tag Release and Observation Summary for Adults for Generating Mean Travel Time Estimates Data Courtesy of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission PIT Tag Adult Return Queries Graphics&Text Detail by Observation Year Detail by Release Year Basin Summary Conversion Rate Fallback Mean Travel Times Historical Run Timing Select Species, Return Year 1-Chinook 2-Coho 3-Steelhead 4-Sockeye 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 Select Release Location Release Basin Alpha by Water Body Name Release Basin by River KM Release Site No Selection - Release Location Antoine Creek - Okanogan Basin Asotin Creek Beaver Creek - Methow Basin Big Creek - MF Salmon, Salmon Basin Bridge Creek - John Day Basin Catherine Creek - Grande Ronde Basin Chewuch River - Methow Basin Chiwaukum Creek - Wenatchee Basin Chiwawa River - Wenatchee Basin Chumstick Creek - Wenatchee Basin Clearwater South Fork - Clearwater Basin Deschutes River and Tributaries Early Winters Creek - Methow Basin Entiat Basin - All Gold Creek - Methow Basin Grande Ronde Basin - All Hood River and Tributaries Icicle Creek - Wenatchee Basin Imnaha River and Tributaries John Day Basin - All John Day North Fork - John Day Basin John Day South Fork - John Day Basin Klickitat River and Tributaries Lapwai Creek - Clearwater Basin Lemhi River - Salmon Basin Libby Creek - Methow Basin Little White Salmon River and Tributaries Lochsa River - Clearwater Basin Lolo Creek - Clearwater Basin Lost River - Methow Basin Mad River - Entiat Basin Methow Basin - All Mission Creek - Wenatchee Basin Nason Creek - Wenatchee Basin Ninemile Creek - Okanogan Basin Okanogan Basin - All Omak Creek - Okanogan Basin Pahsimeroi River - Salmon Basin Peshastin River - Wenatchee Basin Potlatch River - Clearwater Basin Rock Creek Salmon Creek - Okanogan Basin Salmon River Middle Fork - Salmon Basin Salmon River South Fork - Salmon Basin Salmon River Upper - Salmon Basin Selway River - Clearwater Basin Similkameen River - Okanogan Basin Teanaway River - Yakima Basin Toppenish Creek - Yakima Basin Tucannon River and Tributaries Twisp River - Methow Basin Umatilla River and Tributaries Walla Walla River and Tributaries Wenatchee Basin - All White River/Little Wenatchee River/Lake Wenatchee - Wenatchee Basin Willamette River and Tributaries Wind River and Tributaries Wolf Creek - Methow Basin Yakima Basin - All Yankee Fork River - Salmon Basin Optional: Select Run Type, Rear Type, Release Year, Tag Coordinator No Selection-Run Type 1-Spring 2-Summer 3-Fall 4-Winter 5-Unknown R-Resident No Selection-Rear Type W-Wild H-Hatchery U-Unknown W+H-Wild and Hatchery No Selection-Release Year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 No Selection-Tag Coordinator AAB-Alan Byrne, IDFG [2006] ACG-Andrew Grassell, CPUD [2006] ACP-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active] AEK-Andre Kohler, SHOBAN [2010] AFB-Matt Belnap, IDFG [2008] AFE-Allen Evans, RTR [active] AFP-Jim LeMieux, KTI [active] AFS-Stacey Meyer, [active] AJG-Andrew Gingerich, DC1PUD [active] AJV-Alexis Vaivoda, CTWSR [active] ALS-Ann Setter, ODFW [active] AMR-Michelle Rub, NMFS [active] APD-Allen Evans, RTR [active] APR-Andy Reasoner, DUCKSU [active] BAD-Michele Weaver, ODFW [2012] BAR-Brad Ryan, NMFS [active] BCJ-Polly Gibson, ODFW [active] BCS-Kurt Tardy, SHOBAN [active] BDA-Bill Arnsberg, NPT [active] BDB-Brian Benjamin, ODFW [active] BDL-Brian Leth, IDFG [active] BDM-Lora Tennant, NPT [active] BDW-David Lind, YINN [active] BGK-Lance Keller, CPUD [2013] BGT-Behr Turner, GPUD [2008] BHM-Bruce Monk, NMFS [active] BIO-Kaylyn Costi, CTUIR [active] BJB-Brett Bowersox, IDFG [active] BMI-David Thompson, BIOMRK [active] BPK-Brian Kennedy, UIDAHO [active] BPS-Brook Silver, USFWS [active] BRB-Brian Beckman, NMFS [active] CAC-Carrie Crump, CTUIR [active] CAG-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CAM-Kate Deters, PNL [active] CAP-Chris Peery, COE [active] CAR-Chris Reighn, SHOBAN [active] CBB-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active] CBM-Kate Deters, PNL [active] CCC-Chris Caudill, ICFWRU [active] CCP-Charlie Cochran, WDFW [active] CCW-Catherine Willard, CPUD [active] CDA-Thomas Biladeau, CDAT [active] CDR-Craig Rabe, NPT [active] CED-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CEJ-Chris Jordan, NMFS [2011] CFB-Cyndi Baker, ODFW [active] CFM-Charles Morrill, WDFW [active] CGN-Will Simpson, USFWS [active] CGS-Charles Snow, WDFW [active] CHE-Colleen Suter, [active] CJP-Andrea Pearl, CCT [active] CLD-Curt Dotson, GPUD [active] CM-Christine Mallette, ODFW [active] CME-Lance Keller, CPUD [active] CMK-Jeffrey Caisman, YINN [active] CMP-Lance Keller, CPUD [active] COH-Mike Bisbee, NPT [active] COW-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CPL-Graham Mytton, USFWS [active] CPN-Adrian Tuohy, WFC [active] CRC-Aspen Nelson, CTUIR [active] CRE-Jason Smith, CREST [active] CRF-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CRH-Benjamin Cross, CCT [2014] CSM-David Thompson, BIOMRK [active] CSS-Jerry McCann, FPC [active] CTF-Holly McLellan, CCT [active] CWS-Jason McLellan, CCT [active] CWV-Gregory Taylor, COE [active] DAB-Dean Brege, NMFS [active] DAC-Dave Cannamela, IDFG [active] DAN-Duane Neitzel, PNL [active] DAV-David Venditti, IDFG [active] DAW-Dave Wills, USFWS [active] DBJ-David Johnson, NPT [active] DBR-Terry Shrader, ODFW [active] DDT-Kurt Tardy, SHOBAN [active] DFM-Jeremy Trump, WDFW [active] DJD-Dan Donima, PGE [active] DJG-Danielle Grundy, YINN [active] DJN-Doug Nemeth, IDFG [active] DMH-David Hand, USFWS [2009] DMM-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] DPC-Doug Cramer, PGE [active] DPL-Chas Kyger, DC1PUD [active] DPM-Dave Marvin, PSMFC [active] DRH-Doug Hatch, CRITFC [active] DSF-Derek Fryer, COE [active] DTL-Daylen Isaac, YINN [active] DTV-Dimitri Vidergar, IDFG [active] DWW-David Welch, KRC [2011] EDL-Eric Lauver, GPUD [active] EEH-Eric Hockersmith, NMFS [active] EES-Eric Schulz, PGE [active] EFP-Sandy Downing, NMFS [active] EIT-Gabriel Temple, WDFW [active] EJL-Eric Leitzinger, IDFG [active] EMD-Earl Dawley, NMFS [active] ENT-Keith van den Broek, [2012] EVD-Erick Van Dyke, ODFW [active] EWB-Nolan Smith, [active] FAG-Fred Goetz, COE [2005] FCM-Marika Dobos, IDFG [active] FPR-Brian Miller, CCT [active] FWE-Tom Desgroseillier, WDFW [active] FWY-Brittany Beebe, USFWS [active] GAA-Jesse J. Lamb, NMFS [active] GAM-Geoff McMichael, PNL [2014] GBZ-Gayle Zydlewski, USFWS [active] GCS-Paul Grutter, OTHER [active] GCV-Jamie Lamperth, WDFW [active] GES-Gene Shippentower, CTUIR [active] GRM-Chris Gregersen, KCWLRD [active] GRP-Gene Ploskey, PNL [active] GSH-Glen Holmberg, USGS [active] GSW-Amy Hansen, [active] GWM-Nolan Smith, [active] HLB-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active] HRP-Christine Longjohn, [active] HRR-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active] HRW-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active] I90-Paul James, CWU [active] IBP-Darcy McCarrick, IDFG [active] IGJ-Ian Jezorek, USGS [active] ILR-Amber Young, IDFG [active] IMN-Brian Simmons, NPT [active] IMW-Jamie Lamperth, WDFW [active] IPC-Stuart Rosenberger, IPC [active] IPR-Jessica Buelow, OTHER [active] JAH-Jay Hesse, NPT [active] JAR-Jesse Rivera, USFWS [active] JAS-Jen Stone, USFWS [active] JAY-Jeff Yanke, ODFW [active] JCL-Lyman Jim, CTWSR [active] JDB-Michael Herr, WDFW [active] JDC-John Cassinelli, IDFG [2010] JDF-James Fletcher, WFC [2009] JDH-Jarod Hutcherson, BOR [active] JDI-Gus Wathen, ELR [active] JDZ-Joe Zydlewski, USFWS [active] JEB-Rich Madden, PGE [active] JJL-Jeff DiLuccia, IDFG [2012] JJP-Jay Pravecek, IDFG [active] JKB-Jody Brostrom, USFWS [2006] JKF-Jeff Fryer, CRITFC [active] JLC-Jim Congleton, ICFWRU [2003] JLH-Lance Hebdon, IDFG [active] JLV-Jason Vogel, NPT [active] JMC-Jeremy Cram, WDFW [2014] JMF-Jon Flinders, IDFG [2012] JMH-Jon Hansen, NPT [active] JMO-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active] JMP-John Plumb, USGS [active] JMS-Jennifer Schoolcraft, CPUD [active] JNL-Jerry Lockhart, NPT [active] JOC-John Robbins, NPT [active] JPA-Jeff Abrams, IDFG [active] JPW-Jody Walters, IDFG [active] JRH-Jim Harbeck, NPT [active] JSA-Jim LeMieux, KTI [active] JSH-James Hughes, PNL [active] JSW-Darren Ogden, NMFS [active] JTH-Stacy Remple, ODFW [active] JVT-Vince Tranquilli, ODFW [active] KAA-Joshua Poole, IDFG [active] KB-Kent Ball, IDFG [active] KCM-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active] KDM-Kyle Martens, WDNR [2014] KEP-Kurtis Plaster, IDFG [active] KFT-Kenneth Tiffan, USGS [active] KGM-Matt Abrahamse, YINN [active] KGO-Benjamen Kennedy, USFWS [active] KMC-Ken Collis, CRITFC [active] KSP-Caleb Jetter, WDFW [active] LCS-Lowell Stuehrenburg, NMFS [active] LEW-steve yuncevich, PCE [active] LGG-Tiffani Marsh, OTHER [2015] LGR-Paul Burke, PSMFC [active] LLL-Nicole Testing, PSMFC [active] LMP-Rochelle Polacek, [active] LOP-Dana Weigel, BOR [active] LPD-Lytle Denny, SHOBAN [active] LRB-Larry Basham, FPC [active] LRK-Alix Blake, SPOKAN [active] LRM-Marika Dobos, IDFG [active] LSG-Anna Ringelman, CRITFC [active] LWT-Kevin Poole, IDFG [2014] MAP-John Heckel, IDFG [active] MAW-James Hughes, PNL [2015] MBE-Brad Eppard, NMFS [active] MBL-Mike Lambert, CTUIR [active] MBP-Griffin Hemmelgarn, MSRF [active] MCA-Michael Anderson, ODFW [active] MCB-RD Nelle, USFWS [active] MCC-Mike Clement, GPUD [active] MCL-RD Nelle, USFWS [active] MCR-Nolan Smith, [active] MFM-Stuart Ellis, CRITFC [active] MGM-Matt Mesa, USGS [active] MH-Michael Hudson, USFWS [2011] MHE-Tulley Mackey, MHE [active] MHG-Michael Gessel, NMFS [active] MJB-Mike Babcock, YINN [active] MJP-Mike Parsley, USGS [2008] MLB-Mike Blenden, NPT [active] MLM-Mary Moser, OTHER [active] MLS-Joe Bumgarner, WDFW [active] MPC-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active] MPF-Mike Faler, USFWS [2011] MPP-Eric Johnson, IDFG [active] MRC-Matt Cooper, USFWS [active] MRP-John Heckel, IDFG [active] MSH-Megan Hill, PGE [active] MSR-Brett Bowersox, IDFG [active] NAJ-Nicola Johnson, IDFG [active] NBD-Alainah Hendrickx, WDFW [active] NDD-Nancy Davis, UWASH [2009] NPC-Peter Cleary, NPT [active] NPM-Bruce Barnett, IDFG [active] NRB-Nathan Brindza, IDFG [active] NWP-RICARDO WALKER, COE [active] OGR-Polly Gibson, ODFW [active] OJD-William Woolen, ODFW [active] ONA-Macus Ong, ONA [active] ONC-Joseph Feldhaus, ODFW [active] ONS-Joseph Feldhaus, ODFW [active] ORT-Randy Johnson, CCT [active] OSF-Howard Takata, ODFW [active] OTD-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active] OUR-Taylor McCroskey, ODFW [active] OWH-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active] OWR-Fred Monzyk, ODFW [active] PAK-Peter Cleary, NPT [active] PCS-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active] PEB-Patricia Bigelow, USFWS [active] PGG-Rod O'Connor, GPUD [active] PHB-Will Simpson, USFWS [active] PIT-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active] PJC-Brian Simmons, NPT [active] PKL-Paul Kline, IDFG [2006] PMS-Paul Sankovich, USFWS [2010] PRM-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active] PRS-Casey Baldwin, [2014] PTL-Peter Lofy, CTUIR [active] QCI-Michael Hall, BIOMRK [active] RAM-Regan McNatt, NMFS [active] RBK-Russ Kiefer, IDFG [2006] RBR-Ralph Roseberg, USFWS [active] RDL-Richard Ledgerwood, NMFS [active] RDM-Rick Martinson, PSMFC [active] RDN-RD Nelle, USFWS [2013] REC-Anna Ringelman, CRITFC [active] RED-Brooklyn Hudson, CCT [active] RER-Justin McLaughlin, ODFW [active] RFA-Randy Absolon, NMFS [active] RFW-Robert Warren, SEARES [active] RGP-Allan Martin, PSMFC [active] RHW-Robert Wertheimer, COE [2010] RKS-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active] RLM-Lynn McComas, NMFS [active] RLT-Rosanna Mensik, PSMFC [2014] RLW-Robert Hogg, CTUIR [active] RMC-Robert McDonald, CPUD [active] RMK-Robert Keith, SHOBAN [active] RNI-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] RNK-Ryan Kinzer, NPT [active] RPM-Bob Mueller, PNL [active] RRM-Bruce Barnett, IDFG [active] RRR-Ralph Steiner, IDFG [active] RSH-Steven Richards, WDFW [active] RWP-Russell Perry, USGS [active] RWS-Wes Stonecypher, ODFW [active] SA-Steve Achord, NMFS [active] SAH-Susan Hinton, NMFS [2014] SCS-Sherman Sprague, NPT [active] SDO-Jeremy Romer, ODFW [active] SEJ-Steve Jacobs, ODFW [active] SFC-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active] SGH-Steve Hayes, CPUD [active] SHS-Scott Sebring, NMFS [active] SJB-Carrie Crump, CTUIR [active] SJR-Steve Rocklage, NPT [active] SLH-Steve Hemstrom, CPUD [active] SMF-Shannon Jewett, ODFW [active] SMP-Brandon Chockley, FPC [active] SPR-Steve Rubin, USGS [active] SRB-Steve Bennett, ELR [active] SRC-Eric Stark, IDFG [active] SRP-Kate Deters, PNL [active] SRS-Brett Kelly, IDFG [active] SRV-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] STA-Conor Giorgi, SPOKAN [active] STM-Matt Polacek, WDFW [active] STR-Casey Flanagan, SPOKAN [active] TAF-Tom Flagg, NMFS [active] TAH-Thomas Hoffman, USFWS [active] TBH-Terry Holubetz, IDFG [active] TCB-Ted Bjornn, ICFWRU [active] TCR-Craig Robinson, USGS [active] TDR-Dean Rhine, IDFG [active] TEC-Ron Roberts, IDFG [active] TER-Tom Ruehle, NMFS [active] TGC-Tim Cochnauer, IDFG [active] THK-Tom Kahler, DC1PUD [2009] TJS-Jason Seals, ODFW [active] TKN-Tom Nelson, ODFW [active] TLL-Theresa Liedtke, USGS [active] TLM-Alainah Hendrickx, WDFW [active] TMS-Tim Shibahara, PGE [active] TNA-John Jorgensen, YINN [2015] TPT-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] TPU-Scott Gibson, TPU [active] TQI-Keith van den Broek, [2018] TRC-Tom Nelson, ODFW [2016] TRM-Thad Mosey, CPUD [active] TRW-Tim Walters, ODFW [active] TSC-Tom Curet, IDFG [active] TST-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active] UCM-Keith van den Broek, OTHER [active] UML-Aaron Jackson, CTUIR [active] URD-Ryan Flaherty, CFS [active] UWB-Ryan Flaherty, CFS [active] UYB-Craig Haskell, USFWS [active] WAC-Will Cameron, ODFW [active] WDM-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] WEB-Lisa Foster, TUWEBP [active] WEN-Keith van den Broek, [2012] WFD-Kyle Bratcher, ODFW [active] WFR-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] WFS-Ryan Koch, USFWS [active] WGS-Matthew Sturza, WDFW [active] WHW-Melody Feden, ODFW [active] WJB-Daylen Isaac, YINN [active] WPC-Tobyn Rhodes, USGS [active] WRT-Charles Lee, WDFW [active] WSC-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active] WSF-Lyman Jim, CTWSR [active] WSR-Michael Lovejoy, ODFW [active] WVP-Mark Morasch, OTHER [active] WWP-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active] WWS-Matthew Sturza, WDFW [active] YFP-Joseph Snapp, SHOBAN [active] YPP-Kyle Fend, MGS [active] Query Notes and Methods DART PIT Tag and ESU Metadata & Glossary
Data Courtesy of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission PIT Tag Adult Return Queries Graphics&Text Detail by Observation Year Detail by Release Year Basin Summary Conversion Rate Fallback Mean Travel Times Historical Run Timing Select Species, Return Year 1-Chinook 2-Coho 3-Steelhead 4-Sockeye 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 Select Release Location Release Basin Alpha by Water Body Name Release Basin by River KM Release Site No Selection - Release Location Antoine Creek - Okanogan Basin Asotin Creek Beaver Creek - Methow Basin Big Creek - MF Salmon, Salmon Basin Bridge Creek - John Day Basin Catherine Creek - Grande Ronde Basin Chewuch River - Methow Basin Chiwaukum Creek - Wenatchee Basin Chiwawa River - Wenatchee Basin Chumstick Creek - Wenatchee Basin Clearwater South Fork - Clearwater Basin Deschutes River and Tributaries Early Winters Creek - Methow Basin Entiat Basin - All Gold Creek - Methow Basin Grande Ronde Basin - All Hood River and Tributaries Icicle Creek - Wenatchee Basin Imnaha River and Tributaries John Day Basin - All John Day North Fork - John Day Basin John Day South Fork - John Day Basin Klickitat River and Tributaries Lapwai Creek - Clearwater Basin Lemhi River - Salmon Basin Libby Creek - Methow Basin Little White Salmon River and Tributaries Lochsa River - Clearwater Basin Lolo Creek - Clearwater Basin Lost River - Methow Basin Mad River - Entiat Basin Methow Basin - All Mission Creek - Wenatchee Basin Nason Creek - Wenatchee Basin Ninemile Creek - Okanogan Basin Okanogan Basin - All Omak Creek - Okanogan Basin Pahsimeroi River - Salmon Basin Peshastin River - Wenatchee Basin Potlatch River - Clearwater Basin Rock Creek Salmon Creek - Okanogan Basin Salmon River Middle Fork - Salmon Basin Salmon River South Fork - Salmon Basin Salmon River Upper - Salmon Basin Selway River - Clearwater Basin Similkameen River - Okanogan Basin Teanaway River - Yakima Basin Toppenish Creek - Yakima Basin Tucannon River and Tributaries Twisp River - Methow Basin Umatilla River and Tributaries Walla Walla River and Tributaries Wenatchee Basin - All White River/Little Wenatchee River/Lake Wenatchee - Wenatchee Basin Willamette River and Tributaries Wind River and Tributaries Wolf Creek - Methow Basin Yakima Basin - All Yankee Fork River - Salmon Basin Optional: Select Run Type, Rear Type, Release Year, Tag Coordinator No Selection-Run Type 1-Spring 2-Summer 3-Fall 4-Winter 5-Unknown R-Resident No Selection-Rear Type W-Wild H-Hatchery U-Unknown W+H-Wild and Hatchery No Selection-Release Year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 No Selection-Tag Coordinator AAB-Alan Byrne, IDFG [2006] ACG-Andrew Grassell, CPUD [2006] ACP-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active] AEK-Andre Kohler, SHOBAN [2010] AFB-Matt Belnap, IDFG [2008] AFE-Allen Evans, RTR [active] AFP-Jim LeMieux, KTI [active] AFS-Stacey Meyer, [active] AJG-Andrew Gingerich, DC1PUD [active] AJV-Alexis Vaivoda, CTWSR [active] ALS-Ann Setter, ODFW [active] AMR-Michelle Rub, NMFS [active] APD-Allen Evans, RTR [active] APR-Andy Reasoner, DUCKSU [active] BAD-Michele Weaver, ODFW [2012] BAR-Brad Ryan, NMFS [active] BCJ-Polly Gibson, ODFW [active] BCS-Kurt Tardy, SHOBAN [active] BDA-Bill Arnsberg, NPT [active] BDB-Brian Benjamin, ODFW [active] BDL-Brian Leth, IDFG [active] BDM-Lora Tennant, NPT [active] BDW-David Lind, YINN [active] BGK-Lance Keller, CPUD [2013] BGT-Behr Turner, GPUD [2008] BHM-Bruce Monk, NMFS [active] BIO-Kaylyn Costi, CTUIR [active] BJB-Brett Bowersox, IDFG [active] BMI-David Thompson, BIOMRK [active] BPK-Brian Kennedy, UIDAHO [active] BPS-Brook Silver, USFWS [active] BRB-Brian Beckman, NMFS [active] CAC-Carrie Crump, CTUIR [active] CAG-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CAM-Kate Deters, PNL [active] CAP-Chris Peery, COE [active] CAR-Chris Reighn, SHOBAN [active] CBB-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active] CBM-Kate Deters, PNL [active] CCC-Chris Caudill, ICFWRU [active] CCP-Charlie Cochran, WDFW [active] CCW-Catherine Willard, CPUD [active] CDA-Thomas Biladeau, CDAT [active] CDR-Craig Rabe, NPT [active] CED-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CEJ-Chris Jordan, NMFS [2011] CFB-Cyndi Baker, ODFW [active] CFM-Charles Morrill, WDFW [active] CGN-Will Simpson, USFWS [active] CGS-Charles Snow, WDFW [active] CHE-Colleen Suter, [active] CJP-Andrea Pearl, CCT [active] CLD-Curt Dotson, GPUD [active] CM-Christine Mallette, ODFW [active] CME-Lance Keller, CPUD [active] CMK-Jeffrey Caisman, YINN [active] CMP-Lance Keller, CPUD [active] COH-Mike Bisbee, NPT [active] COW-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CPL-Graham Mytton, USFWS [active] CPN-Adrian Tuohy, WFC [active] CRC-Aspen Nelson, CTUIR [active] CRE-Jason Smith, CREST [active] CRF-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] CRH-Benjamin Cross, CCT [2014] CSM-David Thompson, BIOMRK [active] CSS-Jerry McCann, FPC [active] CTF-Holly McLellan, CCT [active] CWS-Jason McLellan, CCT [active] CWV-Gregory Taylor, COE [active] DAB-Dean Brege, NMFS [active] DAC-Dave Cannamela, IDFG [active] DAN-Duane Neitzel, PNL [active] DAV-David Venditti, IDFG [active] DAW-Dave Wills, USFWS [active] DBJ-David Johnson, NPT [active] DBR-Terry Shrader, ODFW [active] DDT-Kurt Tardy, SHOBAN [active] DFM-Jeremy Trump, WDFW [active] DJD-Dan Donima, PGE [active] DJG-Danielle Grundy, YINN [active] DJN-Doug Nemeth, IDFG [active] DMH-David Hand, USFWS [2009] DMM-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] DPC-Doug Cramer, PGE [active] DPL-Chas Kyger, DC1PUD [active] DPM-Dave Marvin, PSMFC [active] DRH-Doug Hatch, CRITFC [active] DSF-Derek Fryer, COE [active] DTL-Daylen Isaac, YINN [active] DTV-Dimitri Vidergar, IDFG [active] DWW-David Welch, KRC [2011] EDL-Eric Lauver, GPUD [active] EEH-Eric Hockersmith, NMFS [active] EES-Eric Schulz, PGE [active] EFP-Sandy Downing, NMFS [active] EIT-Gabriel Temple, WDFW [active] EJL-Eric Leitzinger, IDFG [active] EMD-Earl Dawley, NMFS [active] ENT-Keith van den Broek, [2012] EVD-Erick Van Dyke, ODFW [active] EWB-Nolan Smith, [active] FAG-Fred Goetz, COE [2005] FCM-Marika Dobos, IDFG [active] FPR-Brian Miller, CCT [active] FWE-Tom Desgroseillier, WDFW [active] FWY-Brittany Beebe, USFWS [active] GAA-Jesse J. Lamb, NMFS [active] GAM-Geoff McMichael, PNL [2014] GBZ-Gayle Zydlewski, USFWS [active] GCS-Paul Grutter, OTHER [active] GCV-Jamie Lamperth, WDFW [active] GES-Gene Shippentower, CTUIR [active] GRM-Chris Gregersen, KCWLRD [active] GRP-Gene Ploskey, PNL [active] GSH-Glen Holmberg, USGS [active] GSW-Amy Hansen, [active] GWM-Nolan Smith, [active] HLB-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active] HRP-Christine Longjohn, [active] HRR-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active] HRW-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active] I90-Paul James, CWU [active] IBP-Darcy McCarrick, IDFG [active] IGJ-Ian Jezorek, USGS [active] ILR-Amber Young, IDFG [active] IMN-Brian Simmons, NPT [active] IMW-Jamie Lamperth, WDFW [active] IPC-Stuart Rosenberger, IPC [active] IPR-Jessica Buelow, OTHER [active] JAH-Jay Hesse, NPT [active] JAR-Jesse Rivera, USFWS [active] JAS-Jen Stone, USFWS [active] JAY-Jeff Yanke, ODFW [active] JCL-Lyman Jim, CTWSR [active] JDB-Michael Herr, WDFW [active] JDC-John Cassinelli, IDFG [2010] JDF-James Fletcher, WFC [2009] JDH-Jarod Hutcherson, BOR [active] JDI-Gus Wathen, ELR [active] JDZ-Joe Zydlewski, USFWS [active] JEB-Rich Madden, PGE [active] JJL-Jeff DiLuccia, IDFG [2012] JJP-Jay Pravecek, IDFG [active] JKB-Jody Brostrom, USFWS [2006] JKF-Jeff Fryer, CRITFC [active] JLC-Jim Congleton, ICFWRU [2003] JLH-Lance Hebdon, IDFG [active] JLV-Jason Vogel, NPT [active] JMC-Jeremy Cram, WDFW [2014] JMF-Jon Flinders, IDFG [2012] JMH-Jon Hansen, NPT [active] JMO-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active] JMP-John Plumb, USGS [active] JMS-Jennifer Schoolcraft, CPUD [active] JNL-Jerry Lockhart, NPT [active] JOC-John Robbins, NPT [active] JPA-Jeff Abrams, IDFG [active] JPW-Jody Walters, IDFG [active] JRH-Jim Harbeck, NPT [active] JSA-Jim LeMieux, KTI [active] JSH-James Hughes, PNL [active] JSW-Darren Ogden, NMFS [active] JTH-Stacy Remple, ODFW [active] JVT-Vince Tranquilli, ODFW [active] KAA-Joshua Poole, IDFG [active] KB-Kent Ball, IDFG [active] KCM-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active] KDM-Kyle Martens, WDNR [2014] KEP-Kurtis Plaster, IDFG [active] KFT-Kenneth Tiffan, USGS [active] KGM-Matt Abrahamse, YINN [active] KGO-Benjamen Kennedy, USFWS [active] KMC-Ken Collis, CRITFC [active] KSP-Caleb Jetter, WDFW [active] LCS-Lowell Stuehrenburg, NMFS [active] LEW-steve yuncevich, PCE [active] LGG-Tiffani Marsh, OTHER [2015] LGR-Paul Burke, PSMFC [active] LLL-Nicole Testing, PSMFC [active] LMP-Rochelle Polacek, [active] LOP-Dana Weigel, BOR [active] LPD-Lytle Denny, SHOBAN [active] LRB-Larry Basham, FPC [active] LRK-Alix Blake, SPOKAN [active] LRM-Marika Dobos, IDFG [active] LSG-Anna Ringelman, CRITFC [active] LWT-Kevin Poole, IDFG [2014] MAP-John Heckel, IDFG [active] MAW-James Hughes, PNL [2015] MBE-Brad Eppard, NMFS [active] MBL-Mike Lambert, CTUIR [active] MBP-Griffin Hemmelgarn, MSRF [active] MCA-Michael Anderson, ODFW [active] MCB-RD Nelle, USFWS [active] MCC-Mike Clement, GPUD [active] MCL-RD Nelle, USFWS [active] MCR-Nolan Smith, [active] MFM-Stuart Ellis, CRITFC [active] MGM-Matt Mesa, USGS [active] MH-Michael Hudson, USFWS [2011] MHE-Tulley Mackey, MHE [active] MHG-Michael Gessel, NMFS [active] MJB-Mike Babcock, YINN [active] MJP-Mike Parsley, USGS [2008] MLB-Mike Blenden, NPT [active] MLM-Mary Moser, OTHER [active] MLS-Joe Bumgarner, WDFW [active] MPC-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active] MPF-Mike Faler, USFWS [2011] MPP-Eric Johnson, IDFG [active] MRC-Matt Cooper, USFWS [active] MRP-John Heckel, IDFG [active] MSH-Megan Hill, PGE [active] MSR-Brett Bowersox, IDFG [active] NAJ-Nicola Johnson, IDFG [active] NBD-Alainah Hendrickx, WDFW [active] NDD-Nancy Davis, UWASH [2009] NPC-Peter Cleary, NPT [active] NPM-Bruce Barnett, IDFG [active] NRB-Nathan Brindza, IDFG [active] NWP-RICARDO WALKER, COE [active] OGR-Polly Gibson, ODFW [active] OJD-William Woolen, ODFW [active] ONA-Macus Ong, ONA [active] ONC-Joseph Feldhaus, ODFW [active] ONS-Joseph Feldhaus, ODFW [active] ORT-Randy Johnson, CCT [active] OSF-Howard Takata, ODFW [active] OTD-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active] OUR-Taylor McCroskey, ODFW [active] OWH-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active] OWR-Fred Monzyk, ODFW [active] PAK-Peter Cleary, NPT [active] PCS-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active] PEB-Patricia Bigelow, USFWS [active] PGG-Rod O'Connor, GPUD [active] PHB-Will Simpson, USFWS [active] PIT-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active] PJC-Brian Simmons, NPT [active] PKL-Paul Kline, IDFG [2006] PMS-Paul Sankovich, USFWS [2010] PRM-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active] PRS-Casey Baldwin, [2014] PTL-Peter Lofy, CTUIR [active] QCI-Michael Hall, BIOMRK [active] RAM-Regan McNatt, NMFS [active] RBK-Russ Kiefer, IDFG [2006] RBR-Ralph Roseberg, USFWS [active] RDL-Richard Ledgerwood, NMFS [active] RDM-Rick Martinson, PSMFC [active] RDN-RD Nelle, USFWS [2013] REC-Anna Ringelman, CRITFC [active] RED-Brooklyn Hudson, CCT [active] RER-Justin McLaughlin, ODFW [active] RFA-Randy Absolon, NMFS [active] RFW-Robert Warren, SEARES [active] RGP-Allan Martin, PSMFC [active] RHW-Robert Wertheimer, COE [2010] RKS-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active] RLM-Lynn McComas, NMFS [active] RLT-Rosanna Mensik, PSMFC [2014] RLW-Robert Hogg, CTUIR [active] RMC-Robert McDonald, CPUD [active] RMK-Robert Keith, SHOBAN [active] RNI-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] RNK-Ryan Kinzer, NPT [active] RPM-Bob Mueller, PNL [active] RRM-Bruce Barnett, IDFG [active] RRR-Ralph Steiner, IDFG [active] RSH-Steven Richards, WDFW [active] RWP-Russell Perry, USGS [active] RWS-Wes Stonecypher, ODFW [active] SA-Steve Achord, NMFS [active] SAH-Susan Hinton, NMFS [2014] SCS-Sherman Sprague, NPT [active] SDO-Jeremy Romer, ODFW [active] SEJ-Steve Jacobs, ODFW [active] SFC-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active] SGH-Steve Hayes, CPUD [active] SHS-Scott Sebring, NMFS [active] SJB-Carrie Crump, CTUIR [active] SJR-Steve Rocklage, NPT [active] SLH-Steve Hemstrom, CPUD [active] SMF-Shannon Jewett, ODFW [active] SMP-Brandon Chockley, FPC [active] SPR-Steve Rubin, USGS [active] SRB-Steve Bennett, ELR [active] SRC-Eric Stark, IDFG [active] SRP-Kate Deters, PNL [active] SRS-Brett Kelly, IDFG [active] SRV-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] STA-Conor Giorgi, SPOKAN [active] STM-Matt Polacek, WDFW [active] STR-Casey Flanagan, SPOKAN [active] TAF-Tom Flagg, NMFS [active] TAH-Thomas Hoffman, USFWS [active] TBH-Terry Holubetz, IDFG [active] TCB-Ted Bjornn, ICFWRU [active] TCR-Craig Robinson, USGS [active] TDR-Dean Rhine, IDFG [active] TEC-Ron Roberts, IDFG [active] TER-Tom Ruehle, NMFS [active] TGC-Tim Cochnauer, IDFG [active] THK-Tom Kahler, DC1PUD [2009] TJS-Jason Seals, ODFW [active] TKN-Tom Nelson, ODFW [active] TLL-Theresa Liedtke, USGS [active] TLM-Alainah Hendrickx, WDFW [active] TMS-Tim Shibahara, PGE [active] TNA-John Jorgensen, YINN [2015] TPT-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] TPU-Scott Gibson, TPU [active] TQI-Keith van den Broek, [2018] TRC-Tom Nelson, ODFW [2016] TRM-Thad Mosey, CPUD [active] TRW-Tim Walters, ODFW [active] TSC-Tom Curet, IDFG [active] TST-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active] UCM-Keith van den Broek, OTHER [active] UML-Aaron Jackson, CTUIR [active] URD-Ryan Flaherty, CFS [active] UWB-Ryan Flaherty, CFS [active] UYB-Craig Haskell, USFWS [active] WAC-Will Cameron, ODFW [active] WDM-Steven Smith, NMFS [active] WEB-Lisa Foster, TUWEBP [active] WEN-Keith van den Broek, [2012] WFD-Kyle Bratcher, ODFW [active] WFR-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active] WFS-Ryan Koch, USFWS [active] WGS-Matthew Sturza, WDFW [active] WHW-Melody Feden, ODFW [active] WJB-Daylen Isaac, YINN [active] WPC-Tobyn Rhodes, USGS [active] WRT-Charles Lee, WDFW [active] WSC-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active] WSF-Lyman Jim, CTWSR [active] WSR-Michael Lovejoy, ODFW [active] WVP-Mark Morasch, OTHER [active] WWP-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active] WWS-Matthew Sturza, WDFW [active] YFP-Joseph Snapp, SHOBAN [active] YPP-Kyle Fend, MGS [active] Query Notes and Methods DART PIT Tag and ESU Metadata & Glossary