DART Adult Passage Counts Project Summary
Data Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD and Chelan, Douglas, and Grant County PUDs, Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project, Colville Tribes Fish & Wildlife (OBMEP), Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Adult Passage Counts Queries
Query Notes
- DART Adult Passage Visual Counts Metadata & Glossary
- Results include year-to-date (YTD) comparisons to Previous Year, (previous) 4 Year Average, and (previous) 10 Year Average, and graphs of Rolling Mean, Cumulative Passage, and Run Timing for all species for the selected year and project.
- To generate the Data Link for querying results directly from scripts and automated processes: make all selections, check "Generate Query Result Link Only" next to the "Submit Query" button, and click "Submit Query".