Parameter Estimation
Survival estimates from active tag data, corrected for tag-life failure probabilities.
Cohort analysis of juvenile salmonid movement and survival in tributaries.
Estimated mortality during rock blasting operations.
Visual modeler for mark-recapture studies, used to graphically define customized survival models in order to estimate survival-related parameters.
Implements Program ATLAS in the R environment.
A software package for fitting and comparing
failure-time models within the R software
Filters out noise from acoustic-tag receiver data. Designed to use receptions of acoustic signals from JSATS tags on cabled and autonomous hydrophone nodes.
Processes PTAGIS data into capture histories.
Models the life cycle of
Pacific salmonids from the initiation of the
juvenile migration as smolts to the end of the
spawning migration as adults.
A suite of sample size programs for estimating parameters from various release-recapture models: Single Release, Paired Release, Virtual Paired Release, Ricker Two-Release, ViRDCt full model, and ViRDCt reduced model.
Analytical tool for estimating survival
using release-recapture data as a function of
environmental and experimental effects.
Diagnose transferal of tag from study fish to predator in active tagging studies.
Converts valid acoustic-tag detection events into detection history format suitable as input file for survival analysis by ATLAS or other third-party software.
Estimation of juvenile outmigration survival from tributaries to mainstem river using PIT tags.
Tool for sample size calculations for tributary survival studies.
Flexible software tool that enables development of statistical models for analyzing tagging and counts data in a multinomial likelihood framework.
Implements USER from command line and performs multiple estimation runs from a batch file without user intervention between runs.
Fish Growth and Vitality
Parametric model for relating stressors and environmental properties to organism survivorship. Vitality is an abstract property which changes in response to organism's experience and can be affected by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Egg growth model tracks egg development from spawning to emergence. Subsequent growth of emerged fry through first season predicted by bioenergetics modeling. Useful for examining role of seasonal temperatures on early life development and growth.
Fish Passage
Comprehensive Passage (COMPASS) model predicts the effects of alternative operations of Snake and Columbia River dams on juvenile salmonid migration and survival. COMPASS was adapted from the CRiSP model; development led by NOAA with input from scientists across multiple agencies in the Pacific Northwest, United States.
Use pattern recognition techniques to predict the percent of the run-to-date and days to a specific run percentage for juvenile salmonids passing dams in the Columbia River basin.
Tool for simulating hydrosystem survival at differing levels of total dissolved gas (TDG) and water depths experienced by fish.
Past Projects and Programs
Framework that can be configured at runtime to represent many different models depending upon the specific process algorithms and data specified in the input files. Coast Model contains algorithms used by the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) Chinook Model at time of development.
Simulates long-term harvest of 30 Chinook salmon stocks by 25 fisheries from Southeast Alaska to the Oregon coast, United States.
Actively developed and used from 1988 through 2006. CRiSP Passage model (Columbia River Salmon Passage Model) predicts downstream migration and survival of individual juvenile salmonid stocks from the tributaries and dams of the Columbia and Snake rivers to the estuary. It is also stochastic, incorporating measures of variability and uncertainty into survival predictions. The web page includes the CRiSP Passage executable, data files, and documentation.
Web page for multi-agency coordination of modeling of dissolve gas at major hydroelectric projects in the Columbia River Basin, United States. Developed and maintained 1995-1997.
Java mapping system for GIS data. GeoMap is a collection of Java classes designed to display latitude and longitude coordinate data on an interactive canvas. Developed in 1997.
Access tool to Columbia River DART to display graphical and text results. It can be run as an applet in a web browser or a computer application, in which user-specified query and graph configurations can be saved. javaDART was developed and maintained 2000-2008.
Web page for coordination of work from multiple agencies that developed and implemented harvest algorithms, including the CRiSP Harvest model, the Proportional Migration (PM) Selective Fishery Model and data retrieval, and the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) Selective Fishery Simulation Model. Developed and maintained 1996-1999.