DART Bonneville "Quick Look" Adult Spring Chinook Passage with River Environment and Historical Run Timing

Data Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD

Bonneville Spring Chinook (3/1-6/15) Project Summary

graph DART Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook Rolling 4 Year Arithmetic Mean
Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook Rolling 4 Year Arithmetic Mean

Columbia River DART
2025 Adult Passage Bonneville Spring Chinook Summary for Bonneville
03/26/2025 Last Possible Data Date
Species Date Range 2025
YTD Passage
YTD Passage
Percent of
2021 - 2024
4 Year Avg
Percent of
4 Year Avg
2015 - 2024
10 Year Avg
Percent of
10 Year Avg
2015 - 2024
10 Year Avg
2015 - 2024
4 Year Avg
10 Year Avg
4 Years Rolling Mean
All Years
Chinook Mar - Dec 11 40 27 % 99 11 % 156 7 %   640524 Graph Graph Run Size Arithmetic | 50% Passage Geometric
Spring Chinook 3/15 - 5/31 11 35 31 % 96 11 % 99 11 %   105459 Graph Graph Run Size Arithmetic | 50% Passage Geometric
Spring Chinook Forecast Dates 3/15 - 6/15 11 35 31 % 96 11 % 99 11 %   131334 Graph Graph Run Size Arithmetic | 50% Passage Geometric
Spring/Summer Chinook 3/15 - 7/31 11 35 31 % 96 11 % 99 11 %   194107 Graph Graph Run Size Arithmetic | 50% Passage Geometric
  1. Data Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  2. Month ranges represent the expected date range of passage for the species, estimated from the previous year's passage dates. Explicit date ranges limit the counts to that specific date range. The Chinook Run schedules are reported by USACE, ODFW and the YKFP.
  3. The Run Complete date is the last non-zero date of passage when the species has met the run complete criteria: 2 weeks (14 days) of zero passage for the species.
  4. Shaded rows represent subpopulations of the species as a whole.
  5. Last possible Data Date included is 03/26/2025.
  6. The 10 (or N) Year Averages are calculated by DART for each calendar day of data at each project. For the current year and any given project/month/day, the data from the previous 10 years on that calendar day is summed and divided by the number of non-null data points available. Calendar day averaging was chosen because, historically, data observations begin on a specific calendar day. Calendar day averaging gives different results than day of year averaging. YTD Averages and Total Averages presented in this report are the sum of the calendar day averages.
  7. View the Daily 2025 Bonneville Adult Passage counts.
  8. Click on a Species followed by the symbol to view the DART Adult Passage Data Inventory for the Species at Bonneville for all years, including: number of data points, day range of data, and annual count.

Bonneville Spring Chinook (3/15-6/15) Adult Passage current year with 10 Year Average

graph Daily Passage Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook March 15 - June 15 current year with 10 Year Average
Daily Passage Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook March 15 - June 15 with 10 Year Average
graph Cumulative Daily Passage Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook March 15 - June 15 current year with 10 Year Average
Cumulative Daily Passage Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook March 15 - June 15 with 10 Year Average
graph Normalized Cumulative Passage Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook March 15 - June 15 current year with 10 Year Average
Normalized Cumulative Passage Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook March 15 - June 15 with 10 Year Average
graph Bonneville Water Temperature March 15 - June 15 current year with 10 Year Average
Bonneville Water Temperature March 15 - June 15 with 10 Year Average
graph Bonneville Outflow March 15 - June 15 current year with 10 Year Average
Bonneville Outflow March 15 - June 15 with 10 Year Average
graph Bonneville Spill Percent March 15 - June 15 current year with 10 Year Average
Bonneville Spill Percent March 15 - June 15 with 10 Year Average

Bonneville Spring Chinook (3/15-6/15) Historical Migration Timing Characteristics

Bonneville Spring Chinook (3/15-6/15) Historical Run Timing
Migration Timing Characteristics
Adult Visual Counts Chinook at Bonneville Dam, 3/15 - 6/15
2015 - 2024
Year Passage Dates Duration
Middle 80%
Middle 50%
Middle 90%
Run Size "Today"
Passage %
View Data Water Supply
Pct Normal
First 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% Last
Year First 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% Last Duration
Middle 80%
Middle 50%
Middle 90%
Run Size "Today"
Passage %
View Data Water Supply
Pct Normal
Passage Dates
2025 1 YTD 03/15               03/24       11 (YTD)   Graph
(2015 - 2024)
03/15 04/25 04/28 05/03 05/11 05/26 06/09 06/11 06/15 42.3 23.9 48.1 130515.0 0.1%    
95% CI
03/14-03/15 04/21-04/28 04/24-05/01 04/29-05/06 05/06-05/15 05/22-05/29 06/07-06/10 06/09-06/12 06/15-06/15       88,391-172,639 0.0-0.1%    
(2015 - 2024)
03/15 04/26 04/29 05/04 05/12 05/25 06/09 06/12 06/15 40.5 21 46.5 108677.5 0.0%    
95% CI
03/15-03/18 04/22-05/04 04/26-05/05 05/01-05/11 05/07-05/22 05/22-06/04 06/08-06/11 06/11-06/13 06/15-06/15       77,458-265,328 0-0%    
2024 03/17 04/22 04/26 05/03 05/09 05/21 06/08 06/12 06/14 44 19 52 109314 0.0% Graph
2023 03/17 04/27 04/30 05/09 05/14 05/25 06/09 06/12 06/15 41 17 47 136784 0.0% Graph
2022 03/16 04/24 04/26 05/01 05/09 05/22 06/06 06/09 06/15 42 22 47 173733 0.2% Graph
2021 03/15 04/26 04/29 05/02 05/12 05/30 06/10 06/13 06/15 43 29 49 87232 0.1% Graph
2020 03/14 04/26 04/29 05/05 05/16 06/03 06/10 06/12 06/14 43 30 48 77458 0.0% Graph
2019 03/16 04/30 05/01 05/05 05/12 05/30 06/11 06/13 06/15 42 26 45 71234 0.0% Graph
2018 03/16 04/30 05/04 05/07 05/16 05/26 06/08 06/11 06/15 36 20 43 108041 0.0% Graph
2017 03/15 05/04 05/05 05/11 05/22 05/30 06/09 06/12 06/15 36 20 40 107516 0.0% Graph
2016 03/14 04/21 04/26 05/01 05/06 05/24 06/08 06/11 06/14 44 24 52 168510 0.0% Graph
2015 03/15 04/15 04/18 04/22 04/30 05/23 06/08 06/11 06/15 52 32 58 265328 0.2% Graph
68% D
  • Year 2025 is incomplete. Data presented in Migration Timing Characteristics table is data through today's date.
  • Data Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Date Calculations:
    1. Query DART database for passage counts by Day of Year (not calendar date).
    2. Based on query results, calculate total number of fish for each year (reported as "Run Size" in table).
    3. Based on query results, calculate cumulative number of fish by day in the year.
    4. Based on query results, calculate the Day of Year when fish passage % is equal to or greater than the target percent, e.g., 5% passage. Passage % for a day = cumulative number of fish for day / total fish in year.
    5. For each individual year target passage percent, first date, and last date results: convert Day of Year to Calendar Date for given year, taking into consideration leap year. Report calendar date in table.
    6. For each individual year middle run duration: 80% duration = 1 + (90% Day of Year - 10% Day of Year), 50% duration = 1 + (75% Day of Year - 25% Day of Year), 90% duration = 1 + (95% Day of Year - 5% Day of Year). Report days in table.
    7. For each target passage percent, first date, and last date: calculate average Day of Year for that passage target percent from each individual year Day of Year values. Convert result into integer. Treat integer as Day of Year and convert into Calendar Date for a non-leap year. Report as Average.
    8. For each target passage percent, first date, and last date: calculate median Day of Year for that passage target percent from individual Day of Year values. Convert median Day of Year into Calendar Date for a non-leap year. Report as Median.
    9. Individual year calendar date values reported in table honor leap year. Calculated calendar date values (Average and Median) treat results as non-leap year dates.
  • Water Supply historical, current, and forecast data provided courtesy of Northwest River Forecast Center, NOAA. In the Migration Timing Table, after the percent normal value the 'W' indicates the year is ranked as one of the 5 wettest years for Apr-Sep. The 'D' indicates the year is ranked as one of the 5 driest years for Apr-Sep.
  • Query Notes