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PFMC Abundance, Harvest, and Impact Rates

Table B-3 Sacramento River late-fall, winter, and spring Chinook salmon spawning escapement in numbers of fish (reproduced from PFMC 2024b)
Year or Averagea/ Late-Fall a/b/c/ Winter c/d/ Spring
Upper Sacramento a/b/c/ RBDD a/ Carcass Survey Tributary e/ Sacramento River a/ Feather River
Adults Jacks Adults Jacks Adults Jacks Adults and Jacks h/ Adults Jacks Adults Jacks
1991-19953,844 i/383 i/58678----2,8134101653,441465
1996-200016,061 i/2,478 i/9401,032----7,7682421604,393503
2001-200519,0121,2584,3183,0708,52799619,499 j/43978 h/4,370 k/255 k/
2006-201011,0045813,1002,6315,5951647,606 j/7571,660 k/30 k/
20117,1291,161l/l/6371875,547 j/l/l/1,831 k/138 k/
20125,153909m/m/2,52714418,694 j/m/m/3,510 k/228 k/
20138,365644m/m/5,622 n/46218,507 j/m/m/4,247 k/44 k/
201411,7921,453m/m/2,6883277,127 j/m/m/2,599 k/177 k/
20159,306134m/m/3,382571,039 j/m/m/3,333 k/53 k/
20164,708949m/m/9246226,458 j/m/m/1,595 k/55 k/
20174,466389m/m/4904851,055 j/m/m/266 k/314 k/
20182,0233,189m/m/1,8847542,806 j/m/m/1,870 k/240 k/
20199,9651,550m/m/7,57055916,145 j/m/m/3,554 k/313 k/
20205,109113m/m/6,7436861,675 j/m/m/1,444 k/110 k/
20213,626267m/m/10,2392775,210 j/m/m/2,596 k/47 k/
20227,035228m/m/5,5614775,263 j/m/m/1,761 k/11 k/
2023 o/2,972284m/m/2,44754106 j/m/m/1,312 k/79 k/
Table B-3 Footnotes
a/ Jacks and adults based on sampling at Red Bluff Diversion Dam (RBDD) from unpublished CDFW data. Beginning in 1987 for late-fall and winter run, estimates based on historical run patterns and partial counts at RBDD due to raising of dam gates during the last part of the late-fall run and first part of the winter run.
b/ Since 1998, late-fall adult and jack estimates are based on carcass counts of natural spawners plus fish spawned at Coleman National Fish Hatchery.
c/ Estimates of late-fall and winter run include Chinook trapped at Keswick Dam for use as broodstock at Coleman or Livingston Stone National Fish hatcheries. Beginning in 2019, winter run estimates also include Chinook that returned to Battle Creek as part of the Coleman National Fish Hatchery captive broodstock "jumpstart" reintroduction effort.
d/ RBDD and carcass survey estimates represent alternative methods for determining winter run Chinook escapement.
e/ Natural spawning spring run which are isolated from fall run; primarily Mill Creek, Deer Creek, and Butte Creek escapement.
f/ Sacramento River spring run estimates are the total RBDD counts minus the spring run numbers in the upper Sacramento tributaries. If this number is less than or equal to zero, the upper Sacramento River spring run estimates are zero.
g/ Feather River spring run estimates are primarily fish returning to Feather River Hatchery. Spring run are not distinguished from fall run in the natural spawning surveys and are reported in the fall run natural escapement numbers.
h/ Jack proportion could not be determined in 2001.
i/ Primarily number of spawners at Coleman National Fish Hatchery 1991-97. No data available for natural spawners, RBDD gates were raised during time coinciding with the late-fall run.
j/ Methodology change from using snorkel survey to carcass survey for Butte Creek spring run estimates.
k/ Methodology change for distinguishing spring run Chinook at Feather River Hatchery in 2005. Fish arriving prior to the spring Chinook spawning period were tagged and returned to the river. Spring Chinook escapement estimate is the number of these tagged fish that subsequently returned during the spring Chinook spawning period.
l/ RBDD did not go into operation until June 15, a month later than normal; thus RBDD winter and spring run estimates are unavailable.
m/ RBDD gates were permanently removed on September 1, 2012; thus RBDD winter and spring run estimates are no longer available.
n/ Includes 47 adults that were transferred from the Colusa Basin Drain to Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery for use as [... brood stock? ...]
o/ Preliminary.
p/ Estimates from Butte Creek and Big Chico Creek were unavailable at time of printing.
Data extracted by SacPAS from:

PFMC (Pacific Fishery Management Council). 2024b. Amended Review of 2023 Ocean Salmon Fisheries: Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Document for the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan. (Document prepared for the Council and its advisory entities.) Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE Ambassador Place, Suite 101, Portland, Oregon 97220-1384.

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