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SJRRP Restoration Flow Volumes Query

Data Courtesy of San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP)
SJRRP Restoration Queries

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Selected by Default Flows

Included by default where available. Not all flow types are available for all locations.

Select Additional Flows

Multiple selections for flows allowed. Restoration Flows shown include Buffer Flows and Acquired Water. Exhibit B assumes Other Flows at Friant Dam and Above Merced Confluence.
Query Notes

Restoration Flows, water released from Friant Dam in accordance with the Settlement, are tracked downstream of Friant Dam at seven flow gauging stations within the Restoration Area (Friant Dam to the confluence with the Merced River), and at additional stations within the Lower San Joaquin River and Delta. Restoration Flows are parsed at these stations from other water which may be flowing in the San Joaquin River. Not all San Joaquin River flows are necessarily Restoration Flows, and in some cases Restoration Flows may not be present in sections of the San Joaquin River.

Restoration Flows may reduce as they travel downstream due to evapotranspiration, groundwater infiltration, or other natural causes. Restoration Flows may be recaptured (diverted from the river) to benefit the Water Management Goal when such recapture does not impact fish or water quality. Restoration Flows may not be diverted or used for any other purpose. Restoration Flows may not incorporate other tributary flows, accretions, or discharges as they travel downstream; Restoration Flows must originate from Friant Dam under the conditions of Reclamation’s water right.

Water volume is measured in acre-feet (AF). A flow rate of 1 cubic foot per second (cfs) for one day is equivalent to about 2 AF (more precisely 1.9835 AF).

SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes in San Joaquin River, Gravelly Ford, Monthly Volume for Restoration Flows to Date, Planned Restoration Flows, and Settlement Exhibit B Restoration Flows.
SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes in San Joaquin River, Gravelly Ford, Accumulated Volume for Restoration Flows to Date, Planned Restoration Flows, and Settlement Exhibit B Restoration Flows Volume.