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SacPAS is a collection of web-based products and services for Central Valley (formerly Sacramento River) Prediction and Assessment of Salmon and other fishes. Over the years, SacPAS has expanded to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the San Joaquin River Basin. More specifically, SacPAS provides query tools to access historical and real-time data on environmental conditions and fishes listed under the Endangered Species Act, as well as predicted estimates of fish responses based on historical data and models.

The mission of SacPAS, as part of Columbia Basin Research (CBR), is to provide data and analytical tools for science-based decision making and management of regulated rivers and fishes.


The data query and analytical tools on SacPAS are available publicly through the web to help provide equal access of information to action agencies, managers, practitioners, researchers, stakeholders, rightsholders, and the general public.

SacPAS is a secondary data repository and thus provides the advantage of integrated data sets and summary metrics.


Researchers at Columbia Basin Research, School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington assess the effects of river management and environmental conditions on salmon passage and survival. For more information, see some research highlights and our publications list.


Diverse stakeholders can connect with each other through the data pertinent for adaptive management and coordination across agencies. Decision support for and effective management by stakeholders require timely data that are standardized, synthesized, integrated, and accessible. Scientists can also access river and fish data sets for downloading and use in their research. Students can attain hands-on experiences with us and contribute to SacPAS work. We can all share our knowledge and experiences with each other, starting from a common resource of SacPAS.

Photo Credit: Micah Burke, "Mt. Shasta Morning", Adobe Education License.