Workgroups & Teams

News & Announcements

The following is the current status and other information for SacPAS users.


Please contact us (Web Team) if you can't find what you are looking for or if you experience any issues. Thank you!

NEW. Columbia Basin Research implemented a new look and organization for the SacPAS website, including:

Screen capture of Data&Alerts MegaMenu for easy access to many of SacPAS's tools and queries

UPDATED. We have updated the historical Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program (DJFMP) data from 1976 through 2023-07-28 to reflect the data posted to EDI (Data Portal - Data Package Summary | Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) ( Prior to the data being available through EDI, SacPAS included some historical data from a non-quality-controlled source, which have now been removed on SacPAS. All data between 2023-07-28 and present is preliminary and obtained through the DJFMP webservice from USFWS.


UPDATED. CDFW GrandTab (Adult Escapement) GrandTab 2024.05.20 implemented in SacPAS database.


ADDED. Lower American River RST sampling has been added to Cohort Juvenile Monitoring and Migration Timing and Condition queries.


EXPANDED. Juvenile Salvage & Loss Detail query. Added 14-day OMR Index, calculated by SacPAS, to query results when available.


UPDATED. We obtain DJFMP provisional data 2019-present from Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program, USFWS Lodi Office; data are preliminary and are subject to correction and revision.


UPDATED. We have executed a complete historical update for all OMR and OMR Index calculations.


EXPANDED. Delta Loss query. Added option to restrict results by OMR Management Season period, November - June.


UPDATED. We have executed a complete historical update for all sites loaded from CDEC.

You may view current data inventory on SacPAS: Data Sites with inventory or River Query Map interface


EXPANDED. Juvenile Salvage & Loss Detail query. (1) Added option to restrict Chinook results by age categorization based on Delta Model Length-at-Date: older is Winter Run and larger by date, smolt/fry is smaller than Winter Run by date. (2) Added option to download results for "All Years". It is the last selection in the Water Year and forces output format to CSV.


UPDATED. Current and Historical Delta Smelt Surveys query. Added mark code information as provided for all surveys.


UPDATED. We addressed the data identified as invalid at Verona, VON station on CDEC. We removed the data for Verona "VON" station that was sou rced from CDEC, which included data points after 2017 for water temperature, electrical conductivity, and turbidity. We have replaced the CDEC site with USGS station 11425500 directly from USGS, the primary source.

You may view current Verona data inventory on SacPAS: html table or River Query Map interface


UPDATED. Data parameter "Tidally Filtered Flow" is now available on SacPAS in River Conditions queries.

You may view current data inventory on SacPAS: River Query Map interface


UPDATED. SacPAS Workshop December 6, 2023. Presentations and handouts from the workshop are now online.


EXPANDED. Loss calculations now include Accidentally Euthanized fish, 2023 to present. SacPAS uses loss estimation methods as detailed in "Chinook Salmon Loss Estimation for Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility and Tracy Fish Collection Facility, 7/9/2018" In addition, Accidentally Euthanized calculations implemented for steelhead.

    date    |    samptimestamp    | species | adiposeclip | forklength | facility | samplemethod |  study_type  | count_duration | pumping_duration | catch | tot_salvage | loss  
 2023-01-04 | 2023-01-04 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        148 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     1 |        4.00 |  3.88
 2023-01-17 | 2023-01-17 07:45:00 |       1 | f           |        149 | SWP      |            1 | Second flush |                |                  |     2 |        2.00 |  5.33
 2023-01-29 | 2023-01-29 16:00:00 |       1 | f           |        145 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     1 |        4.00 |  3.60
 2023-01-29 | 2023-01-29 18:00:00 |       2 | f           |        288 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     1 |        4.00 |  3.72
 2023-04-03 | 2023-04-03 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        154 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     2 |        8.00 |  3.88
 2023-04-20 | 2023-04-20 09:00:00 |       1 | f           |        110 | SWP      |            1 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    11 |       44.00 | 34.91
 2023-04-20 | 2023-04-20 23:00:00 |       1 | f           |        103 | SWP      |            1 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     1 |        4.00 | 18.21
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |         90 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  3.76
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        100 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  3.76
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        102 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        103 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        104 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        105 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        109 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        119 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        122 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-23 | 2023-04-23 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        124 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    39 |      156.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-24 | 2023-04-24 22:00:00 |       1 | f           |        125 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    63 |      252.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-25 | 2023-04-25 12:00:00 |       1 | f           |        114 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    18 |       72.00 |  4.19
 2023-04-25 | 2023-04-25 12:00:00 |       1 | f           |        121 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |    18 |       72.00 |  4.19
 2023-06-06 | 2023-06-06 16:00:00 |       1 | f           |        105 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             45 |              180 |     1 |        4.00 |  4.88
 2023-06-26 | 2023-06-26 08:00:00 |       1 | f           |        117 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     1 |        4.00 |  3.88
 2023-06-29 | 2023-06-29 14:00:00 |       1 | f           |         86 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     6 |       24.00 |  3.54
 2023-06-29 | 2023-06-29 14:00:00 |       1 | f           |         93 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     6 |       24.00 |  3.54
 2023-06-29 | 2023-06-29 14:00:00 |       1 | f           |        101 | CVP      |            2 | Normal count |             30 |              120 |     6 |       24.00 |  3.88


ANNOUNCEMENT. SacPAS Workshop December 6, 2023. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, in partnership with the University of Washington, is hosting an in-person and online workshop for the Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon.


UPDATED. We obtain Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring (EDSM) Provisional data from Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program, USFWS Lodi Office; data are preliminary and are subject to correction and revision. We load historical data from the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) Portal Interagency Ecological Program and US Fish and Wildlife Service: San Francisco Estuary Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring Program data for the finalized dataset.


EXPANDED. Juvenile Salvage & Loss Detail Query expanded to include DNA information where available. At time of implementation in SacPAS, WY2020 to present. Historical data will be added by CDFW and others as time allows.


NEW. Current and Historical Delta Smelt Surveys Query for 11 surveys covering 1959 to the present. Results output format: HTML table and CSV.


UPDATED. CDFW GrandTab (Adult Escapement) GrandTab 2023.06.26 implemented in SacPAS database.


UPDATED. Smolt-to-Adult Ratio (SAR) Estimates for Coded Wire Tag (Adult Escapement) Annual update.


NEW. Delta STARS Shiny app.

The Delta STARS (Survival, Travel Time, and Routing Simulation) Model is an individual-based simulation model that predicts survival, travel time, and routing of juvenile salmon migrating through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The model's structure and parameters are based on a recent analysis (Perry et al. 2018) that relates individual survival, travel time, and routing of late-fall Chinook salmon to daily Sacramento River flows at Freeport and Delta Cross Channel operations. Delta STARS developed by USGS Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Section; deployed by SacPAS.


NEW. River Conditions Map-based Query. Implemented interactive, map-based application to explore data inventory and query River Conditions.


EXPANDED. River Conditions Graph & Text Query. OMR Index parameters are included.

The OMR Index parameters are listed last in the "River Data" selection menu. The selection for "Location" is ignored as it has no relevance to the OMR Index parameters.


EXPANDED. Cohort Juvenile Monitoring Daily Graph. Lower Feather River RST and Lower Sacramento River RST added to SacPAS database.


NEW. Stanislaus Watershed Monitoring Current Conditions, Work Groups & Teams. Real-time conditions for the Stanislaus Watershed Team.


EXPANDED. River Conditions queries. Implemented query option to Limit Locations by Hydrologic Area for improved usability. Expanded locations in SacPAS database for San Joaquin River Basin, including locations in Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced rivers.


EXPANDED. Salvage Timing for Green Sturgeon and age-specific Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt.


NEW. Current Catch at four key monitoring locations: Red Bluff Diversion Dam, Knights Landing, Sacramento Trawls, and Chipps Island Trawls. Predicted total of Current Catch based on 15 year average timing and percent.

Current Catch at four key monitoring locations: Red Bluff Diversion Dam, Knights Landing, Sacramento Trawls, and Chipps Island Trawls. Predicted total of Current Catch based on 15 year average timing and percent.
The current size and cumulative catch are updated daily with data as they are made available. The predicted total shows variability during the monitoring season at each location based on historical observations, but will converge to the actual catch total as the historical percent converges to 100%. New data are available daily to biweekly, depending on monitoring location. The predicted run size and cumulative catch are updated with the most current data and with the historical average percentage (min/max range) of the cohort.

UPDATED. All Juvenile Salvage & Loss queries converted to Water Year date ranges.


NEW. Salmon Monitoring Current Conditions, Work Groups & Teams. Real-time conditions for the Salmon Monitoring Team.

Summer 2020

ALERT. Sampling cancelled due to safety concerns: Beach Seines, Mossdale Trawls, Sacramento Trawls, Chipps Island Trawls.


NEW. Loss and Salvage Predictor, Tools. Realtime forecast of Loss and Salvage is made from approximately December to mid-June.

Predicts loss and/or salvage of endangered steelhead and winter run Chinook salmon at the CVP and SWP pumping facilities at the southern end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Model developed by Tillotson et al. 2022.


NEW. Delta Smelt and Current Conditions, Work Groups & Teams. Real-time conditions for the Smelt Monitoring Team.


EXPANDED. Delta Loss query expanded to include Day/Night Patterns option.


NEW. Salvage and Loss Summary tables of Chinook and Steelhead, unclipped and clipped, at SWP and CVP Delta Fish Facilities.


NEW. SacPAS is calculating OMR Tidally Filtered Flow and OMR Index for 28 October 2016 to present. Delta Loss results have been expanded to include OMR values. See OMR Tidally Filtered Flow and Index Calculations as performed by SacPAS for details.


UPDATE. Due to an update strategy based on unique row identifiers, the SacPAS database occasionally accumulated duplicate rows of salvage data at the SWP and CVP. This resulted in salvage and loss numbers inflated by approximately 20% during the season (February-April, 2018). We have improved our data assimilation process and now report salvage and loss in line with the numbers from CDFW-Bay Delta Region. We would like to thank Geir Aasen at CDFW for his assistance in identifying and resolving this issue with SacPAS salvage and loss calculations.