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Central Valley Enhanced Acoustic Tagging Project Survival Estimates Query

Data Courtesy of National Marine Fisheries Service

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Query Notes
  • Survival estimates results for Hatchery Winter-run Chinook salmon available on SacPAS are a subset of study populations presented on Central Valley Enhanced Acoustic Tagging Project.
  • "Detection data has not been filtered for predator detections, and survival estimates have not been adjusted for any potential premature tag failures. Some sites have been omitted: Delta sites have been removed due to multiple routes possible (see Delta Route Specific Survival), poorly performing receiver sites have been removed, and at times of flood weir spills, lower Sacramento River sites have been removed due to alternate fish pathways. Release groups were assigned based on time and/or distance between releases. If a release group had less than 5 fish, it was dropped." Central Valley Enhanced Acoustic Tagging Project

Direct quote from Central Valley Enhanced Acoustic Tagging Project. Includes information that is related to the Shiny App (not SacPAS).


Survival estimates are calculated by summarizing the detection history of study populations, and assuming a fish has died when it is not detected by subsequent downstream receivers. We used a CJS survival model in RMark to estimate reach specific (survival per 10 river kilometers) and cumulative (from release location to last downstream detection) survival rates. We used a simple survival model (survival and detection efficiency is a function of time) to derive these estimates. For each survival tab, a map is displayed with all receiver locations used to generate survival for each population, and a figure and table displays the estimates and associated error. The unique number of fish detected at each receiver location is also provided.


*These survival results are preliminary and for discussion purposes only. Detection data has not been filtered for predator detections, and survival estimates have not been adjusted for any potential premature tag failures.