Workgroups & Teams

Juvenile Stranding Query

Data Courtesy of PSMFC and CDFW via email

Select Output Format

Select Survey Year (May-April), River Section

"All Years" and "All Sections" available as last option in each menu.
Year in brackets following the Run-Species indicates earliest data available.
Query Notes
  • CDFW Upper Sacramento River Basin Salmonid Monitoring, CalFish for more information, including annual reports.
  • Stranding surveys are conducted by boat and by foot between Tehama Bridge (RM 229) and Keswick Dam (RM 302).
  • Time: This category allows determination of flows at the site by using a relationship between flow from Keswick Dam and the distance downstream ("Relationship between Distance and Time and Flows for the Sacramento River Between Keswick Dam (RM 302) and Tehama Bridge (RM 229)." table in appendix of annual report)
  • Waypoint Number: This is a number assigned to each potential stranding site using the GPS unit. The first digit corresponds to the site survey section number.
  • Winter-run Number: This is the estimated number of winter-run sized salmon observed in the stranding site. Size cut-offs are determined by each specific date using a screw trap developed length cut off chart for the Upper Sacramento River ( example: Appendix B, Daily fork-length table from data by Frank Fisher, Sheila Greene California Department of Fish and Game. California Department of Water Resources ).
  • Spring-run Number: This is same as winter-run above except for spring-run.
  • Fall-run Number: This is same as winter-run above except for fall-run.
  • Late-fall-run Number: This is same as winter-run above except for late-fall run.
Dewatered Redd Survey section numbers with associated river miles and landmarks
SurveyRiver MilesLandmarks
1302-298Keswick Dam to ACID Dam in Redding, CA
2298-296ACID Dam to Turtle Bay Bridge (HWY 44) Redding, CA
3296-288Turtle Bay Bridge (HWY 44) to below the mouth of Clear Creek
4288-276Clear Creek to Balls Ferry Bridge in Anderson, CA
5276-271Balls Ferry Bridge to Battle Creek in Cottonwood, CA
6271-266Battle Creek to Jellys Ferry Bridge
7266-257Jellys Ferry Bridge to Bend Ferry Bridge
8257-242Bend Ferry Bridge to Red Bluff Diversion Dam
9242-229Red Bluff Diversion Dam to Tehama Bridge