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Topical Questions

What can I explore to get a better sense of patterns in endangered fish species in the Central Valley?

With various online query tools on SacPAS, you can explore historical data on salmon and steelhead at different life stages: adult, redd, egg, and juvenile, and juvenile-to-adult. You may notice trends as well as variability across years, locations, species and populations.

Below are select examples. Please explore further in the associated query tools.

Adults in River

CDFW GrandTab Escapement

plot CDFW GrandTab Escapement All Chinook Sacramento River System
plot CDFW GrandTab Escapement All In-River Chinook Sacramento River System
plot CDFW GrandTab Escapement All Hatchery Chinook Sacramento River System

Number of eggs from hatchery (from JPE letter)

plot JPE Letter Data Natural Origin: Average fecundity

Juveniles in River

Unclipped Juveniles in Sacramento River System

plot Sacramento River System Winter Chinook Unclipped Juveniles
plot Sacramento River System Spring Chinook Unclipped Juveniles
plot Sacramento River System Fall Chinook Unclipped Juveniles
plot Sacramento River System Late-Fall Chinook Unclipped Juveniles
plot Sacramento River System Steelhead Unclipped Juveniles

Juvenile Production Estimate (JPE)

plot Winter Chinook Natural Origin Juvenile Production Estimate (JPE)

Juvenile-to-Adult in Ocean

CWT Smolt-to-Adult Ratio (SAR) Estimates

plot CWT Smolt-to-Adult Ratio (SAR) Estimates Fall Chinook Coleman National Fish Hatchery
plot CWT Smolt-to-Adult Ratio (SAR) Estimates Fall Chinook Feather River Hatchery
plot CWT Smolt-to-Adult Ratio (SAR) Estimates Winter Chinook Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery
plot CWT Smolt-to-Adult Ratio (SAR) Estimates Spring Chinook San Joaquin River Conservation Hatchery