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What can I explore to get a better sense of an upcoming water year?

With various online query tools on SacPAS, you can explore historical and real-time river conditions to get a better sense of what an upcoming water year could look like, whether it may be a wetter than normal year (e.g., years 2011, 2019, 2023, and 2024) or a drier than normal year (e.g., years 2012-2016, 2018, 2020-2022). Also, notice the variability between water years within a generally wet or a generally dry year.

Below are select examples. Please explore further in the associated query tools.

Hydrologic Classification Indices

plot Water Year Hydrologic Classification Indices (HCI) Sacramento and San Joaquin

All Years River Conditions

All Years Heatmap and data download: one location and one data parameter.

plot All Years River Conditions for Flow at Wilkins Slough

Basin Conditions

Multiple Locations Heatmap and data download: one year and one data parameter. Note, this product is calendar year based.

plot 2023 Basin Conditions for Flow at multiple locations Sacramento River heatmap
plot 2022 Basin Conditions for Flow at multiple locations Sacramento River heatmap
plot 2016 Basin Conditions for Flow at multiple locations Sacramento River heatmap

River Conditions & Map

Multiple Locations, Multiple Years, Multiple Data Parameters line plot and data download. Note, this product is calendar year based.

plot 2023, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 Rivers Conditions for Flow in CFS at Keswick, CDEC site code KWK
plot 2023, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 Rivers Conditions for River Stage in Feet at Keswick, CDEC site code KWK
plot 2023, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 Rivers Conditions for Full Natural Flow in CFS at Shasta Dam, CDEC site code SHA
plot 2023, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 Rivers Conditions for Reservoir Elevation in Feet at Oroville Dam, CDEC site code ORO
plot 2023, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 Rivers Conditions for Reservoir Storage in AF at Shasta Dam, CDEC site code SHA
plot 2023, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 Rivers Conditions for Water Temperature in degree F at Shasta Dam, CDEC site code SHD

Weir Overtopping & History

Four Sacramento River weirs plot and data download.

plot 2023 Weir Overtopping at Sacramento River Weirs Moulton, Colusa, Tisdale, and Fremont
plot 2019 Weir Overtopping at Sacramento River Weirs Moulton, Colusa, Tisdale, and Fremont
plot 2015 Weir Overtopping at Sacramento River Weirs Moulton, Colusa, Tisdale, and Fremont
plot Weir Overtopping History at Sacramento River Weir Moulton
plot Weir Overtopping History at Sacramento River Weir Fremont

Stanislaus River Flow & Water Temperature

Stanislaus River Flow & Water Temperature with steelhead biological thresholds plot and data download.

plot 2023 Stanislaus River Flow & Water Temperature with biological thresholds
plot 2022 Stanislaus River Flow & Water Temperature with biological thresholds
plot 2020 Stanislaus River Flow & Water Temperature with biological thresholds

Lower American River Flow & Water Temperature

Lower American Flow & Water Temperature with biological thresholds plot and data download.

plot 2023 Lower American River Flow & Water Temperature with biological thresholds
plot 2020 Lower American River Flow & Water Temperature with biological thresholds