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SJRRP Restoration Allocation Management

Data Courtesy of San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP)
SJRRP Restoration Queries

Allocation Inventory — SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Restoration Flow Volumes

The Bureau of Reclamation provides an allocation of water that is dedicated for in-stream use in fulfillment of the Settlement. This Restoration Allocation is based upon the forecast of natural runoff upstream of Friant Dam. The Restoration Allocation is first made in January and updated regularly through May or June when it is finalized. Releases from Friant Dam for fish and wildlife purposes are called Restoration Flows. These flows are tracked and protected from unauthorized diversion as they make their way downriver to the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta.

The pattern and rate of Restoration Flows are scheduled by an independent Restoration Administrator, who may also draw upon “Buffer Flows” or acquire water to augment the Restoration Allocation. Any volume of the Restoration Allocation which cannot be released from Friant Dam due to downstream channel capacity limitations becomes Unreleased Restoration Flows that Reclamation may sell or exchange with proceeds benefiting restoration actions.

plot SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes. Restoration Allocation Inventory. Restoration Year is from March 1 through end of February the following year. Data extracted from SJRRP Operations spreadsheet provided by USBR. Spreadsheet Date: 2025/02/21.

Allocation Distribution (Monthly and Accumulated) — SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Restoration Flow Volumes

Exhibit B of the Settlement provides a default schedule of Restoration Flows. However, the Restoration Administrator may change the timing and pattern of releases to best benefit fish within certain conditions. The Settlement generally calls for the majority of water to be released from Friant Dam in March and April, with a lower baseflow throughout the remaining months and a small pulse flow in November. In “wet” year types spring flows extend into May, June, and July to facilitate riparian vegetation establishment and growth. In “dry” or “critical-high” year types, Restoration Flows are reduced such that the San Joaquin River may only flow continuously during the spring months. No Restoration Flows are released from Friant Dam in “critical-low” year types although Friant Dam releases some flow in all years to satisfy holding contracts between Friant Dam and Gravelly Ford. Restoration Flows are accounted for at Gravelly Ford, 38 miles downstream of Friant Dam.

The Restoration Allocation should be expended between March 1 and February 28/29 either as river releases or Unreleased Restoration Flows (URF) and cannot be carried over into the next “Restoration Year” (RY). The Restoration Administrator also has the option of advancing releases into the month of February (i.e. releasing Restoration Flows one month earlier overlapping the previous “Restoration Year”).

plot SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes. Restoration Allocation Distribution. Gravelly Ford, Monthly Volume. Restoration Year is from March 1 through end of February the following year. Data extracted from SJRRP Operations spreadsheet provided by USBR. Spreadsheet Date: 2025/02/21.
plot SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes. Restoration Allocation Distribution. Gravelly Ford, Accumulated Volume. Restoration Year is from March 1 through end of February the following year. Data extracted from SJRRP Operations spreadsheet provided by USBR. Spreadsheet Date: 2025/02/21.


Allocation Inventory

SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes. Restoration Allocation Inventory
Restoration Year Metric Value Unit SJRRP Operations Spreadsheed Date
2024Water Year TypeNormal-Wet 2025/02/21
2024Restoration Allocation329,026AF2025/02/21
2024Date of Allocation2024/05/17 2025/02/21
2024Acquired Water Volume Planned0AF2025/02/21
2024Acquired Water Volume Used8,700AF2025/02/21
2024Buffer Flows Planned0AF2025/02/21
2024Buffer Flows Used4,447AF2025/02/21
2024Date of Most Recent Data2025/02/21 2025/02/21
2024URF Removed from Allocation150,473AF2025/02/21
2024Restoration Flows Released Passing GRF185,264AF2025/02/21
2024Restoration Flows Planned to be released5,970AF2025/02/21
2024Date of Restoration Year End2025/02/28 2025/02/21
2024Net Balance at Year's End465AF2025/02/21

Allocation Distribution Monthly

SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes. Restoration Allocation Distribution. Gravelly Ford, Monthly Volume
SJRRP Operations Spreadsheed Date Restoration Year Restoration Month Display Type RY Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford Planned RY Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford Unreleased Restoration Flows Removed from Allocation Exhibit B Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford
VolumeUnit VolumeUnit VolumeUnit VolumeUnit
2025/02/212024Advanced into FebruaryMonthly Sum0AF0AF0AFNAAF
2025/02/212024MarchMonthly Sum23,086AF0AF0AF54,486AF
2025/02/212024AprilMonthly Sum23,520AF0AF42,105AF156,585AF
2025/02/212024MayMonthly Sum23,538AF0AF108,368AF9,838AF
2025/02/212024JuneMonthly Sum10,451AF0AF0AF9,521AF
2025/02/212024JulyMonthly Sum11,526AF0AF0AF7,379AF
2025/02/212024AugustMonthly Sum12,050AF0AF0AF7,379AF
2025/02/212024SeptemberMonthly Sum13,178AF0AF0AF8,331AF
2025/02/212024OctoberMonthly Sum12,190AF0AF0AF11,683AF
2025/02/212024NovemberMonthly Sum13,837AF0AF0AF20,430AF
2025/02/212024DecemberMonthly Sum14,678AF0AF0AF14,142AF
2025/02/212024JanuaryMonthly Sum15,421AF0AF0AF15,372AF
2025/02/212024FebruaryMonthly Sum11,790AF5,970AF0AF13,884AF

Allocation Distribution Accumulated

SJRRP Restoration Year 2024 Flow Volumes. Restoration Allocation Distribution. Gravelly Ford, Accumulated Volume
SJRRP Operations Spreadsheed Date Restoration Year Restoration Month Display Type RY Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford Planned RY Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford Unreleased Restoration Flows Removed from Allocation Exhibit B Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford
VolumeUnit VolumeUnit VolumeUnit VolumeUnit
2025/02/212024Advanced into FebruaryAccumulated0AF0AF0AFNAAF
Query Notes
  • San Joaquin River Restoration Program website.
  • Restoration Year is from March 1 through end of February the following year.
  • Data extracted from SJRRP Operations spreadsheet provided by USBR.
  • Spreadsheet Date: 2025/02/21.