SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon

UW Columbia Basin Research
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Juvenile Salvage & Loss

Salvage and Loss Summary

<> Salvage and Loss Summary tables of Chinook and Steelhead, unclipped and clipped, at SWP and CVP Delta Fish Facilities

Delta Loss

Non-clipped <> Older Chinook, <> Fry/Smolt Chinook, and <> Steelhead at SWP and CVP Delta Fish Facilities, additionally Clipped and Day/Night Sampling Patterns
updated: Tuesday, 02-Jul-2024 16:15:03 PDT

Delta Salvage

Non-clipped and clipped <> Chinook and Steelhead at SWP and CVP Delta Fish Facilities
updated: Tuesday, 02-Jul-2024 16:15:02 PDT

Salvage Timing

<> Salvage Timing at SWP and CVP Delta Fish Facilities with Cumulative Passage and Salvage Timing Characteristics
updated: Tuesday, 02-Jul-2024 16:15:34 PDT

Hatchery Chinook Loss Tables and CWT Releases

<> Hatchery Chinook Loss Tables of Confirmed and Unconfirmed Hatchery Chinook CWT Releases and CWT Releases of Interest

Salvage and Loss Detail

<> Salvage and Loss Detail Table of Clipped and Unclipped Chinook and Steelhead at SWP and CVP Delta Fish Facilities including genetic information where provided


<> Loss and Salvage Predictor real-time forecast of Loss and Salvage from approximately December to mid-June

Data Set Notes:

  1. SacPAS obtains salvage data from Fish Salvage Monitoring, CDFW Bay Delta Region
    • Salvage Database,
    • WY2012: Specialized reporting of CWT data for Chinook by CDFW started.
    • WY2020: Specialized reporting of DNA Race information for Chinook by CDFW started. Currently available in "SacPAS Salvage and Loss Detail Table" query.
    • SacPAS uses loss estimation methods as detailed in "Chinook Salmon Loss Estimation for Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility and Tracy Fish Collection Facility, 7/9/2018"

    • 20 April 2018: Due to an update strategy based on unique row identifiers, the SacPAS database occasionally accumulated duplicate rows of salvage data at the SWP and CVP. This resulted in salvage and loss numbers inflated by approximately 20% during the season (February-April, 2018). We have improved our data assimilation process and now report salvage and loss in line with the numbers from CDFW-Bay Delta Region. We would like to thank Geir Aasen at CDFW for his assistance in identifying and resolving this issue with SacPAS salvage and loss calculations.
  2. SacPAS obtains Export data from two sources:
    • Acrefeet in the database posted to Salvage Database,
    • CFS from the CDEC sites HRO (for SWP) and TRP (for CVP)
  3. The Delta Outflow, Sacramento River and San Joaquin River flow data are obtained from two sources:
    • CFS from CDEC for FPT (for Sacramento River), VNS (for San Joaquin River), DTO (for Delta Outflow)
    • CFS for FPT+SRWTP, VNS, and NDOI from DWR operations control documents posted to - 30 day PDF window loaded daily
  4. The Cross Channel Status is obtained from the log and change order PDFs located at - The Cross Channel condition is checked daily via the "Latest Cross Channel Gate Order", and updates are extracted from the PDF log which is published at
  5. On a daily basis, SacPAS calculates the OMR tidally filtered flow and the OMR index based on methods as described in:
    California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2017. Old and Middle River Flow Review: USGS Gauge Readings versus Index Calculations for 2011 through 2017. Online:
    See OMR Tidally Filtered Flow and Index Calculations as performed by SacPAS for full details. SacPAS calculated OMR Index is available for 28 October 2016 to the present.
Latest Monitoring Dates in SacPAS Database:

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SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon, University of Washington, Columbia Basin Research,

Monday, 08-Apr-2024 09:54:05 PDT