Tools & Models
SacPAS Tools
Egg-to-Fry Modeling — Sacramento River Chinook salmon egg development, survival, and fry emergence.
Migration Modeling — Sacramento River Chinook salmon migration and survival modeling from the fry stage below Keswick Dam to the smolt stage in the San Francisco Bay and Delta.
Salmon egg growth modeling begins with egg deposition at the time of spawning and ends with fry emergence from the gravel. Several methods of development rate and survival are available to select for modeling. This tool allows the user to control temperature inputs, counts of redds/carcasses/adults, and survival model parameters.
3rd Party Tools
The Delta STARS (Survival, Travel Time, and Routing Simulation) Model is an individual-based simulation model that predicts survival, travel time, and routing of juvenile salmon migrating through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The model's structure and parameters are based on a recent analysis (Perry et al. 2018) that relates individual survival, travel time, and routing of late-fall Chinook salmon to daily Sacramento River flows at Freeport and Delta Cross Channel operations. Delta STARS developed by USGS Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Section; deployed by SacPAS.
Predicts loss and salvage of endangered steelhead and winter run Chinook salmon at the CVP and SWP pumping facilities at the southern end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Model developed by Tillotson et al. 2022. Real-time forecasts of Loss and Salvage are generated from approximately December through June.
Supportive Tools
Generate temperature profiles, in a format for copy-and-paste as input to SacPAS Fish Model. Shiny app.
Explore the effects of adjusting model parameters on egg survival, including parameters related to temperature-dependent mortality and density-dependent effects (based on Martin et al. 2017; Anderson et al. 2022). Shiny app.
Explore effects of adjusting model parameters of the survival model during juvenile fish migration as a function of distance and time (based on Anderson et al. 2005). Shiny app.
Explore juvenile fish migration rate as a function of water velocity and day-of-year in a flow-pulse model (based on Zabel et al. 2008). Shiny app.
Generate a temperature profile, in a format for copy-and-paste as input to Egg Growth Model. Shiny app.