Workgroups & Teams

Redd Dewatering Query

Data Courtesy of PSMFC and CDFW
Adults & Redds Queries

Select Output Format

Select Survey Year, Run-Species, River Section

"All Years", "All Runs", and "All Sections" available as last option in each menu.
Query Notes
  • Disclaimer: It is important to note that the early years were simply a status check on the redds, i.e., dewatered, not dewatered, etc. In the later years, depths were gathered, but field personnel may have encountered issues in the field that prevented them from measuring the depths. The same applies to locations, sometimes the files were not saved in the earlier years, or the field personnel did not take geospatial points as they did not have access to high accuracy equipment.
  • The Redd Dewatering dataset is all encompassing, meaning that redds are measured multiple times throughout their lifecycles. The dataset follows the same section numbering as the Winter Run carcass survey. The flows are calculated to the nearest 15 minute interval for KWK and hourly for KES. This means that sometimes there is a KWK calculation but not KES or vice versa based on if a gauge goes down, or times are missing.
  • CDFW Upper Sacramento River Basin Salmonid Monitoring, CalFish for more information, including annual reports.