SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon

UW Columbia Basin Research
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Egg Growth Modeling: Spawned Egg to Emerged Fry

Version 2.1.5 [2024-Jan-16]

The salmon egg growth modeling process begins with egg deposition at the time of spawning and ends with fry emergence from the gravel. Development rate and survival can be modeled by various methods to determine fry emergence from the gravel. Multiple models of egg development rate and survival are available on this webpage. The user can specify the data inputs for river temperature and redd/carcass/adult counts, as well as the model parameters. Default parameters values are from studies referenced therein.

Historical temperatures provided by CDEC. Redd and Carcass data provided by CDFW.

For more information, see the Version Details page, and the References - Notes - Data Disclaimer page.

New Content released January 16, 2024.

Temperature Data
Use SHINY Tool to create temps.

Data in column:
Units: °C °F

Redd Distribution Data (Spawning)

Multi-select years no longer available.

Input data column:

Carcasses per redd: This divides the count to get redds. Positive integer only. This will adjust carcass counts to get the correct number of redds.
E.g. if males and females are equal in the population and every female spawns, use 2. More importantly, redds are often missed and carcasses greatly outnumber redds. For spawned female carcasses, you may want this to be 1.

Timing offset: For carcasses use a negative value because spawning is prior to carcass detection. For adult counts (e.g., at a weir), use a positive offset because spawning is delayed until redds are built.


General Instructions:
  1. Make a selection for "Temperature Data" and "Spawning Data".
    Either select from the dark green-blue lists, or click the radio button to choose the "Input or Upload" method to specify the input data.

  2. Additional options to specific input data have a light green-blue background. Users can select the appropriate parent radio button to access these options.

  3. In the "Analysis and Results Display" in the pale yellow area, users can choose to generate a query url and control formats of summary results and graphic outputs.

  4. Below the "Analysis and Results Display" area, users can choose among temperature-dependent mortality models, density-dependence models and development-rate models.

Analysis and Results Display



Additional model controls below

Option with database sources of Redd Distribution:
See Notes
Date Range: 

Temperature-Dependent Mortality (parameters are for °C temperatures)
Choose default calibration:

Pre-hatch egg:   α = x 10-  β =
Post-hatch alevin: α = x 10-  β =

Choose default calibration:

α = Daily mortality rate: per °C above critical temperature.
β = Critical temperature value °C.

  (Jager 2011)
Eggs:   TL: TU: kL: kU:
Alevin: TL: TU: kL: kU:

(Oppenheim 2014)

Threshold (USGS 2018a, Trinity/Klamath model) no longer available.
See References-Notes.
Click to enlarge:

Density-Dependent Mortality
For options below: S0 = Base survival (Sacramento 0.347; Trinity 0.687)

μ1 = Density-dependent survival per redd

K = Carrying capacity of redds.

Egg Development model
: Target ATUs °C days
(= 1724 °F days)
: Egg mass mg. (Range: 100 - 400)
Days = 1 / e10.404 - 2.043*log(T°C + 7.575)
Days = 1 / e6.872 - log(T°C + 0.332)
Hatching: °C days
(= 751 °F days)

Eggs per Redd (USGS,Trinity: 3000; Oppenheim,2014: 4925)
Click to enlarge:

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SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon, University of Washington, Columbia Basin Research,

Tuesday, 16-Jan-2024 10:20:38 PST