SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon

UW Columbia Basin Research
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SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction and Assessment of Salmon through Ecological Data and Modeling for In-Season Management

Mission: Provide web-based services to link data and science to in-season management.

This website provides monitoring, evaluation, and web-based data products and services for primary and associated activities funded by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and mandated by the Endangered Species Act (ESA). It serves as a means by which information integration services can be provided to the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) and ESA participants. Web-based services relate fish passage to environmental conditions and provide resources for evaluating the effects of river management and environmental conditions on salmon passage and survival.

Data Queries & Alerts Fish Model

Publicly accessible, web-based query and reporting system of historical and current fish, environmental, and hydrologic information, vital to year-round planning and adaptive management of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project. Data uploads provide the most up-to-date data as it is made available, whether it be daily, biweekly, monthly or annually. Basic conditions, performance measures, and threshold-based alerts are available through data aggregation and analysis of environmental conditions.

Adapts a smolt passage model based on NOAA’s Comprehensive Passage (COMPASS) Model to characterize movement and survival of juvenile fish through the Sacramento River system. The model uses available data from long-term monitoring sites and forecasts where available. Physical data may include water velocity, temperature, and flow. Biological data may include timing and location of spawning, and fish passage observations. User controls for fish movement, survival and other sub-models make this a flexible tool for river management, scenario evaluation and analysis. SacPAS Fish Model User's Manual.

Work Groups & Teams Tools

Customized data visualizations, critical limits, and data tables of current conditions in real-time to facilitate monitoring and management by Central Valley Work Groups and Monitoring Teams. Currently: Smelt Monitoring Team and Salmon Monitoring Team. Stanislaus Watershed Team is in early development.

Interactive statistical software and models for prediction of loss/salvage and analysis of fish growth. Shiny Apps developed by SacPAS in support of various tools and models.

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SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon, University of Washington, Columbia Basin Research,

Saturday, 08-Jun-2024 16:23:27 PDT