SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon

UW Columbia Basin Research
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Temperature Thresholds

Clear Creek

Clear Creek Temperature Thresholds for Juvenile Steelhead, Spring-Run Adults, Spring-Run Eggs, Pre-emergent Fry
Date Range: 6/1 - 10/31
updated: Sunday, 21-Jul-2024 06:45:03 PDT


Sacramento River Temperature Thresholds for winter-run Chinook, spring-run Chinook, CV Steelhead, and Southern DPS fo green sturgeon
Date Range: 5/15 - 10/31
updated: Sunday, 21-Jul-2024 15:15:03 PDT

Lower American

Lower American Temperature Thresholds for Over-summer Juvenile Steelhead Rearing
Date Range: 5/15 - 12/31
updated: Sunday, 21-Jul-2024 06:45:03 PDT


Stanislaus Temperature Thresholds for Steelhead: incubation and juvenile rearing
Date Range: 10/1 - 9/30
updated: Sunday, 21-Jul-2024 06:45:04 PDT


NMFS 2019. Biological Opinion on Long Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project. WCR-2016-00069. October 21. 871 pg. Plus appendices. Available online:

Reclamation 2019. Reinitiation of Consultation on the Coordinated Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project Central Valley Project, California Mid-Pacific Region, Final Biological Assessment, Chapter 4: Proposed Action. October 21. Available online:

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SacPAS: Central Valley Prediction & Assessment of Salmon, University of Washington, Columbia Basin Research,

Thursday, 23-Feb-2023 11:37:26 PST